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Batman's p.o.v

"Robinson Park-" Panic took over the police coms but I had heard all I needed too. Ivy wants into Arkham.

I slammed my gloved fist onto the dashboard, surprisingly not hitting anything of importance. I haven't been able to move for five minutes because of all of the commotion, I haven't even gotten close to the park yet. I threw my hands from the dashboard solely to throw them back down onto the wheel. I need to at least get close enough to drag Pam into the Batmobile...

Foot slamming onto the pedal I reversed and turned into an alleyway, not really caring which, nothing could break in a small army could try. Kicking the door open I grabbed the grappling gun off my belt, simultaneously kicking the door shut and firing upwards, no need to aim if you know the city better than the blueprints do. Index finger pressing firmly against the button just across from the trigger, several feet of jet black nylon rope retreating back inside the gun. Zipping me up the side of the building, reaching the end of the line as the hook clicked back into my gun. Shifting my weight in the air I easily landed kneeling down on the rooftop.

Waisting no time looking for alternating red and blue lights I fired again, heading straight for Robinson Park. My mind drifted as I made my way to Pamela. This is all because of Selina, I clenched my jaw as the thought of her slithered through my brain. My feet smashed into the top of the roof, followed by my fist.

I couldn't pull myself of the floor. I couldn't stop my armored knuckles from smashing into the roof over and over again. I couldn't stop the thoughts of revenge from injecting themselves into my brain. I've already tried once, but that's going to take a while to take ... if it even does. After I throw Pamela in Arkham, she will tell me where that cheating thief is and I will make her mine again. She won't have anyone to turn to but me. Quinn and Pamela in Arkham. Phoebe has fallen off the grid. That Olivia, bribed out of Gotham. She shouldn't have anyone else.

Slamming my fist into the floor for the last time I got up to my feet, continuing on to Pamela.

"Bruce?" Barbara's voice rang in my earpiece, trying to mask the fright in her voice. "Do you need back up, the police coms-"

"No. I've got this." Pressing a finger to line up with my earpiece, I shut of communication. I can't have anyone else messing this up.

👑 Wonder Woman's p.o.v 👑

"Hold that lasso tight, Dee." Nodding at Zatanna I placed my blade carefully inside the sheath attached to my back.

"I know. Miss Isley just wants to protect her friend, Clark explained. I just don't understand why she would cause so much p-" Zatanna's grip on my hand increased and her flat nails hit into the back of my hand.

"This is all on Bruce. This wouldn't be happening if he didn't throw Harley in Arkham pregnant with Joker's babies." Turning to my most trusted friend, I was met with a wall of jet black wavy hair covering her expression.

Grabbing my lasso with one hand, using the other in attempt to comfort Zee.

"Ready?" Her voice was ice cold and similar to Bruce's, all I could do was nod and hum just incase. "ekaT su ot nosniboR kraP"

Forgetting how quickly Zatanna's magic worked I clutched her hand and shut my eyes. The feeling of flat dull nails pressing into the back of my hand repeatedly, caused me to open my eyes.

The white pillars of my room in the watchtower were gone, replaced with blurry darkness. Slowly Zatanna's face came into focus, lips moving so quickly that I wouldn't of understood her even if my ears weren't ringing. Her crystal blue eyes started to roll as she turned her back to me and ran into the distance. Not waiting for my hearing to come back I did the same, running towards the Catwoman as Zee took on Ivy.

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