Love Disorder Ch. 14

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I felt something on my ass and realizing that it wasnt part of my dream I opened my eyes in the attempt of waking up, to my unfortunate circumstances my eyes were heavier than ever and even a second of trying to open them felt like a workout that I hadnt planned for.

Luckily the feeling went from my ass to my thighs that suddenly made my eyes shoot open and the feeling became more intense, I soon realized the position I was in and became more at ease. I was spooned into Lex and her curios little hand was exploring my sleepy body which made me feel safe and warm and more comfortable than ever.

"You awake sleepy head? Its 7:00 AM so you can go back to sleep." She whispered, it really was music to my ears!

"I dont want to. Not now that your exploring me while Im spooned into you, I want to live in this moment." I whispered back with a smile that put all smiles to shame.

"Im not exploring you because I want you to wake up, Im exploring you because Im horny with your body intangled with mine and I couldnt help myself, sorry baby." She stopped touching me with her hand so I took it slowly and put in on my left breast and caressed it with guidance from my hand.

"You know.......Wendy left about an hour ago with Markus outside for some reason and we have your room for ourselves!" She let go of my hand and breast, put her hand under my shirt and started caressing it skin to skin, I didnt even care about Wendy or Markus anymore.

My thoughts were wild and erotic and I started feeling her slightly hump my leg that was inbetween hers which made me turn around and start kissing her from her neck all the way up to her ear, I started sucking on her earlobe and give slight nibbles from time to time just to hear her moan which she did. I was lost inside her and wanted nothing more than to consume her.

"Can we please go all out this time baby?" She stuttered and could hardly finnish her sentence which turned me on soooo fucking bad.

"Is the door locked?" Hoping that it was.

"No, but Ill do that quick!" She meant it, she ran and locked the door then proceeded to kiss and explore me.

"Touch me!" I mumbled not even realizing I had said it. I guess it was so intense that my brain couldnt function properly anymore, which I soooo didnt mind at all.

"Like this?" She asked to make sure she was doing it right.....It couldnt possibly be more perfect! She started slowly and gently rubbing me through my underwear and shorts and I knew that this was actually going to happen which made me thrust up and down onto her hand just to get more of the feeling.

"Can I go inside?" Her hand still doing its magic and her words even more so.

"Not yet, I want to make you scream first!" I got out from underneath her and was now ontop.

"Please remember that Im a virgin baby! Ive never been touched so please go easy on me okay." I smirked and felt my panties become soaked which was new to me because Ive never been really, really wet before never mind this aroused. It feels like I just want to have her and take her and- and- I have never been this turned on before in my life basically.

I pulled her top off and took her breast into my mouth like they did in the porno, it actually works because Lex arched her back and moaned into my soul that made me feel like climaxing but I told my body to wait!

"Shit! I think I might- I might just orgasm right now if you keep doing that!" She was humping the air so I put my hand on her so she had something to ride and booii did she ride it!

"God, your making me soo fucking wet right now baby!" I told her so she knew that she was making me feel just as good.

"Inside baby.......I cant take it anymore!" A tear dropped from her cheek and I realized just how intense it was for her.

I took my hand away from her warm, wet and throbbing pussy and slowly, inch by inch put my hand inside her pants just to keep the suspense. When I finally felt her pussy on my hand it was like nothing Ive felt before, it was even more wet than expected and I could practically feel her heart beat from there. Before I lingered for too long, Lex was crazy, her eyes were closed and her moaning became more persistant.

"Should I slow down baby?" Hoping she would respond as I slowly started rubbing her clit that made her thrust into me with such force and desperation.

"Please dont....please!" I stopped rubbing her clit and just circled around her entrance for a while, until I put my one finger inside. It was even warmer inside than out and her walls sucked on my finger and it felt like I could tear her just by adding another finger so I didnt.

"Wait- wait- I need to pee Oh my fuck baby wait!" I remembered talking to Cody and Kyle about squirting and how it felt like needing to pee so....

"Just push baby, Let it out..its not pee!" I myself felt like I had peed myself because of how wet I was.

"I- I cant hold it......Shit baby! SHIT!!......." her eyes shut, her head rolled back and her stomack tightened as I felt a large amount of cum being released onto my hand and wasnt wattery like pee but instead it was almost like slime. Seeing her like this made me crazy and

I wanted her, I needed her!


I actually allowed 'Lex' to write this because
1. She knew it better/remembered it
2. She is way better at being dirty than me
3. She stole my tablet and wrote the story then lazy old me published it because I was lazy and she is just too cute to say no to!

Love you <3


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