Love Disorder Ch.8

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I stil couldnt rap my mind around the fact that I now have a girlfriend! I probably smiled the whole night until I saw the sun trying to find an entrance through my closed curtains. I was about to see if Lex was still sleeping when she turned around from our spooning position and while keeping her sleepy eyes closed she said, "Morning baby, Im going to go brush my teeth before I become less attractive than I am right now." She sat up and waddled off to the bathroom where she brushed her teeth and still looking adorable while dong it.

"How do you do it?" I asked. "Do what?" Sounded super cute because of the fact that said it while trying to keep the bubbly toothpaste from falling out her mouth.

"How do you always know what to say and when to say it?" Knowing that everything she said and did made me fall for her, even the stupid little nothings. She rinsed her mouth and walked over to me. "I honestly dont know what youre talking about." She smirked in a sarcastic way and kissed my cheek, "You did it again!" I got up and started brushing my teeth aswell.

I bent down to rinse my mouth when I felt two of her hands grab my waist and pull me into her, I quickly rinsed and turned around and put my hands on her waist. "Is this okay?" She asked as she moved her head forward and gently kissed my neck up and down. "Couldnt be more okay." As I felt a moan escape from my mouth, I swear I didnt even plan it to happen.

I was about to return the favour when we heard my mom knock on the door and ask if we were ready for school. "Shit! I forgot about school.." we both ran and got ready in about 7 minutes and hopped into the car right after.


"Heres the famous hospital girl! Hun are you okay? They didnt hurt you did they?" Amy asked as soon as I stept out of the car. "Ha-ha, no Amy im okay they didnt hurt me."

"Good because then I would have to take my shoes off to go kick some ass." Amy always makes someone feel so happy to have a friend like her sometimes...

I felt Hannah grab me from behind in the form of a hug. "Why did you come to school? You need time to rest!" She is so intentive.

"Its okay seriously. I feel much better now." Lex grabbed my hand and squeezed tight not letting go until we reached my class. "Please be safe! And please dont fall inlove while Im gone." She gave me a peck then dramatically left me standing there without giving me a chance to reply.

"Yo!!! Kate......What was that all about? I didn't know you were into chicks." I turned around to see Kyle and cody staring me with the most perverted look they could muster. "I didnt know either until Lex came along..." actually regretting saying anything at all because then they asked me every question a teenage guy would ask if they ever had the chance of meeting a real life lesbian and not just one on the screen of one of their pornos. Ex. "Are you guys dating? Are you now a lesbian? Have you guys had sex yet, if so we want all the details! Also......Are you into threesomes?" I wanted to crawl up into a ball and to never be seen again.

"Yes we are dating, I dont do labels, I dont think you could handle it and FUCK NO!" I replied to all their questions in one go and covered my face with my hoodie. "Please lets change the subject!" Knowing that they would carry on so I played my music and stared at the ceiling the whole art period.


"I missed you!" I heard Lex say behind me as she put her hands on my face and gave me a kiss. I backed away because Amy and Hannah were standing right infront of us, I almost died seeing them there just watching. I was about to say that I could explain but instead I heard Hannah say right after, "Shut up!! You werent joking!! No way!!" And they stood in awe.

"What just happened?" I asked trying to understand everything. "I kinda, might have, sorta told Amy and Hannah..." Lex replied very innocently.

"What! Are you guys okay with it? Like are you guys even going to be alright with us being a couple?" I was just shook!

"Fuck yeah! But only if we get to make fun of you guys every now and again." Amy said while giving me and Lex a hug, which soon after Hannah joined.


We sat at our table to eat lunch and gossip as usual. I loved how caring and how territorial Lex was today. She would kiss me from time to time just so people knew to back off and she would romantically remove anything when I accidentally messed from eating a bit too fast. One could say that I was falling inlove with her.

Everytime we did something 'couply' Hannah and Amy would just give the usual 'aaawwww', I cant lie it never got old.

The bell rang and this time I walked her to class. We spoke about our day all the way until we reached her English class where she pulled me around the corner and whispered in my ear, "Im sorry about recess, I cant help it. I cant keep my hands to myself when Im around you! As a girlfriend is it okay to want to always be holding you or touching you? I mean like, Im not being too clingy am I?" My heart wanted to explode when she sid that.

"Are you kidding? Thats probably the sexiest thing anyone has ever told me! Please keep doing what your doing, your the best girlfriend ever!!" I leaned in and kissed her seductively even biting her lip in the end.

"That funny feeling is back!" Her eyes squinted and she started kissing and touching me everywhere uncontrollably. "Baby, your going to be late for class! How about dinner at the surfers club tonight?" She pulled away with lust and agreed to my invitation. I walked away to my class and probably smiled like a complete idiot for the whole day.


Just saying this to make the story even more exciting, Its a very true story. It might not be EXACTLY down to the last detail true but its based on a true story!

Lots of love....Skylar! <3

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