Love Disorder Ch.2

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I was just about to put on another track when I heard Lexa scream, "Kate!! Kate!!...were free." I turned around as I was greeted by my favourite coffee coloured eyes and dark brunette haired Lexa.

She instantly gave me a one of her 'all famous' Lexa hugs and always a compliment of the day right after. She did it so much that it started to seem like a tradition. Right after her I got given two more hugs from my two other favourite nerds; Amy and Hannah.

After saying our 'Hello's' we heard Lexas mom hoot her horn right behind us in an attempt to say "Get in now." We always got a lift home from Lexas mom because she worked in a shop that delivers and was always going somewhere so we would catch a lift most of the time.

As we jumped into the car I felt Lexa pinch mine and Hannah's asses basically just starting that she was excited to not go to school today our tomorrow.

"Lexa hunny. Your dad and I are taking your little brother and sister to watch a movie with a few of their friends tonight so I was hoping you could arrange a sleepover so that I don't have to leave you alone at the house." Grace asked in the most motherly way that she could muster, Grace being Lexas mom of course.

The four of us looked at each other and said all at the same time "Sleepover Party!!"

I saw Amy move a little forward before leaning in to write on our hands exactly what we should bring, what time we should show up and what we should wear.

"Got it!" Amy stated as she winked knowing that we would be getting up to no good as usual. All of us nodding in agreement. Lexa unplugged her earphones and played, Gold by Kiiara.


We were all dropped off and were told to be there at 6:00 PM sharp. I headed inside my humble abode which consisted of my older brother Ashton, my mom and dad.

"Why are you home so early?" She asked as she kissed my forehead all while wearing her apron and a very funny looking mixture that best resembled that of Barney XD.

"Grace dropped us off because apparently school is cancelled for two days."

"As strange as that sounds, I heard youre sleeping over at Amy's house tonight. Her mom sent me a text with all the details." She sounded like I do this sort of thing every week or something

"Yeah, Lexa couldnt be at home tonight so Amy arranged a sleepover. Is it okay if I go?" I asked knowing she would say yes but still asking because I didnt want her to think Im not trust worthy. I mean like, how can I get away with things then?

"Of course its okay,just dont forget to start packing and getting ready at 5:00 because we will be leaving at 5:30 okay!" She said while continuing on with whatever it was that she was making.

I agreed to the terms and conditions, walked upstairs into my room and watched a few movies.


I had just finnished the movie 'The notebook' and gotten everything ready and was in the car on my way to Amy's House.

"Now I know asking you to stay out of trouble will be almost as useless as asking you to do your homework so just have fun but not too much fun got it! Love you, be safe."

"No promises, but Ill definately have fun, Love you too!" I said as I kissed her cheek and waved goodbye.

"And speaking of the devil!" I heard Hannah scream out as she ran up to hug me and show me the way to Amy's room. No its not that I dont know where her room is or that Ive never been in Amy's house, I just get lost in her maze of a house.


We just finnished the third flight of stairs and crossed into two hallways and finally we found the ever so sparkly door to Amys room.

"Hey dumbasses who's ready for some fun?" I asked as I barged into the room with open arms.

"KATE! Now we are talking." Lexa said as she wrestled me onto the bed and tickled me until I finally gave up and said "uncle uncle Lex!" Lex was her nickname that only I call her, she doesnt seem to mind so I dont even bother calling her anything else.

"So firstly we are so going to watch the ever so famous.......'fifty shades of grey' who's in?" Amy said with a smirk that put all smirks to shame

"How'd you even get that and wont youre parents hear?" Hannah asked seeming a little worried.

"Take a chill pill Hannah, I got it from my sisters room and no ones here cause they all went on a business trip including my sister so we have the house to ourselves." Amy replied while putting the dvd into the player and switching off all the lights. Hannah seemed more at ease after the new found information.

We all cuddled up into the bountiful amount of blankets and pillows laid out for us. In order it was Hannah, Amy, Me and then Lexa.

When the movie got a little sexual I felt Lex tense up a little in discomfort. I whispered into her ear,  "Lex are you okay, is it a bit too intense for you or dont you feel comfortable watching this?" All while being genuinely serious when asking because she held my arm and tightend her grip pulling a wierd face Ive never seen her pull before. I know that she isnt a very sexual person and that she has never had a boyfriend before so I guess this could drive her over the edge. "I feel a little funny is all." She whispered back, stopping her gaze that was fixated on the screen and turned it on my face. "If you feel funny maybe you should go to bathroom real quick! Ill come with you, dont tell Amy or Hannah but Ive already watched the movie with Ashton a few days ago." I told her so that she could feel a little calmer.

"Maybe I should go, but I dont want to stop watching for some reason. Is that like totally wierd?" She asked with a very concerned face. "Lex lets go to the bathroom we can talk there. I can barely hear what you are saying over how loud the movie is getting." I asked while getting up, grabbing Lex's hand and motioning my hands to the bathroom just to alert Amy and Hannah where we were going.


I need a bit more motivation to carry on writing but Ill see how far I get......

Thanks for the love so far!

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