She what?!

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Batman's p.o.v

I thought Selina would be back by now, she should've called.

Alfred has been catering to Mrs Croft, having to wear a rather large rabbit face mask to conceal both our identities since early yesterday morning. Pamela's mother had been confided to one of our medium sized bedrooms. The Croft's have never visited Wayne manor, so she shouldn't be able to tell where she is, I hope it stays that way her husband seems like a real piece of work. I should really look into the Croft's history, but that's a problem for another day.

I need to stop worrying about Selina, she can take care of herself Bruce you know that. I continued looking at my monitors, everything seemed quite. Joker is still out there somewhere, he's completely off the rails without Harley, just judging by what I saw on Pamela... that wasn't classic joker, that was pure sadistic torture. Before I thought that Quinn and Ivy could be a good thing but now it seems-

"What are you thinking about Bruce?" I turned from my screens and was met with young blue eyes.

"Barbara... I told you to go home, I will signal you if I need you." Barbara rolled her eyes and span into her chair, which was to the left of mine.

"Didn't answer my question... so I'm gonna guess. It's either your worried about Selina orrr the whole Ivy, Quinn thingy going on. So which is it?" I sighed and turned back to my screens, quickly changing the subject.

"There's something Selina asked me to do for her a while ago, when Harley had her scan." With everything that happened that day I'm not surprised it slipped my mind till now... but then again, how have Pam and Quinn both been living with a complete stranger.

"Okay shoot, seems your going to avoid my questions as per usual..."

"Phoebe. Do we have anything on her? Selina thinks there's something she's hiding." Barbara started to type away, if anyone can find dirt on this Phoebe character it's her.

I scanned over all my monitors, looking for anything suspicious. My mind started to drift back to The Joker, he's spiralling out of control, if he knew about the twin there's no telling what could happen.

"Your thinking about it again..." I felt Barbara's eyes searching my face, but I refocused on the screen. "Her name isn't on any records that I can find in the city's database. So either you tell me what's going on or I stop looking, you know I'm the only one who can find her."

"It doesn't concern you!" In reality the situation with Quinn concerns everyone in Gotham, everyone is in danger. If Barbara was being less pushy I would probably have told her without her even asking, she doesn't always have to act such a teen... sure she's 17 but she works for me, she works for Gotham she should know better.

"Fine, find her on your own Bruce! I was just trying to help you." She stood up and went towards the door.

"Stop." Barbara walked back over, her arms crossing as she sat back down. "This whole situation with Quinn."

"Which situation with Quinn? The Joker's twins that she is carrying? Her and Ivy being a thing? Which by the way I called a long time ago. Or the situations that both combined will cause. " She span around in her chair to face me.

"All of the above. Now find Phoebe."

Barbara rolled her eyes and span back round to face her computers, furiously typing away at the screen. I watched her monitor, several new widows opening and closing every second. Finally a screen took up the whole monitor, millions of names and numbers flying down the screen on the right. All the information we had on Phoebe on the left. As the screen worked its way down the list Barbara stopped typing and turned to me.

"We don't have much on Phoebe so this could take a while. So let's get back on track shall we. Quinn, she's not going to stay with Ivy. I know she's not, I wish she would but she won't. When Crane hit her with his new toxin it became pretty obvious. That is the one thing we can't stop. We can stop Pam from going on a rampage. We can stop-"

"You think Quinn will go back?" Barbara sighed and looked at me, her eyes dimmer than usual.

"He's done things to her... ya know that kinda stuff will stick with her for life. Ivy loves her. Harley, she doesn't know what she feels because she's never really felt love before Bruce. When she goes back to him, and trust me she will go back. There's two ways it can go, she can finally see that the Joker is a sick son of a - ... a terrible guy or he will set her idea of love in stone. Also just before you say it, interfering could push her closer to him."

"We can't just sit here and let that happen! We can go and get Harley now, before she goes back." Turning in my chair I stood up, heading to the batmobile.

Small delicate fingers held my wrist in a strong grip, turning I saw Barbara. She looked up at me, jaw clenched.

"No. We can't. ... I know it sounds terrible but, it's now or this could break out into something catastrophic. You saw what he did to Ivy. Imagine what he would do to Selina, if he didn't get Harley back. Imagine what would happen to Gotham if the Clown Price of Crime snapped. Harley would blame herself for everything, then she would have to stay with him by default... I know that it sounds like I'm just rambling nonsense, but I know Harley's history and I know what it's like to be a woman in this city."

I shook my wrist out of her hand, there's got to be something... right? I have to be able to do something. So many lives could be lost. Either way there's going to be a war. A war of criminals... Gotham's most dangerous criminals to be exact.


"When." Barbara spat... I've never seen her like this before, this whole situation is bringing out the worst in everyone.

"When Harley leaves, how will she get back? If she wants to leave Joker I mean, it's not like he will just let her leave whilst she's carrying his twins. If she tries to leave ... she could die."

"So could he." My eyes widened.

"You think that Harley could?"

"If anyone can it's her... and if she can't do it by herself you know that Ivy will have as many people, criminals, metahumans and plant mind controlled zombies as she can find to help Harley-"

"But what if-"

I was cut off by a computer letting of a loud alarm, that didn't come from my computer. Batgirl bolted to her computer,I followed close behind her. As soon as she sat down she started typing frantically.

"No. This can't be ri-" Her words slowed and her typing stopped completely. I looked up to the screen and saw Phoebe... In an Arkham inmate jumpsuit.

Batgirl started to type again, a box appeared in front of Phoebe's mugshot. The video contained footage of the cafeteria. My eyes widened as the video continued.

"Is that Phoebe... with The Joker...?!"

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Vote comment and share if you feel like it. I've been writing like 6 different stories/ fanfics/ oneshots which is why it's taken so long to update, please please please go check out mine, Poison_ivy_Quinn and RaeRaeLovesParis joint account it's called GothamCityWriters we are all currently working on DC one shots so I should update again soonish, just bare with me I'm working on a lot and I don't want to put anything unfinished out as u guys deserve the best I can offer which isn't great but I try Love ya's~ Jw

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