Love Disorder Ch.5

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I pulled my hand away and we covered ourselves with the blankets and Lex, still wet and more confused than ever had to play it cool because we knew that Amy and Hannah were comming to check up on us after all the noise we've been making.

As suspected, Amy barged in the room and after her followed Hannah. "What in the hell is going on in here?" Amy asked expecting to see a dead body of some sorts.

Before I could utter a word, without hesitation, Lex said, "Oh we were just telling eachother scary stories, sorry if we were to loud." Her face still being redder than a tamatoe. "Mmhm.....Okay then. Dont scare us like that though!" Hannah replied while slowly grabbing Amy's hands and walking out of the room shutting the door behind them.

"Maybe we should get some rest before tomorrow, we are apparently going to watch a movie." I kissed her again but this time with more passion. When I pulled away she came in closer as if to say "Hey Im not done yet." I tucked her in and spooned her, ignoring all my urges I had at the time.

As soon as I intangled my legs and feet with her own she let out a soft moan that made me quiver a little. "Do you want me to go to my side of the bed? I can see your uncomfortable." I slowly distanced myself before she grabbed me and pulled me closer, "I am comfortable, thats why I moaned silly." Laughing a little yet still looking a little in discomfort.


I woke up to see Lex still in my arms and sound asleep. The sun shon on her just perfectly so her facial features were lit up and she looked as inoccent as can be. Just like any other cliche that I enjoyed so much I ran my fingers along her arms and put the hair behind her ear and kissed her neck, hoping she wouldnt wake up as I did so.

"Lex....lexy maybe you should wake up. Common buttface we are leaving in about an hour." I whispered as I squeezed her a little harder in the intention of getting her attention.

"But I want to lie here forever baby." I almost jumped her right there after she called me that.

"Oohhhh, so Im your baby now?" I teased while giggling and kissing her on her neck that was already in reach.

"No fair! Im half asleep right now Im not 'all' here quite yet." She said it in the most girly way possible. She turned around and looked at me intently for what seemed like forever. "How can you possibly look this amazing after you just woke up?" She asked after she winked at me and got up to find clothes to wear to the movies.

"ME?! I look average, you on the other hand look like an angel even after just waking up."

I sat up and rubbed my sleepy face. When I took my hands away I saw Lex in only a loose white shirt and undies crawling from the bottom of the bed to me. My eyes widened as her face was practically touching mine as she shoved me down and said, "I know youre just saying that because of what happened last night but Ill take it. Also your too modest." She put my bang out from my face and kissed my cheek. She went off and found the rest of her outfit leaving me wanting more.

"KATE! LEX! Were going in about 20 minutes so move your asses if you haven't already!" I heard Amy shout out as soon as I got up to pull out my outfit of the day. "Im going to wait there by the front door for everyone okay." Lex said after she ran up gave me a peck on my lips and ran out of the room like a little school girl when they hear the ice-cream truck.

I finnished up and walked to meet the rest by the front door with Lex. Lex and Amy were already standing waiting for us, "Okay so Josh is going to take us to the movies but I wont allow him to join dont worry!" Amy stated, Josh being her 'Way too old' boyfriend at the age of 19 and Amy being 16. Ive never liked Josh to be honest, he always hurt Amy and forever got away with it because he's a fuckboy and its what they do best.

By the time Hannah joined us Josh had just pulled up and was hooting is already worn out hooter. Amy ran over to Josh said something to him and signalled to us to hop in.


"So, what will the four fun sponges be up to today?" Laughing and taking off his sunglasses while still paying attention to the road, Luckily. "Movies, bumper carts, shopping and eating the usuall when anyone goes to the mall." Hannah remarked.

Ive completely forgotten about what my family would say about me and Lex, I thaught while I was thinking about the cute yet cliche moves Id make on her today. My family have always been Homophobic and would most likely shun you if you came out as gay or even bisexual etc., basically you were forced to be straight.

Fortunately for Lex, her parents are so chilled with anything she was doing. If she were to come out gay her mom would even try and help her find a girlfriend is all Im saying.

I guess Lex realized I was thinking too much so she put her hand on my thigh and made little circles with her fingers while looking out the window at the scenery. I got a little turned on but she didnt seem to mind, for all I know that was probably the whole point of it. It shocks me to think that Lex could be some undercover freak and or sexual beast that no one knows about but I let it slip by because to be all that honest....I wouldnt really be complaining if she was.


We stopped at the entrance to the mall and one by one we walked out while Josh kissed Amy and drove off leaving nothing but tire marks and the smell of burned rubber behind.

"Alright Ladies, to the movies! We are going to be watching some movie called Mrs Pilgrims home for peculiar children, heard of it?" Knowing that we have.

Amy and Hannah baught the tickets and placed the seats for us while me and Lex baught the food and drinks. We were about to enter the cinema when I heard Hannah ask "So whose getting the couple seats? Only seats that were available were the couple seats and the two next to them sorry guys, it was either that or standing so be a little more grateful." I wanted so badly to say 'Me and Lex will take it!' But I thaught that that would make her feel uncomforatble so I rather kept quite.

"I mean I can sit in the lovers seat but only if Kate sits with me because I dont like creeps." Lex almost made me swallow my gum when she said that. "I mean yeah sure, no biggy." I told Hannah before being pulled into the cinema and being placed in my seat with Lex on my Left.

"Dont freak out by the way!" She said as if she was about to rob the place and only I knew.

"What do you mean, freak out? What are you thinking Lex?" Very confused and anxious about what she was going to do/say to answer me.

"Nothing bad, Trust me!" While her hand was placed inbetween my inner thighs and she kept on a motion that made me thrust with her. She wasnt even touching me like 'that' yet it felt as if she was, she whispered in my ear "I dont know whats wrong with me but Im like super attracted to you, like all the time and I dont want you to freak out about it okay!" didnt want her to stop but I didnt want her to do it in such a public area either.

"Lex, I dont think getting me horny right now will be a really good idea." She stopped moving her hand and leaned in to kiss me just as the lights went out. Instead of movimg away I kissed back, but only until the movie just started and the lights surrounded the room. I held her hand and she placed her head on my chest as it was very comfortable enough to do so in the lovers seats, probably why its so comfortable. I didnt even care about the movie except when they started eating the eyes, I found that actually really cool, yes Im aware that I need help...stop judging me.


Thanks for all the love, I send lots of love back! When I become a bit more popular Ill be giving out shoutouts to any one that adds my book to their reading lists! MWAH <3

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