Never forget...

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♦ Harley's p.o.v ♦

"Harley... Why did you leave her? She sounds amazing. I- i don't want to watch you die here Harley... Think about the twins Harley." Noly carefully stroked my hair as I lay my head on his knees. I couldn't control the tears leaving my eyes, I missed Red so much it physically hurt. I put the twins in danger coming back...

"I-I had ta... H-Her Ma didn't want me round. Her life is better without me. He tortured her because of me... She almost died. Me and the twins will be fine..." I tried to convince myself that what I did was right, but my voice was raspy and I could feel the war happening inside of my body. My brain knew that me being with Red was wrong, selfish. My heart argued, you love each other. My heart was wrong, I heard what Mrs Croft said... She's Red's mother, she knows what's right for her.

"Harley, you know that wasn't your fault... she's gotta know being with you is dangerous, but she didn't leave. Harle-" The door swung open stopping all speech in the room, muscles tensed in both of us. I-If Joker found Noly here, me lying on him... He'd kill him and it wouldn't be quick.

"He's comin' dry ur eyes darlin. Nolan up and out now!" Spencer tried to sound calm, I could hear the pure fear in his hoarse voice. It was frighting to think that someone with such a solid build is terrified of The Joker, My Puddin.

I pealed myself away from Noly so he could get out, before something terrible happened to him. He left swiftly and shut the door behind himself, the only thing I could hear to know he got passed Joker was, his boots clanking down the corridor to safety. I rubbed my eyes furiously trying to get rid of any trace of tears before the door swung open.

As soon as I thought about it the door crashed open and I was him. There was something different about him, there was something missing? Everything about him seemed more dull, colourless even. Everything I thought I loved about him was gone... Was it ever there? Was his hair always so flat and pale? Was he always so scrawny? His suit, dirty and bland, was the flower in his shirt always so life less? Red could fix that up for him. Red could fix anything, with sometime... Not me though, I'm broken, always have been and always will be.

"Hellooo? Earth to Harley, you there air head?" I pushed the thoughts of Red back deep into my mind.

"Yeah J- Mistah J." I tried to pull a smile, but it looked like the only way I would smile would be if he calved it into my face.

"Oh Harley girl, your not thinkin about that Plant are you? You could never be happy with her, she can't love you Harl. Nobody can. Nobody but me could put up with your idiocy." I could feel my body go numb, I knew he was right but all I could do was think of Red... She made me feel so special. Loved even.

Our first kiss at B-man's place she had her lips pushed up against mine. One of her hands placed firmly on my jaw her other arm around my waist. Our body's pressed tightly together. I shut my eyes and threw my arms around her waist. I could almost taste the sugary goodness from her lips... She's gone Harley! You left her. Now you have him. She's safe now.

"I know Mistah J." I managed to crack a smile, thinking about Red. "B-but ya didnt tell anyone about what I told ya... Did ya?" I saw a frown burn into his face and I slowly moved my arms around the twins, he has already held a knife to them and they're not even born yet.

"Enough on the PLANT Harley!... Unless you want to raise my boys with her?"

"O-of course not... B-but Puddin, we dont know if they're boys just yet.." Joker's eyes grew dark, staring straight into my soul. Lightening up and plastering a smile on his face before he started to talk.

"Harley girl, Pumpkin pie... a girl.... A girl would end up like you, useless and a burden. They will be boys, or there is no point in keeping them... or you around."

My eyes widened. w-what did he mean "there is no point in keeping them". I should never of told him about the twins. More importantly I should have never come back. I need to get home.

"Anyways, getting back to the point. I've got a new plot to kill the Bat! First we lure him o..." Joker's voice slowly faded into the back of my mind, the thought of Red completely took over.

The way her luscious... The way her. I scrolled back through the most recent picture of her in my head, just before I left. Her sleeping body covered in the sheets, our sheets. I remember every detail of her body, but what if I forget.

No! I won't forget her... She's the best thing that ever happened to me. I love her! I love the way her red hair brings out the emerald green of her eyes. I love her hair long or short. I love her smooth, husky, sensual voice. I love the way she looks at me. I love her soft creamy skin, with or without bruises caused by Joker. I love how she held me...  I collapsed in on myself, the pain I felt in my heart couldn't match what Joker would do to me. I don't care what he does. I need Red, I need her because I love her...  And I think she loves me, I hope she still loves me.

I looked up through teary eyes, Joker wasn't even there...  He must of left but I was to busy thinking about Red to even notice. At least he didn't see, I would of been beaten...  I can't leave. I love Red, but I can't leave, he won't let me leave.

I'm going to get out. Somehow. Sometime. I just have to wait. I will find a way Red...  We will be together.

Thanks for reading I really hope you enjoyed. I know its took a while for me to update but I have a lot going on at home and I didn't want my mood to affect the plot so I waited and tried to chill but I'm sorry if it still affected the story... I don't think it did but Yeh. Should update soon but there's still stuff going on so I don't really know when I will update. Comment vote and share if u feel like it's greatly appreciated I love hearing feedback. Love you guys💜~Jw

Q~ Anyone want to date me? JKJKJKJKJKJK IM JOKINGGGG 😂💜 or I'm I?   Jk the real question is who does you relate with most from my story? Random question I know but I'm just curious.

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