Love Disorder Ch.20

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Tears escaped her eyes despite her trying to keep them in. "I,,I don't really know the words Kate...but I'm,,,I'm going to try.." I've felt pain before but this hurt, seeing her crying like this inches away from my touch and yet im not able to do anything to make them go away.

The door slammed and I swear I would've fallen to the floor if I didn't keep my cool. "Hey Wendy, can you just give us a second?" Surprisingly she just flat out ignored me and went into my bathroom, split seconds later the bath water started running. ?? The heck? Rude much?

"Sorry about that love, please. Carry on I'm listening." She shuddered and lay down in the bed facing the opposite direction. Okay now I'm pissed at Wendy... I was about to get SOMETHING from her. Anything, just anything would help me but I got nothing.

"Don't hide away from me again, you were finally opening up to me? What happened?" She cried softly under her breathe without a word for a few minutes which seemed like hours. "Lex. This isn't fair on me at all." I was actually kinda mad at Lex too at this point I just needed some air so I went outside and took a walk down the street.


"Hey! Kate? That you?"

"Oh shit, Cody! Hey." Running up to me in what seemed to be his pajamas he mid tackled me into a hug.

"Nice pajamas." Laughing he didn't seem too embarrassed, I liked that.

"Why thanks, I picked them out myself." Winking he was still attempting to catch his breathe. "Say, you're alone....walking down the street....without music. What's happenin?" He always was good at reading people.

"We found Lex" he lost even more breathe gasping like that.

"WHERE? WHEN? What the heck happened to her?" Yanno Cody I'd love to fucking know too.

"You tell me, she won't say a word to me. She looks like she's been ridden over by a truck all battered and bruised and won't even whisper a word as to why". He dragged me over to the parks bench and caught his breathe finally.

"You know, maybe something really bad happened to her. I'm not one for assuming or being good with talking to people but maybe she's in shock or hurt, yanno emotionally or something. Thinking like that might make you less mad at her. Think about it Katey, she's always been open and crazy with you, now she's shying away and keeping things from you. Just seems out of character I guess." When did Cody suddenly start being good at advice?? I'm not complaining though, he really got to me.

"I guess, I guess I never really thought about it that way. I just wanted to know so badly that I didn't give a shit about anything else. Say, when have you been good at advice?" Laughing he just smirked through his laugh.

"You're saying I haven't always been amazing at that?" He started tickling me up till the point where I was on the ground crying for mercy with tears forming at my eyes.

"Wanna come inside? I need to change anyway and I swear to god I'm going to murder you if my breakfast overcooked." He helped me up and I followed him into his house, it's a pretty big place and considering he lived alone it seems even more spacious.

"Dude, your place... Can I live here?" Sarcasticly ofcourse, though I must say it wouldve been tempting.

"I mean sure but if any girl wants to stay here there's a fee." He started taking the bacon and eggs off the stove and toast out the toaster.

"Oh yeah? And exactly what fee might this be? Their virginity?" Laughing I fell onto his couch and got comfortable.

"Well, that would be great too, but I was referring to being my girlfriend."

Love Disorder (GXG) (Sexual Content)Where stories live. Discover now