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🌱 Ivy's p.o.v. 🌱

Silently pulling at the raven haired hero revealed Selina's form wrapped in one of my old over sized tops, the messy curtain of hair revealed a confused but very awake Zatanna. Motioning my head to the door she flicked my hand away, carefully peeling herself away from Selina. Thankfully slipping out from beneath the covers was a still fully clothed body. Closing the door behind herself, her blue eyes were on me. As if I needed a reason to get out of her my house, out of my guest bed and far far away from my friend.

"My mother needs some more equipment." My voice came out less threatening than intended. "So your going to get it." This wasn't a question this was a demand and she would get what we needed or she's out.

I know she heard me, but no words came out of her mouth backwards or forwards, she just turned around and held the door handle.

"If your not going to help get out! I'll get Selina to call the Bat instead..." All at once her muscles tensed, the hand around the door handle turned. "I mean it Zatanna!"

Watching her hair disappear into the darkness of my spare room, my hands balled into fists at the same time something pricked me. Looking down at my hands with my brows already creating V shaped wrinkles, my mouth parted slowly as my breathing stopped. I couldn't feel the pain but I could see it poking out of my hand ever so slightly, before it vanished into my hand... where it came from, that tiny hair came from me. My hands can't make something from nothing, toxins have been flowing under my skin ever since I became Poison Ivy.

As the door creaked open once more my hands closed tightly, leading themselves behind my back away from view. A quick breeze left a faint hint of Selina in the air, I never did figure out what made her rich yet still heavily feminine signature sent, perfume? Shampoo? Fabric softener? There's was always a chance that it was a mix of everything or nothing at all. As my mind wandered my body turned moving my hands away from whatever caused the breeze in the first place.

Paranoia shot through my body at the realisation, that breeze was Zatanna, that assumption she made could be made fact if she saw my hands. She would tell everyone. Harley could leave and take the twins. Selina could run off with that no good hero. Even my mother could leave me behind, not like it would be the first time. Phoebe, she would understand but Phoebe being my only friend sounds like a sick joke.

As soon as my legs carried me down the stairs I looked to Harley, only to find a stupid top hat in front of her. Anger filled my body as I looked around to see my mother and Phoebe huddled around the makeshift cots, Zatanna should be over there getting her job done not messing with Harley. As two bodies arrived next to mine we made our way over to Harley, some more excited to see that witch over Harley.

"How's Selina?" Dark hair flowing over her shoulder the most picture perfect smile attached itself to her face.

"She's better, sleeping through the pain-"

"The pain will spike back up whenever it wants for the rest of her life." My voice was practically a growl, she didn't help Selina in anyway she's no hero she has nothing to be proud of. Making my way past Zatanna I stood besides Harley.

"Right, should Selina thank y-"

"We should be in the other room right? Figuring out what we need and all that." Phoebe always had to butt in, I wasn't done with Zatanna but there she was following the Joker's pet.

I watched all three of them walk away into my other room, gossiping like children as they went. All three of them plus my father would put them level to my hatred for the Clown. My mother I just can't trust her anymore, she's not the person I thought she was. My father left me to die and after he found out I was alive he stabbed me in the back again, but I never expected anything else from him. Phoebe is a filthy two faced little snake, playing people against each other. Turning my mind against me... fury burnt deep inside me, playing with peoples minds. Selina wouldn't even know if Zatanna had been inside of her mind, switching memories placing herself on a pedestal. Why couldn't Selina see that Zatanna is bad news!

"Red?" My head cooled as I looked down to Harley, trying to meet her eyes was blocked by something red, tiny but so important in my vision. My sight focused on this tiny red shape, quickly noticing the curve up to a point, where was it coming from. Pale barley even green what was it?

My lips parted as my lip shook with every heavy breath.

"Me." Looking past the thorn in the side of my hand, Harley's face was blank. "H-how. I.. i" her eyes were focused on the thorn retreating back under my skin. She knows what I did to Selina. "I I didn't mean to."

"It was you..." Shaking my head my hair scratched against my face, kneeling down next to the sofa I went to grab Harley's hands. Stopping myself before I could reach her. My teary eyes pleaded with her tired ones, her hands fearlessly encasing mine.

"I - I didn't know. I didn't mean too. Y you can't tell Selina... we need to keep her away from Zatanna, not hand her over on a platter. Harley Zatan-"

"Red this ain't about the magic lady. If kitty finds out she won't never trust us again. You gotta tell her before some other bozo does." Mustering up a weak sigh I let my arms surround her.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting." The smallest of yawns sneaks through her lips and into my ear.

"How could I be restin when everyone else is helpin our babies over there to tiny and fragile for my clumsy hands." I felt her body tightening in my arms, her breathing shaking her entire body. "What. What if he comes for them..." Of course as soon as things started to settle she was pulled right back to him.

"We won't let him anywhere near them, okay?" I haven't been able to stop Harley from going back to him, because I could never take her choices away from her, but now that he's going to be running to her.

I'll kill him.

Thanks for reading!!! Hope you enjoyed and happy early/ late holidays depending on when u read this. 😅 Also I know my fanfic is long and most people have tapped out but I'm gonna keep uploading anyways 😂 I didn't think anyone was going to read this trash in the first place ✌ vote comment all that random stuff love ya's ~ Jw 💜

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