Love Disorder Ch.6

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The movie ended with everyone smiling and cheering. I couldnt even think about the movie at all, all my mind was set apon was Lex. I still dont know if I am gay or something else but one thing was for sure.....I really am attracted to Lex.

I tried my best not to think about it too much cinsidering the fact that I still had time to have fun with her....and Amy and Hannah, of course I couldnt forget about them.

"KATE! Please, please please come with me on the bumper carts! I wanna beat your ass."
She still seemed just too innocent, I dont know whats wrong with me anymore...

"Yeah yeah, but Im not going easy on you okay." As I winked at her and headed off to buy us two tickets. The man at the ticket stand looked very sickening, he looked like the last bath he had was in 1998 and reeked of hot dogs and piss. "How may I be of assistance mam?" Seeming very uninterested. "Two tickets for the bumper carts please." I hope he didnt see how disgusted I was right there and then. "Thanks." I said not really being thankful but showing my manners for some reason. "K darlin." Highly disturbed at him calling me darlin but feeling much better to be in the arms of Lex as I gave her a hug.

"Aaaawww miss me already? You were gone like 3 minutes." Grabbing my arms and pulling me to face her. I wanted to kiss her but then again 'When dont I?'

"I always miss you." I said trying not to seem too desperate or clingy but most likely still comming off as such

"God! Your cute.......Are you going to give the lady your tickets or do I?" I see what she did there. But I turned around and handed the lady our tickets as I jumped into the big red cart and Lex into the Green one.

The game begun and we tried bumping into eachother in the attempt of winning.....wait a minute, how the fuck does one win this game? Oh well atleast I get to stare at Lex while I look like a complete idiot. I was about to head butt her when I heard, "Hey, red really does make you look hot you know." She teased so that I could get distracted.........mission accomplished. She took the advantage and butted me from behind and I guess one could say that a bumper cart is heavier than what it looks like, I would know considering the fact that it was basically pulverising me underneath it.

"OH MY GOSH!! Kate...Kate are you okay? Please be okay!" She bolted out of her cart and shoved mine off me, This girl either has superman strength or I was just hella weak but she managed to get it off me and pick me up to carry me to safety.

"You're a walking cliche you know that." I said as she placed me on the side bar. "You scared me half to death!" Holding the sides of my face with her hands and staring down my soul as if I had just died and came back to life.

"Well, atleast now I know you care'" I smirked into her palms.

She leaned in and kissed me, "Im working on it." She replied leaving me in utter shock due to the fact that there were over 200 people around us when she kissed me but at that moment in time, I didnt even care at all. "Shit! Do it again." We both turned around to see a group of guys staring us down.

"Go jerk off to your dads gay porno dipshit cause thats probably the most excitement your ever going to have." I said as I grabbed Lex by the arm and walked off. I reached the exit before I felt a sharp sensation in my stomach area. "Lex, I need a breather...I-I Im-." I dont remember much after that just remember falling and Lex catching me and screaming "Call an Ambulance!" Then seeing Amy and Hannah rush over but then I blacked out.


"CAN YOU HELP HER?" I heard Lex's voice then opened my eyes to see Lex holding my hand while speaking....well more like screaming at a doctor or nurse I couldnt really tell.

We were driving though, I could tell that much. "Whats happening?" I asked as both, Lex and the doctor Nurse turned to me. "You are bleeding internally but we are rushing you off to the Saint Terance Hospital okay. We will contact your gaurdian shortly." Well thats perfect, its all Ive ever wanted someone to say to me........"WHAT THE FUCK?! INTERNALLY?! I-I dont want to die.." I almost passed out when Lex shot up and hugged me and didnt let go. "Not on my watch!" She muttered almost under her breath but I heard it.

"Who are you to her?" The doctor nurse asked Lex as she tilted her head a little but still not breaking our hug, "Im her....uh.....-" she was about to say friend when I said with full confidence that I was going to die soon... "She's my girlfriend."

She broke the hug and we had a moment when she looked at me in the eyes and then at the Doctor nurse and smiled in agreement. I was so happy in that moment that I didnt even feel the excruciating sharp pain in the bottom area of my stomach that best resembled the feeling of someone stabbing an old wound with a knife repeatedly.

When we exited the vehicle it felt as if I was in a movie and I was the victim that got shot and they rushed me out of the vehicle while rushing me off all while Lex being held back by some nurses. "Please let her come with." Everything went dark and I didnt even catch a reply from whoever it was that I asked. I remembered seeing Amy and Hannah just as we exited the vehicle but I wasnt sure if I was in the right state of mind or not.


Not my best chapter but the next one will be everyones favourite......if you catch on

Im not sure if peole are enjoying it or not so Im doubting....

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