Let me help.

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💫 Zatanna's p.o.v 💫

The happiness of being reunited, the hope of having a doctor that could help... anything somewhat positive was thrown out of the window as soon as the two bodies I held besides mine let go, leaving all the equipment I brought useless.

Instead of getting the help she needed Harleen was leaning into Selina like her life depended on it, her life possibly slipping away along with the time. Phoebe ran past me, supplies in her arms, the only things the doctor could say before Pamela was on her. All my body could do was stand next to the fragile baby in a makeshift cot.

"Oh so you just so happened to be walking by that Clowns new hideout at the exact time Harley was giving birth!?"


"No! Don't you dare you knew where she was this whole time!"

"Would you have preferred her just being in there with your father?! You know she'd still be in there. I thought I was calling you I was trying to come clean, how was it supposed to know this freak was going to magic her way there?" The background conversation gave me an in, if the only person who can help this, tiny... barley moving ...

"Oh I'M SO SORRY! I GET IT I'M THE BAD GUY, funny how that works." My voice was cold there was no warmth, none of my usual flare.

Walking past Phoebe I looked over to the doctor tilting my head towards the corner I was just in. Phoebe stood up and walked over to the doctor taking her to where she was needed as I took her place.

"You are the bad guy! You always will be to us!" Pamela always hated how much power I had, thinking it was unlimited unstoppable even. This wasn't the same rage.

"Too all of you?" Turning my head around to Selina, I tried to apologise with my eyes knowing that this was going to ruin all future chances of those double dates she was hoping for. "The only person that has a problem right now is you. Selina-"

"Don't you talk to me about her, she's lucky Harley's oka-"

"No she's knew Harley would be okay because she sent me to get her, she knows I wouldn't just grab her and throw her in Arkham. Harleen knew it. Phoebe knew it Even this Doctor person knew it. The only person just watching, not helping Harley in anyway right now IS YOU." Her face scrunched and contorted as her eyes darted around behind me, finally landing on Selina and Harley.

Her shoulder smashed into mine as she walked over to her, as I turned Selina was already walking over to me as Pamela lay Harleen down on the couch.

"Who do you think got the worst of it? "I smiled half joking, I saw the hand print on her face before, as she shifted I noticed the tiny spots now covering the hand print, of course she took all of this out Selina

Her arm snaked around my waist, heating up my skin but leaving goosebumps under the thin fabric. My body was ready to sink against hers, but my mind wouldn't let me.

"I know your exhausted ... let me help you." Her nails pressed under my chin, drawing my face towards towards hers, her eyes were darker than before so close to black that I couldn't place any emotion in them.

"Selina?" The gentle smile turned into a sneer, pain seeping through her whole body. Nails pushed further into my face as she fought to stay standing.

"nono- I just want t-" Through gritted teeth a scream ripped though her body, followed by another further away.

Hooking my arm under hers, my other went for her legs as my knees bent. Selina's whole body was clenched tight shaking ever so slightly. Watching water spill out of her eyes I saw what happened to all of those tiny red spots on her face, they all joined together as one to form a red swollen welt.

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