Love Disorder Ch. 16

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Soon enough I had Markus, Ashton,Wendy and mysel driving everywhere from School to any restaurant she's ever mentioned.

When it was 2AM Markus said we should head home and try again tomorrow morning.

"What about school?" I asked.

"Uhm- I think this is a little more important so skip!" Wendy replied.

"Sure, do you think we'll ever find her?" I was slightly freaking out as tears started falling almost instinctively.

"Of course we will! She couldnt have gotten too far." Wendy moved closer to me and helled me as I sobbed into her.

"Plus she's smarter than most of us, she knows what shes doing Kate!" Markus said, probably just to make me feel better.

"We're all really tired baby, lets head home." Wendy said to Mark that was driving.

Within a few minutes we reached home and Wendy took me to my room as Ashton and Markus explained everything to my mom.


"Come on, go take a shower girst and Ill go right after okay." Wendy let go of me as I walked over to the shower.

While I was in the shower I couldnt help but relax and calm down a little but still hoping that Lex wasnt hurt or worse.

"You alright in there?" I heard Wendy ask as I got out of my zoned out state.

I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around me. I walked out as Wendy went right in but giving me a quick hug for comfort.

I plopped onto the bed with only my towel on and accidentally fell asleep.

A few minutes later Wendy walked out already dressed and ready.

"Hey, hey Kate! Youve fallen asleep." She shook me a little and I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to puke. I dont know why I did but the next thing I knew was that I had that icky feeling in my throat from it and I began to cry from it too for some reason.

"Oh my god! Its okay come here." Wendy pulled me up and took me back to the room. I was surprised as to how she wasnt disgusted. I felt terrible! Everything was dizzy and I couldn't find my balance when I was walking.

"Here's some clothes, put them on quick while I go make you some soup okay!"

She was being a real mom and for some reason I didnt mind, instead I found it really sweet. I slowly but surely put my clothes on while I heard Wendy walk up the stairs. "Oh Im sorry!" She turned around as I struggled to put on my shirt but got the hang of it surely enough.

"Is the coast clear?"

"Mmhm." She turned around, placed the soup onto the bedside table and tucked me into the bed.

"Here, have some." She handed me the soup and put a bucket next to my side of the bed.

"Youre being really sweet." I said.

"I have my moments." She looked at me for a bit then joined me inside the bed and she asked if I wanted to watch a movie.



Apparently I fell asleep on Wendy's shoulder because when the movie was done she helped me off her and put me down as she put the laptop away.

"Night sleepy head." She turned around and tried to fall asleep.

I couldnt sleep so I stared at the ceiling for what seemed to last for about an hour before I picked up my phone to try and call Lex at 3AM hoping for any luck.

Love Disorder (GXG) (Sexual Content)Where stories live. Discover now