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🌱 Ivy's p.o.v 🌱

Stuck in Arkham alone is bad enough for my sanity, but stuck in here with Harley... This is the happiest I've ever  been in my own cell in Arkham, I can't look at Harley without my head spinning right now. I just want to run up to her and hold her tight, promise her everything will be okay. That can't happen. I can't baby her anymore, no matter how much I want to. I don't want to get my heart ripped out one more time.

I let my head rest against the wall, the thin short layers of my hair barley cushioning my head. This has been my worst stay at Arkham ever. So many fights because of Harley, whilst fighting against all of my own feelings for her. So many threats aimed at Selina, but she didn't fight for herself she fought for Harley... What's going on with Selina she says she's missed us but she's been away from both of us longer than this before.

I loud sigh escaped my lips as a Arkham guard came into view standing outside of my cell, keys in hand. The sound of the pins in the lock clicking was not music to my ears. I shook my head slightly, stray pieces of hair flicking my nose. Standing up I silently glared at the guard just picturing the pain ahead.

Being escorted to the rec room by a beefy grip was not ideal, most guards know it's better to just follow behind, luckily for this guy I couldn't be bothered fighting him. Cells passed some occupied some empty none really mattering, but Harley's cell was next. My neck craned slightly to look left behind the guard, there she was clutching h- her old Poison Ivy plush?! My feet stopped moving as I watched, she held a poor representation of me to her twins as she read to them, stupid cell door muffled what she was saying.

"Hey! Come on!" In my head I caused a giant scene putting this idiotic guard in his place, but in reality I jumped away from Harley's cell door before she saw me. I inwardly growled at the guard as we both glared at each other, of course his dark brown eyes gave up and looked away before mine.

The rest of the journey was uneventful. As soon as my feet hit the lament floor of the rec room my eyes got to work, starting with the two most obvious places Selina would be. Couch? No, just a whole bunch of low life's. Fighting over the remote? No, more low life's and dear old riddler, except from us he's the only actual threat in the whole asylum. Ah, Gym equipment. I hurried over to the treadmill Selina was working on barley breaking a sweat of course. She greeted me with a thousand watt smile and took her hand off the rest, using it to push a button on the screen. The belt slowed and she put her hand back, whilst her other hand rotated two pot? Balls, both were black. Hopping off the treadmill she stuck them in her pocket.

"They're baoding balls Pam, solid Jade no annoying jingly metal inside." Slowly nodding my head I pretended to care, what's with her lately. I watched as her face turned from clear hair stuck down by sweat, to a rosey pink... Selina kyle blushing?!

My jaw hung slightly waiting to form words, after what I saw at the park it can't be because of Batman... right?

"Erm I'm gonna go get a shower, you know before all the lady guards that I totally need to protect me leave." Still trying to wrap my head around what's going on I just nodded.

Strong arms wrapped me in a hug, quickly vanishing. Wait how did she even get those in here... probably convinced a doc, it's not that hard. A door opened and closed, I guess she's gone can't question her now.

I dragged myself over to the sofa and plopped onto the rock hard cushion. I shut my eyes as a sigh escaped my lips, without Harley and Selina here a can actually relax. For a minute everything calmed down in my head, no worries no responsibility.

With around twenty maybe twenty five minutes left of my free time, the moment ended when the couch shook as someone sat down next to me. As arms wrapped around the back of my neck my eyes snapped open.

"Hiya Red!" Harley's bump pushed up against my body, warming not only my chest but the heart inside. Looking up into her baby blues... all my options melted away, all but two.

Run away?

Kiss her?

Choosing between heart and head was always a bad idea, but I've always done it anyways. I always Convinced myself it was for the right reason, so I didn't get hurt, but really I couldn't change anyone's feelings prolonging the inevitable causes everyone pain. Either outcome brings along consequences good and bad.

On shaking legs I stood up, awkwardly twisting my head to look at the confused blonde. I made my decision, tuning I sped over to the game storage room, never looking back. Pushing my back against the wall filled with video tapes my eyes were glued to the door frame, missing a door.

Blonde pigtails bounced through the frame and my arms reached out, gripping the opening of her jumpsuit and instantly reeling my arms back in. Consumed by lust my lips captured hers, hoping she'd never escape my arms slipped away, giving her the choice to run. Granted it was hard to keep my lips on hers with her bump keeping us further apart than I desired, but she didn't push away she clung to me. My eyes fluttered shut as the sweet taste of her lips took over my senses. How can she be this sweet even in here all we eat is mush. I savoured our moment knowing it couldn't last long, stupid door frame with no door. Breaking apart I didn't dare open my eyes, no matter what the look on Harley's face was it would cause me to feel something I didn't want to.

"I'm sorry I left I it was a mista-" I couldn't listen to her excuses not again, a tear burnt through my tightly closed lids as I kissed her once more. Trying to express my feeling with the kiss it was long and passionate, of course Harley pulled back first.

"Please... just don't leave me alone again." My voice did exactly as I thought it would and cracked. Harley's arms wrapped around my neck, the twins practically merging with my own stomach. "We should get back before they separate us for life." A couple of whines and mumbles later I was released.

"I love ya Red..." When I opened my eyes she was gone, she knew I couldn't say it back yet.

By the time I had to go back to my cell we hadn't done anything, just lounged around and watched stupid cartoons after Harley fought for the remote. Everything seemed to be fitting back into place, even the guard escorting me back kept his distance as he should. Fast approaching the door to my cell I sighed, when I left I had a completely diffrent feeling about this hell hole.

Stepping through the door a chill ran over my spine, the door shut behind me as I noticed it. The white envelope against the grey metal of the sink. A frown dug into my face as I rushed over to the envelope, the thought of someone in here forced me to switch back to my usual mindset, ready for anything. The messy but obviously heavy lettering didn't make this intrusion any less worrying.

Stupid plant witch
fell right for my plan
Trapped in Arkham
All alone again
Taken little Harley
Baby will be mine
Cat freak already dead
Avoid water next time

Heart racing I let the letter slip from my hands. Turning the envelope upside down I waited for a separate piece of paper to drop saying 'haha gotcha', or 'prank'... anything would have been better than what did fall out.

A single playing card.


Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed! This update was actually not that late hey imagine thatttt. Feel free to vote and comment. Will update soon so stay tuned. Love ya's all~Jw

Halloween really isn't that big in the UK 😂 so for Halloween I will be myself with my unrequited love... doesn't sound scary but trust me it is. 😒

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