Act Crazy.

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🐈 Catwoman's p.o.v 🐈

"Selina she made her choice. Maybe one day I will stop loving her... but that day is not today. Lay low Whiskers, I have a crime to commit... love you." The line went dead but I still held the phone to my ear.

"Love you?... love you?" Pam said she loves me? This can't be good.

"You love Pam?" I turned around remembering who was in the room, a stutter stuck in my throat and my cheeks flushed bright red. "You mean your not straight?" Husky laughter filled the room and I smirked.

After our first night together I blabbed about what happened at Pam's and the harsh judgment I was expecting turned into a gentle embrace. We spoke about anything and everything I wanted. I felt something bubbling up inside of me whenever we were together but pushed it away, I had these feelings for Bruce once. We're just in a bit of a funk, I shouldn't have left because of it. I remember heaving myself out of the bed we shared to make my way back to Bruce, I'm not a player... well maybe sometimes, but not on purpose. It's really not my fault people fall for me so easily. I thought I was falling for Bruce but when I started to explain what happened at Pam's, I hit the floor feet first obviously. I didn't tell him about Pam, just Olivia and it was clearly the best decision I made that day...

I looked up to those eyes and finally let the phone slip from my ear. Those eyes were so diffrent compared to when I came back from Bruce, this time they weren't filled with sadness and betrayal. Bitting down on my lip, I looked down at the sheets of our bed.

"Hey come on, I was just kidding you know that." I felt hands on my knees and closed my eyes, thinking of how to word my next sentence without causing too much pain.

"I need to go... I need to go to Pam... She's not thinking right. She's being reckless on purpose! She even told me she loves me." I opened my eyes and saw the worry hidden deep in those eyes, same as when I went on patrol with Bruce today.

"Batman will take you to Blackgate." Eyes drifted away from mine and too the floor. "J- just be careful and act crazy... I will have a hot chocolate waiting for you when you get back." Soft lips pressed against my head as strong arms wrapped around my body pulling me up.

Not being able to fight against myself any longer I combed my fingers through thick strands of hair and pulled the lips against mine. The kiss got my heart pumping faster than any heist I've ever done. Pulling away moments after I heard that voice sing to my ears once again.

"Stay. Safe." Smiling I walked towards the door, still having my suit on from earlier.

Darkness was still smothering Gotham, the silence surrounding me was no surprise, the city knows Harley's secret and bidders are lining up to win leverage over the Joker.

Pamela oh Pamela, what's your plan? A loud sigh slipped through my lips as I looked around for the tallest and closest building.


The apartment building across the road looked like the best I was going to get. Running across the street I instantly spotted the fire escape on the side of the building, this should be easier than scaling the whole building with claws only.

Skipping the whole stairs thing I jumped up and grabbed the grated flooring of the first platform, easily hoisting myself up with the help of a single well calculated swing. Before stepping up onto the railings of the platform a sparkle through the window caught my eye, I didn't even have to move closer to tell it was a diamond studded necklace with a white gold chain, I felt my foot quickly slide over the grates in the floor and towards the window that kept my beautiful gems.

Nonono! Pamela, keep on track Selinaaaa... you can come back for that absolutely colourless 3/4 carat Nile blue signature cut internally flawless round diamond, held in place by four claws hanging on its 18 Karat white gold chain. I shook my head and whipped my head away from the window, why do all the rich people come to Gotham like they don't know I live here? Sticking the railing between the heel and sole of my knee high boots I jumped up and grabbed the next railing, not leaving time to get distracted my more precious ridiculously expensive gems, I repeated the process all the way to the rooftop.

As my boots hit against the metal flooring of the roof I smiled to myself, no more possible distractions ... unless someone left a diamond up here to reward me being such a good friend? I looked around for people and my prize and came up empty handed, I guess the reward comes after. I stood back up on the lip of the roof that I had just climbed over and looked around, no sirens yet which I guess is a good thing.

"Come on Ivy, I know you. I should know exactly where you're going... But it's not like someone is walking around with a flamethrower burning trees to the ground. Come on come on, Robinson park is always a go to... Maybe it's too obvious this time. I mean what could she possibly do to draw that much attention? Oh, oh I got it, PLANT DRAGON." Snorting at my own idea I continued talking to myself, all this human companionship stuff must have gone straight to my head, I need to get home and relax with all of my cats.

"What about Ace? Nope too far from here. V.G enterprise's? Too far from Pam. Daggett? Boring..." Switching back to silence I decided, there is only one place I think she would go to other than Robinson park, Wayne enterprise. There both close... Robinson park is closer to me, so Wayne enterprise's it is. Better to over shot than under I guess.

Inwardly groaning I dropped my hand to my waist tugging my whip off my belt, I probably should have grabbed more equipment before I left. Feeling the leather against my glove, I tilted my head backward, oh how I've missed this. I flicked my wrist and watched the leather wrap around the railing of the next building over.

"Like riding a bike." I pulled tight just to make sure, whip still coiled around the railing I grinned.

Closing my eyes and wrapping the handle around my wrist once I let myself fall, my body relaxed as I swung through the air, my whip merging with my body like I was born with it attached to me. Tensing my abdomen I flicked my legs up slightly, instantly being met with the side of the building, perfect timing as always.

Pulling myself up the side of the building I looked back to the roof of the apartments, smirking to myself I turned away and got back on track.

Two buildings away from Wayne enterprise but still nothing, sure I was closer than Pam but she left before me...

"She's will be here ... I'm just ... early. " My whip latched onto another strangely placed gargoyle on the side of the building, what is it with these anyways they're so creepy.

Swinging of the building I heard it. Sirens! Not knocking my concentration I flicked my body up onto the gargoyle using it as a perch. My eyes followed the alternating blue and red lights, in the direction of 'no man's land' ...

"Of course she went to Robinson park... better be a goddam plant dragon!"

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!!! I'm going to be honest I've literally been writing this update since I posted the last one but I got really lost in my own details 😂 I try to make everything as accurate, in character and believable for the DC universe... I literally spent forever researching diamonds because it seems like something Catwoman would know. So I really hope you enjoyed, I love writing Catwoman's p.o.v. for some reason. So Vote comment whatever the hell and stay tuned for an update. I realised that unlike most people who write Harley Ivy fanfics I don't have an ending planned so this could literally go on forever... so erm Yeh hope your not bored yet 😂 love ya's ~Jw💜

Oh oh and my other excuse for taking so long to update is I've been reading more 😂 lots and lots of HARLEY IVYYYYY FANFICSSSS

RaeRaeLovesParis>Partners in crime
Poison_ivy_Quinn> One and only (Part1)| Forever yours (Part2)| (Part3 on its wayyy)| Rivals
Harleen__Quinzel129> Her girl

Okay not Harley X Ivy but it's Wonder woman and a new character! Just check it out okayyyy
ShopaHarlic>Nedyan serrot: Goddess of the sea

I read more but these are my favourites, I always need more to read so if you know any good one be a good human and tell me 😆✌ laters!

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