Bad Choices

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🌱 Ivy's p.o.v 🌱

Rubbing my face I put the kettle on, taking two mugs and a small dish from separate cupboards. Mindlessly grabbing a table spoon of my freshly ground coffee, my hand tipped sending the sea salt shaped lumps into a mug. My hand raked through my hair one, twice, staying in place the third time round. Walking over to the fridge and effortlessly lifting out the quater full jug of milk, tipping it into the dish and placing it back where it belongs. Popping the microwave door open at the same time that the kettle finished boiling. Socks sliding over the floor to pour the water into the mug along with the beans.

My body turned and my hands held onto the counter, letting go as my frame brushed against the cupboards, then the handle and to the floor. Coarse fur pushing against my skin, looking down I watched the still tiny kitten pawing at a single loose thread on my top. Resting my head on the cupboard my eyes drifted shut as my hands idly stroked at Skylar. The purring kitten next to me would have made it so easy to fall asleep but of course the knocking on the door made it significantly more difficult, looks like I wouldn't need that coffee anymore she's finally home.

"I'm coming Mother." Stretching out Skylar followed me to the door of my new hideout, moving my babes away from the handle I unlocked the door. "You know you may be my Mother but I still worry you know-Selina?!"

Her body had a slight shine to it that was dusted with rainbow glitter, maybe she did have other friends. Black nail polish was the only thing on her feet, her long black dress covered most of her legs except for the slightly off center slit showing of a portion of her right leg. Her short black nails held her heels and her clutch close to the heart neckline of her dress.

Cold hands pressed against my arms as I let my body be pushed back through my own door. Searching her chestnut eyes my face scrunched up, was the Bat chasing her? Did she get dumped? ... drunk?

"Pam." Her eyes kept meeting mine and then running away. "Harley called..." My face let all of the folds smooth out, she's okay.

"Well come on then we need to go where did she say she is?" Shaking her hands of my body I looked around for something to throw on.

"no. I-i already sent someone." My body went ridged as I turned back painfully slowly.

"What did you just say?" Selina's bottom lip quivered ever so slightly at my tone. She should be scared. Harley is scared. She just sent some random stranger get her. Unless it was. "Tell me you didn't send her." Her body erupted in goosebumps and her fingers twitched. "TELL ME!"

"I- it's - I didn't"


"I-I didn't send Phoebe!" None of the fear left her shoulders at the confession, who could be worse?!

"Batman?!" Brown eyes went wide and I stepped closer. "I swear Selina I will-"

"ZATANNA! I- I it's Zee I sent Zatanna." I sucked in a furious breath as my teeth clamped together.

Zatanna as in the unstoppable. My lip twitched up. The unstoppable litteral magic user that could. My fingers clenched in and out of fists repeatedly. That could say a few backwards words and end everything.

Why didnt she just say Phoebe?!

BATMAN! At least we would have had a chance.

My hand gravitated to Selina at a pace I couldn't have stopped it even if I wanted to. The skin to skin connection was clear and still ringing in my ears as I pushed her to the ground. My body falling against hers. Her hands pinned under my knees. My hands on the floor a inch or two from either side of her face.

"WHY! WHY DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE STUPID DECISIONS LIKE THIS ON YOUR OWN! Your obsession with the good guys should get you killed not Harley!" The short curtain of dark hair shifted, her eyes found mine and the red irritation on her pale skin pulled me away.

My knees shuffled back, leading to Selina's frame turning and eventually rising. My position on the floor changed, my hands now in my lap my head still aimed at Selina's, but she didn't turn.

"Outburst or not. This is on you. Have you seen your plane crash of a dating history. If Harley gets out of this without a scratch, you can live out your perfect happy family fantasy without us. If she doesn't... neither will you."

Her bare feet made there way further into my new hideout as I pulled myself off the floor.

🐱 Catwoman's p.o.v 🐱

Propping my leg up on the arm of the sofa, my eyes focused in on the tiny scar now revealed by the lack of fabric. Zee fixed my leg without any hesitation right in front of Phoebe, she helped me into Arkham, helped me help Harley. Pam's wrong this time Zatanna is nothing like Bruce or Harvey and well all of the others. I want to be better for her, not because she forces me like Bruce, simply because I want to give us a real shot.

"Zee?!" All of a sudden she was there right in front of me, her eyes were a completely diffrent shade of blue.

Bloody prints littered her blouse, but my face scrunched up at something else, something small was wriggling in her arms.

"There - only I -I"

"More bad company for Mrsss Kyl-" Nothing but warmth registered in my mind as Zatanna slipped a weight into my arms, her eyes were focused completely on mine as her lips parted and her hands left my body cold

"tropeleT eM oT neelraH lezniuQ" Zee might have been gone but the weight in my arms was still there, along with two other bodies besides me.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed! I know I've said before that I'm going to start updating more often then fail 😅 but I'm trying again okay . Anyways thank you so much vote comment do whatever you want and stay tuned ~Jw 💜

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