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🔥 Phoebe's p.o.v 🔥

⏩ Forward 4 months ⏩

I sat in an old shipping container, the flame in my palm was the only thing lighting up the steel walls.

"They cast me out." I pictured their faced in my head so clearly.

The flame died down as I pictured Selina's face... she was kind, but Ivy! The flame in my palm spread across my entire body as I thought about her. I was trying to make it up to her! Over the past 4 months this had created tears in my eyes, not anymore. Now I just wanted to make her cry.

"Phoebe?" The container door creaked open and revealed the sun was out, Juno was the only ... acquaintance I had and currently he was literally helping me see the light.

He pushed the door open and the light filled my eyes. His broad figure didn't cast a shadow over my eyes, as if he positioned himself purposefully. As he walked closer my flame dimmed, he keeps me in line and because of his powers it's unavoidable. As my eyes took in his features once again, the contrast of his dark skin against his platinum blonde textured quiff worked well for him.

"Stop plotting Phoebe. You know that I won't let you ruin the rest of your life." I sighed and draped my arms over his muscular shoulders. "Ugh!"

Juno flopped to the floor gasping, taking the metal shard which I embedded into his back with him. I took no notice of his body on the floor and stepped over him and off to my location. The place where I could get my revenge. The place where he was plotting. Plotting to kill her as well.

After a short walk I reached his new hideout, he's always so predictable. Walking into the old run down warehouse, I was met by his goons. They both grabbed me and as soon as they did I heated up. Like. The. Sun. No longer being held by the hands of those two idiots I moved forward.

"Phoebe?" I looked straight past those baby blues and kept walking.

Burning through the door I looked at him, sat at his desk, spinning around on his stupid chair. His eyes darkened and he tilted his head down and a grin spread across his face.

"I'm going to kill her with or without you. I just thought you would like a piece of the action." Joker held is hands up and shook his head.

"Don't care about the plant. Do what you want to... and bring me back a present and I will let you live." I rolled my eyes and started to walk out, before his raspy voice started up again. "I have some weed killer if you want it." I continued walking out of the room. Just before I left I lit a fire in my palm and turned back to face him.

"I think I can manage without. Thanks Clown."

"It's a pleasure as always fire birdy." I continued to walk back to the exit, passing a teary eyed Harley. Ignoring her again I walked back to the place I called home for a short while.


Walking up to the simple wooden door I sighed. Holding the doorknob in my hand, heating it and turning it. I walked into the house like nothing had changed, but of course it had she kicked me out. Walking around I checked every crevasse before going upstairs, then I heard movement above me. I looked up to see thick long vines hanging from the ceiling, each one having fully bloomed flowers of all different colours. I walked up the stairs, none of them creaking to my surprise, in front of Ivy's bedroom door was a little ball of fur... Skylar. Rolling my eyes, I nudged him away from the door with my boot. Pushing the door I smirked, oh sweet revenge here I come.

Walking inside, my eyebrow raised at the scene before me.

"Phoebe!?!" Both women were surprised and embarrassed I was guessing.

Selina pulled the sheets higher and pushed her head closer to Pamela's bare chest. Pamela barley moved, she just glared at me with those unforgettable emerald iris. I tore my gaze from Pam and back to Selina, she looked at me with pity... I don't need her pity, she needs mine!

"I was hoping you wouldn't be here Selina." I sighed as she clutched the sheets, but I noticed she was still looking for an exit. "Get up. Dressed. Then leave." Her eyes widened and she looked to Pam who was still glaring at me.

As I guessed, Selina stood up and pulled on her skin tight suit. Walking past me with her boots in her hands, she looked up at me and gave me a confused look. I smiled at her and took her head in my hands, I could kill her right now with just one quick twist.

I pulled her head close and placed a kiss onto her cheek. I could still do it, just one quick wrist movement. I could just heat up her skin and watch her burn. I looked over to Ivy and quickly let go of Selina's head. She walked out and I shut the door and smirked. Turning to Ivy with a flame in my palm.

Her gaze shifted, she started looking behind me. Idiot. I grabbed the vine that shot out at me, instantly burning it as it touched my palm. Pam winced and I got hotter. I dropped the ashes of the vine to the floor and walked towards Pamela.

"Not today bitch!" A cocoon of vines surrounded Pamela and I smirked, she just sealed herself into her grave.

"Call me Satan." Flames took over my body and I placed my hands on the vines.

I heard Pamela's muffled screams and carried on heating up her coffin. The screaming died down and so did all the plants covering her.

Covering her ashes.

"See you in hell Pamela." I kicked some of the ashes and walked away setting her bed on fire. I left the room and the house after I checked that Skylar and Selina weren't still inside.

I stood outside and watched her life burn from existence.

Thanks for reading... you didn't enjoy but hey everyone hated Phoebe so erm yeh, now you have a reason. GothamCityWriters check out my group account ... Ivy's still alive in the one shot 💜 update again soon. Comment vote and tell me you hate Phoebe and me probably~ Jw

P.s: I told you I would kill Ivy RaeRaeLovesParis and barwickles 😘💜 you should have believed me.

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