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🌱 Ivy's p.o.v 🌱

I closed my bedroom door, quickly jumping onto my bed and finally answering the phone that had been annoyingly ringing in my pocket.

"Hello?" I wasn't sure why Selina was calling me, we haven't really spoken since Batman ripped her away from me.

"Hey Pam..." Why was she whispering? I rolled my eyes but suppressed the sigh in the back of my throat.

"Are you okay Selina?" Silence. When Selina didn't reply instantly I knew something was off. "Selina where are you? Selina?!" I pulled myself up to my feet and looked around for my shoes, just in cases she needed me.

"I-I'm fine Pam. This isn't about me I need to tell yo-" When will she learn that I won't drop anything until I get to the bottom if it, ever since Harley left and Phoebe was found out I won't take any more tip toeing around my questions.

"I asked you a question. Where are you Selina?" I slipped on the most practical pair of shoes I could find and sat back down on the edge if my bed; ready to go retrieve my stray kitten.

"I'm staying with a friend. I'm fine Pam really. But I really need to tel-" I had to suppress the laugh that was building up inside of me.

Friends, okay Selina sure, unless all of her cats banded together and made her a house from balls of yarn I doubt they could supply her with a place to stay.

"Who's this friend Selina? Not to sound evil but you don't have any other friends. Are you still with Batma-"

"NO!.. No I'm not with him, not anymore. I need to-" Selina was so set on moving past the subject of where she was, that it was starting to get insanely suspicious. Surprisingly before I could cut in I heard a second voice down the phone, this one muffled. "no it's not him it's pam.... uhm... okay thanks."

"Selina, who were you just talking too?" I could hear Selina grown and the muffled voice spoke again, Selina really should get a better phone. I couldn't even tell if the other voice was a man or not.

"Harley's in Arkham." Not processing her words immediately I growled, why is she being so secretive... wait.

My heart stopped and dropped deep into the soil, my ice cold blood ripped through my skin to water it. Growing from my heart was blood red Chrysanthemum flowers, three too be exact. One for each of their graves. Though it would not be Joker placing his signature flower on the graves of his children and their mother, he would not pluck those flowers from my heart, those small blood red Chrysanthemum flowers would be mine... a reminder that I failed them.

"She's big Ivy... Twenty seven weeks if I remember correctly. Everyone will know. Everyone will know who the father is. Anyone who's ever wanted to hurt Joker will see this as the perfect revenge!" A shiver shot down my spine. I shook my head and forced myself to focus.

"The Clown?" My voice was void of any emotion, this will tell me all I need to know.

If he's there with her it means he wanted to be caught, so that he could watch over his legacy. If he's not there with her, she's all alone. Scared. Cold. Probably in pain. He doesn't really care about the kids or Harleen, there just more pawns in his game against the Bat! If he's not there for her I need to be there! To support her. To reassure her. To protect her.

"Got away. I tried to get Br-Batman to throw me in to Arkham as well but... that fuc-" Her voice was laced with venom, guess she really wasn't with the Batman.

"I know Selina... you couldn't get in even if you wanted too, trust me I know she means a lot to you. I'm guessing the Dark Knight didn't want you to tell me any of this... so thanks Selina."

"Of course Pam, she's family. We're all family." The label family has never been used correctly around me... I don't have a family.

"She's not part of my family Selina. You read the note. She can't be with me she loves her... her Puddin." My eyes started to water but I pushed the tears back, no more crying.

"Come on Pam-" I used every single bit of self control I had to stay calm, I can't have Selina running out on me as well.

"Selina she made her choice. Maybe one day I will stop loving her... but that day is not today. Lay low Whiskers, I have a crime to commit... love you." I canceled the call as soon as those words left my lips, I guess I've really lost it living with my mother.

I pushed myself back up and walked through my door trying to avoid making the door squeak. I slipped my body through the gap with ease, not making a single sound. Looking down at the stairs I realised that giant leaves covered each step, this wasn't my plan but it was a good one. I smiled at my smart little babies and made my way down the new stairs. I made my way to the front door without a single creak in the floor boards. I wrapped my hand around the doorknob and turned, mission complete.

"Nice try Pammy bear." Just as I felt the cold polluted Gotham air a light switch flicked on behind me.

I span around and the concentrated light, that hit off my mother's square lenses, blinded me temporarily. Her fingers moved her thin square rimmed glasses up past her raised eyebrow and onto the top of her head. I gave her an awkward smile and watched her cross her arms over her chest.

"I'm going out." Play it cool. Make an excuse, I don't think I'm going to cause some chaos so I can get thrown into Arkham with Harley would sit very well with my mother.

"Pamela go back to your-" Oh ... she wants to play the mum card, not today Dianne.

"NO! You missed out on the years where you could boss me around. This is my home and I leave as I please. Goodnight Mother."

I marched through the door before she could say another word, wracking my brain over where to go...

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!!! Vote comment do whatever the hell you wanna do. I have literally 0 free time now... long story short I got a 9-5 job and its literally gonna be the death of me... and if you know about what's been happening in Uk Manchester over the past couple days I'm currently working in the danger zone so yey 😑. But hey I'm safe and so is everyone I know which is great but still many lost there lives and all I can say is that the world we live in is messed the hell up... wow I'm rambling! Continuing I'm genuinely working on a bajilion diffrent things right now and I know your here for Harley and Ivy but hey my other fanfics are pretty cool and u don't really need to know the characters too understand.

... this is long but it feels like I haven't spoken to you guys in ages so I'm going to just go with it 😂

If you like how I write you will enjoy! I'm working on a fullmetal alchemist fanfic which I'm super excited about!!! Please go check it out when it's finally outttt.

Oh oh ohhhhh!!!!! We're starting a new project over on my group account GothamCityWriters where one person starts and the other has to carry on. It sounds strange but it's going well upto now and it's fun sooooo 😂.

Talk to meeee! I'm so down to meet new people even though I have no time to talk to new people 😂 but seriously I've met so many awesome people on here (RaeRaeLovesParis,Poison_ivy_Quinn, barwickles Harleen__Quinzel129 R3BEL_Soldier I literally talk to these guys everyday so go check them out!!!) And omg I got FAN ART WTFFFFF ShopaHarlic GO CHECK OUT HER INTERPRETATION OF PHOEBE IT'S CRAZY GOOD AND I LOVE IT!

... Too end this crazy long speech, stay tuned for more updates for this fanfic and new ones and as always love ya's and STAY SAFE!~Jw💜

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