Love Disorder Ch.9

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I was more nervous than Ive ever been before. How is it possible that Lex could make me this nervous? I told my mom that us girls would be going to eat out and that Lex's mom would be fetching me.

Lex called me right after school to tell me that her mom was very okay with her dating a girl and explained everything to me. About two hours later I heard a knock on my door and my heart dropped and my stomach went into a knot. "Ready?" My mom asked as she kissed my forehead and opened the door to reveal the most gorgeous and sexiest human being Ive ever seen.

She wore a Red skin tight dress that let her curves stand out and made me drool really bad! She walked over to me and gave me a hug, I couldnt help but feel her breasts push against me and her hands pulling me closer as I just fell into her. I was speechless and couldnt find anything to say to her without sounding completely obsessed with her.

"Common, lets go! Amy and Hannah are waiting." She smirked and kept a constant eye contact with me, trying to speak to me through her eyes.

We walked into the car where Grace was awaiting our arrival."Hey girls! Okay definately take a photo Lexa." She seemed to make Lex feel embarrassed but I never found it embarassing so I made her feel at ease, "Its okay, I think thats a great idea come on selfie." I held out my phone and just before I took the photo I looked to see if my mom was still watching, seeing that she had gone inside, I kissed her which made her shocked at first but then she went with it and let out a smile inbetween which I then took the photo thinking that that would be the perfect photo.


We got into the car and she put her hand on my thigh which I cant lie, drove me fucking crazy the whole ride to the restaurant.

"Ill see you two in a few! Dont get into too much trouble while youre here okay." She waved and drove off.

"Oh my gosh! I cant stand not being able to talk or touch you.......sorry that just slipped out my mouth." She cares way too much about how people see her, I couldnt be more attracted to her after she said that. "Baby, please dont say stuff lie that right now! I wont be able to control myself, and you are too fucking adorable!!"

I gave her lips a peck and walked Into the restaurant with her arms in mine. "Aaahhh, right this way." A gentlement kindly stated as we entered into the ever so fancy surfers club restaurant. "Your menus and drinks will be served shortly." I was fascinated at the service in here.

He soon walked away and got lost in the crowds. "Aaaawww, I love you!" Lex put her head on my shoulder and held my hand being the romantic and loveable person that she is, still hung up on the fact that she said she loved me. "I love you too." I gazed into her eyes and then at her lips that had some type of lip-gloss on because I could smell the cherry from here. I stared way too long so I ended my glare with a kiss, I wanted to kiss her passionately but there were way too many people and I didnt want all attention to be braught on us.

I pulled away, the cherry still lingering on my lips, and was surprised to see her eyes still closed as if she still wanted more. "You know, you dont always have to give me false hope hey." She opened her eyes and looked straight at mine. "Im sorry baby, I just didnt think you'd want all the attention on us." She looked at me with an evil smirk.

"I dont remember ever saying such a thing! And besides, this is my chance to show you off. Please let me show you off!" She grabbed my thigh again and then kissed me, but not like we usually do it, no she used her tongue this time. It felt rough yet smoother than anything Ive ever known, It was warm and wet and just plainly filled with lust and I wanted to do it with her forever.

I was still basically begging for it when she pulled away and answered a question that the waiter had asked, I was way too busy enjoying our kiss to even notice his existence.

He placed down two glasses of some unknown drink and then he went along to finnish off whatever it was that he had to do. "That- that was amazing! How'd you learn to do that?" I asked thinking about how it felt, the feeling still lingering on my tongue and lips.

"I never learned, I just went with what felt natural at the time, you felt like you knew what you were doing!" Little does she know I havent even kissed someone longer than 5 seconds.

I just smiled and took a sip of the unusual drink. I didnt like it all that much but pretended to until Lex tried a sip and almost spat it right back out. I laughed my ass off while trying to wipe away the little stains it left on her dress, "Sorry, Im such a clutz sometimes." She stated while staring at her stains that were left behind. "I dont know? I find it kinda sexy actually." Not even lieing, I loved how innocent she was and everytime she made a silly mistake it reminded me that she was still a little imperfect, considering the fact that I found her just a bit too perfect for me.

The rest of the night we spoke about things that no one knows about us and things we never told eachother as friends. We ended it off with a brownie that we shared and fed eachother that made me feel more special than I already do feel when Im with her.


We walked out and saw Grace looking at us with desperation, probably desperate to ask how it went.

"Hop in girls!" We did as told and Lex lay down on the backseat with her head on my lap, I loved it, I played with her hair as we continued our conversation that we had back at the restaurant. Grace would join in from time to time just to make it more funny and enjoyable.

We had reached Graces home instead of my own, "Uhm, I think you forgot about me Grace." I implied after realizing that Grace already parked the car and had stepped outside.

"No no, I didnt forget about you. I just thaught that it was hot tonight so maybe you girls would like to go for a swim before I take you home." Thinking that Grace and Lex were in on something, I humbly accepted but then realized I had no costume.

I hope we dont have the cliche 'I guess Im just going to have to undress here'.

"Dont worry, I have a spare costume for you if you want." Lex offered and she handed me a white set of bikini. "Dont you have anything less revealing baby?" See Ive never worn a costume that showd off my stomach or back or pretty much anything for that matter.

"Unfortunately not! Its either that or your birthday suite, Which I wouldnt mind seeing actually." She winked as she went into her 'walk in closet' and changed into her bikini that she took out for herself.

"I dont see the point in a bikini actually, I mean like you wouldn't walk around in your underwea-..............I take back everything I just said!" I was drooling more than a dog at christmas dinner. She was Fucking HOT! Her stomach was flat with abs that were not too distinct but perfect, Her butt creases were intense and made me want to just grab it and her cleavage was something I just couldnt keep my eyes off of.

"Im feeling a bit insecure at the way youre observing me right now Kate." She turned away in embarrassment and all I saw was pure perfection. "OH, MY, FUCKING, GOD! Can I take you right now? Im not even kidding!"

I walked over to her just to have a taste of what her body feels like in my arms, only to be greeted with a "You cant right now my moms upstairs and I know that if you start something with me I wont be able to stop."

She grabbed my arm and took me to the pool, I was staring at the way her ass would move when she walked and the way her back dimples would look even cuter when she thought I wasnt looking. I felt like a huge pervert for looking at her like that but I couldnt help it!


OMG! Thank you all for the views, votes and comments!! Your giving me motivation to right more! Dont worry I wont say that if I dont get a certain amount of views/votes I will then only will I write more! Il write no matter what. Appreciate everything <3

As usual, next chapter will be comming out tomorrow.

Love Disorder (GXG) (Sexual Content)Where stories live. Discover now