Love Disorder Ch.17

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I started to question whether Lex was alive or not and it scared me to even think about never seeing her again which really put a toll on my emotions the rest of the search.

I got to see a side of Wendy that Ive never seen before, she wasnt the person I put her out to be the first time we met. My mind rambled on for a while until I realized that the sun was setting which made a beautiful ray of colours in the sky which only made me want Lex with me even more.

"I miss her Wendy." My emotions gave way and I cried as Wendy put me into her shoulders once again.

"I know, I know but we will find her and you will see her again you just have to be patient okay."

The car stopped at the front of the house just like the last time and still no sign of Lex. I missed her, not only her touch and everything but I missed how she made me feel and the way we would talk to eachother, I missed her soft voice that sent shivers through my body. I was about to completely lose it if I didnt hear her voice soon.

"Come on lets go Kate, tomorrow the police are getting involved so we can take a bit of a break but for now we can rest okay." I simply nodded at Wendy and we walked slowly all the way to my empty room.

"Its okay Kate! She's fine I know it." Ashton tried to cheer me up before I went to sleep


I woke up in the middle of the night in Wendy's arms which I actually felt comfortable in but I didnt want to make things wierd so I tried to manoeuvre my way out.

Wendy just squeezed a little tighter and soon enough I gave up and fell asleep like that.

When the sun came up I was woken up by Wendy's lovely alarm.

"Morning already? Whyyyyy?" Wendy said as soon as it went off.

"Or so it seems." I said soon after.

"I slept like a baby last night for some reason!" Wendy stated very happily.

"Well, you were spooning me the entire night."

"Oh sorry. Im just used to sleeping like that."


As I stared out the window with a bowl of crunchies cereal in my hands, I examined how tidy the police officer was. Eerything about him screamt "Mamma's boy".

His identity card read, "Randy". I mean really, I was putting my girlfriends life in a man named Randy's hands. Wendy was having an intense conversation with Mark about who knows what and Ive come to realize that I cannot lipread to save my life.

I walked over to the kitchen to place my empty bowl in the dishwasher when I saw wendy push Mark away and storm out of the room. This time she didnt seem sad she seemed somewhat upset.

I placed my bowl inside the dishwasher and walked past Markus and into my room where Wendy was sitting by my window seat staring off into the distance almost as if planned.

"What was that all about?" I asked as calm as I could possibly sound.

"Nothing." She hesitated for a bit then carried on, "men are just walking erections and Ive had just about enough of it!" She was angry but that didnt stop her from letting a few tears escape.

"Well, thats not completly wrong. What did Mark do?" My curiosity has never failed me yet.

"He.....He had sex with another girl." Suddenly regretting all of my decisions Ive made.

"Are you going to dump him? I know he's my cousin and all, but what he did was wrong and you shouldnt have to put up with that!"

"I mean, I really really like Mark but youre right. I dont think our relationship is stable anymore. HES SUCH A DICK SOMETIMES KATE!" She cried for about an hour before I decided to play one of her favourite movies to help her calm down.


Love Disorder (GXG) (Sexual Content)Where stories live. Discover now