Water fight!

689 13 33

🐈 Catwoman's p.o.v 🐈

Lukewarm water hit of my body weakly, everywhere the water fell goosebumps disappeared momentarily. Combing my fingers through my hair one last time, I watched the foamy bubbles slip down the drain. With a quiet sigh I reached out to stop the water, miss lady guard might throw me in a straight jacket if I take any longer. The metal was colder than I expected making my fingers twitch away.

Muffled by water I could have sworn I heard something, trusting my instincts I grabbed my towel tying it around my body. Trying not to slip on the wet floor my flip flops squeaked. Peaking around the corner all I saw was orange? Oh. Wait!

Letting my instincts kick in I jumped backwards just in time, as a clenched fists grabbed at the spot I was in moments ago. Scanning the now crowded space I counted five inmates... is that it. If there were more the wouldn't be desperately trying to box me in here. What's there game plan? They could all charge me, giving me an easy escape, dodge one dodge them all. If they try to go one at a time they will regret it and I'll have to take another shower after.

"Ya ready to feel real pain Kitty cat?" Oh of course, smack talk always comes first.

"Didn't think playing both sides came with consequences did ya." Oh consequences, big word I'm impressed.

"The Batman don't want you no more so here you are." Can it never just be about me!

"The place you put us."

"The place you belong." Trying to contain a yawn I decided to end this before I froze to death.

"Did you all rehearse that? Cute." I started a slow clap my fingers no longer feeling wrinkled and pruned. "How long did it take? Your whole stay at Arkham?" Watching half of there faces turn red was fun, the confused looks on the other two was even better.

One of the biggest put his foot forward and I realised... they probably don't have a plan. Thankfully I'm an expert, I already know how they'll fight. First up is one of the two tanks, he'll hit heavy as fast as he can, which won't be very quickly at all, I won't be able to take him out very easily here, best to run him around for a while.

A throaty yell bounced of the walls as the tank trotted towards me, here we go. Fist flying towards my face, a smirk tugged at my lip. Stepping back slightly his fist flew past my face, looking like he completely miss calculated the distance between us. My top lip pulled back as I grinned, watching the inmate being led by his fist to the ground. Turns out I over estimated them.

Three of the remaining four idiots attempted to rush at me, staying behind means he's probably a shield. The two runners crisscrossed each other repeatedly, making me drift to the right, taking both of them on at the same time was not ideal. I had to pick one and quickly before I stuck myself in the corner. Left or right. Right or left. They moved quickly but it finally hit me, they crisscross. As they both started to run back into the middle, my legs bent and my hands clutched at a tile, hoping that would be enough to stop me from slipping. Kicking out one leg behind me and throwing it around. Lubricated by water my leg swiped their's from under them, leaving them to tumble to the ground.

As there bodies fell to the side a smile sli- The second tanks foot smashed into the floor a millimetre away from my knee. Looking up I noticed the realisation sinking into his green eyes, instantly reeling his leg back up to crush me.

Snapping my leg back towards my body, a quick sting hit me before I stood up. Hopping backwards as his foot smashed into the ground again. A shock pulsed through my body as I hit, the ice cold wall with the back of my leg. Taking a second for the shock of being cornered I checked the faint stinging in my leg.

Blood. Fantastic. Stupid smashed tiles because of that TANK, torpedoing towards me?!

Reaching out my hand clutched at cold metal, throwing it onto the floor in front of me. Locking my rubbery flip-flop into the corner of the wall, kicking off I let my feet slide towards the other side.

Rubber squeaked on tiles behind me as I attempted to run right past the last brute, blood being spilt was a good reason to miss out on this fight. Crashing into the wall, my body turned ready to slip out of this super secure washroom. Hitting into something hard my legs caved in, as shock rolled through my body, there's someone else? Snapping my head up to look at him.

Green eyes.
Green hair.
White face.
Red smile.

My lips parted slightly, when did he get here? He's not even in the same ugly ass uniform! Where's Harley?! I needed to get up. His figure blurred in my eyes. Colours all mashed together. Following his movement, I caught a glimpse of polished meta... NO! I tried to scrape at the tiles to pull myself away but my slightly parted lips grew wider as a scream ripped through my throat. Tears falling from my eyes as they opened too wide.

Even through strained eyes I could see the light reflecting of the knife rammed into my thigh.

"Legs! Whadid I tell ya geter in the legs." His voice rang through my ears making me, tense my legs to stand up and run with out even thinking it.

For once I regretted having super quick reflexes, as my leg tensed around the blade. My teeth felt like they could shatter trying to keep in the pain, I won't give that piece of shi-

"Seeee! Now she helpless, cat can't land onna feet if her legs don't work." I could see the stupid smile on his smug face, sometimes I wonder if my pain tolerance is a blessing or a curse. "Okay so easy peasy kill her, beat her, fuck'er I don't care as long as she's dead! I'll be taking this-"

"nonono." My voice sounded so weak and hoarse, as he grabbed onto the handle, my body couldn't take that rig-

Black spots invaded my vision as I gasped in air. A tug at the knife and out it came. The blood. I could feel it pooling around my leg. I tried to fight to remain conscious. I let my head hit the floor thinking maybe it would give me more strength.

My eyelids fluttered shut but I could still hear and feel everything. The blood leaving my body and coating my skin. The towel being ripped from me. The lukewarm water hitting off my body. The cold air rushing towards my legs. My arms. My face. The air being replaced with a solid boot. The forceful hands.

The darkness I gave into.

The light after.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Apologies for the delay, it's pointless trying to explain why it took so long so yup. Comments are always awesome, see you in the next one however long that takes~ Jw

GothamCityWriters ~group account

P.s hope everyone had a great Christmas

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