Don't hate me.

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♦ Harley's p.o.v ♦

Red started kissing down my body, it's going to happen! Me and Red, a smile grew on my face. It was going to happen me and Red where about to- My mind snapped back to earlier, everything Dianne said: "Leading her on", "You whore! You sneaky little whore", "Your using my daughter!", "you want her to love you whilst you do nothing for her.", "Your not making her feel loved. Your not going to love her"... "Hell you won't even end up making love to her, you will just fuc-"

She was right, I am a whore. I'm using her, leading her on, losing her isn't my biggest fear. I want her love but what do I do for her ? We're not making love... It's all about me, she's kissing me. I can't keep doing this to her.

"Red?" I tried to shift around to try and get her attention, nothing ...

"Red?!" I can't let her waste her first time on me, I can't let her waste her life on me. I have to go back...

Red must have been daydreaming so I tried to shuffle my body away from hers, but I love her body against mine, I was so sure I loved her. Why was that my biggest fear?! Why did I lead her on after the fear toxin, I should of left whilst she thought I was dead. Do I really l-love H- him? He hurt me. He did unspeakable things to my body... Red loves me she would never- what the hell is on my arm?! I looked up to see a thick green vine wrap around my left arm, then my right. The vines were tightening the more I wriggled, suddenly my arms got rammed up and pushed down into the mattress. My arms started to burn and I couldn't help but wriggle.

"Reddd?!" I saw more vines sprouting around me moving towards my ankles... And the TWINS! The vine wrapped around my ankles and my middle, I tried to move my twins to safety. ""R-red. S-s-stop. P-please." My face was overtaken by terror as the vines tightened.

Red slowly looked up, as I saw her eyes hit mine her whole face shifted. The seductive smile previously on her face dropped, she pushed herself away from me. The vines slowly slithered away, I didn't want to move or even dare breathing. I just watched Pammy, she scanned my whole body stopping at my middle. I saw the guilt in her eyes even though she refused to look at my face.

"I-i'm so sorry Harl. I- I didn't even know I was doing it. I-i -" She sounded so guilty... Why couldn't I just make her happy. Why can't I love her.

"I- it's fine. It's just... You know." It felt like my P-Puddin. Going back to him might work out better. Red can find someone else, someone who can love her.... I thought I did, I was so sure. Every time I'm with her she gets hurt. I don't want my Puddin to hurt her again.

Red pulled herself up the bed, still not meeting my eyes keeping her back to me. I wrapped my arm around Red for the last time. I took in all of her beauty, she didn't have many cuts or bruises on her back. After I memorised every crease, every bump of her spine, her perfectly round butt and the new end of her short rough red hair, I finally pulled the sheets up and over our bodies. I wrapped my other arm around her, waiting for her to fall asleep.

I spent hours just combing my fingers through her hair, I didn't want to peel my body away from her. Tears started to fill my eyes just thinking of leaving. I love her.

No... Mother knows best, I have to leave it's better for Red if I do. I ripped myself away from Red carefully, my heart started to break. I crawled of the bed, I went to step off but fell when my foot got wrapped in the sheets. I quickly got my foot unravelled from the sheets and stood up, Red was still fast asleep. I pulled off all the sheets when I fell, I quickly got dressed and ran over to Red's side of the bed with the sheets in my hands. I went to throw the sheets over her exposed body but stopped, I needed to memorise the half she wouldn't let me see. I quickly took in all the details of her toned bruised body and covered her up warm and snug. I crouched down and looked at her face, perfectly sculpted. My eyes started to blur her features as tears gathered. I let my tears fall so I could see.

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