Old habits

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🐈 Catwoman's p.o.v 🐈

I knocked on Pam's front door frantically waiting for someone to let me it, I left the house as soon as I got the message Phoebe left me on Pam's phone. I was starting to panic just thinking back to the call, why did Phoebe call not Pam or Harley. Oh gosh I hope everyone is okay.

Finally the door flew open and Phoebe pulled me inside. She slammed the door behind me.

As soon as Phoebe stopped pacing around like a lunatic I looked over Phoebe, she looked worn down, it's only 8 in the morning... Why I'm I up and out at 8 in the morning? I didn't even have time to sigh as Phoebe pulled me into the living room, Pamela was on the sofa. I stumbled over to her and noticed the bottle on the floor besides her, then I noticed the bottle in her arms... I thought she stopped drinking?

"You let her drink?!" I turned around furious at Phoebe, how could she let this happen.

"N-no it's just that-"

"Selina?" I turned around to look at Pam, she didn't look so great. For one thing she was half dressed and I could see all of her cuts, bruises, burns and whatever the hell else that monster did to her. "Drink up. I've got somin ta tell youuuu." She handed me over the bottle which I quickly put on the floor. "Did ya drunk that?... Was quick. Okayyyy." She motions for me to come closer and as I bent down and as I leant over I smelt the alcohol on her breath. "She's gone." She started to laugh hysterically.

"What are you talking about. Who's gone?" I moved back, stood up and looked around. Phoebe was tearing up with a colouring book page in her hand, she handed it over and I read the purple writing inside... Harley. I looked over at Pam and she already had the bottle back in her mouth. I dropped the letter and took the bottle from her mouth quickly placing it on the floor where it was before. I sat on the couch and pulled Pamela in for a hug, she needed me. I can't believe she left us all behind again.

She broke Pam... Again. Pamela started crying like there was no tomorrow drenching the bottom of my shirt, I held her and supported her the best I could but I could feel my own tears soaking the rest of my shirt. She's gone. At some point Phoebe sat on the couch behind me, wrapping her arms around both of us the best she could. We all just sat there. Crying.

"Selina? I-I don't feel so good." I peeled my eyes open and looked at Pam, her face was pale and her eyes were red and puffy, but no more tears left her eyes.

"... Are you going to be sick Pam ? ... Please don't throw up on meeee. Phoebe go get a bucket or something." Phoebe ripped herself away from me and headed into the kitchen.

"M-my heart hurts Sss." She wrapped her arms around her middle and lent her head against my shoulder.

Phoebe ran back in with a black gardening bucket, with a tiny bit of soil at the bottom. She instantly threw the bucket to the floor. Pam didn't move away from me.

"Why?.." I looked over at Pam, I could hear the pain in her voice. She was heart broken. "Why did she leave me?"

"I- I dunno P... I'm sorry. She. He did this to her. You can't blame Harley-"

"I'm no blamin her Salinah!" Pam burst into tears and carried on, leaving me no time to wrap my arms around her, as she pushed herself away and to the other side of couch. "I bin blamin meh. I- I rush ed her. I - I-"

Suddenly Ivy threw herself off the couch and onto the floor, face instantly in the bucket. Her hands gripped round the bucket and Phoebe dropped to the ground next to her, going to hold her hair and quickly remembering she barley had any that could get in the way. I saw Pam arch her back and quickly looked away, plugged my fingers into my ears and held my nose, sick is not my thing. Give me blood death even torture and skinned hyena's. I'm not squeamish... But sick?! No. The sight of someone repeatedly emptying the contents of their stomach until there's nothing left. Just no. I hate it. Oh and the noises, god the noises. Just thinking about it is making my insides churn.

Thankfully it wasn't long until the horror was over. Pam passed out on the floor after throwing her insides up. Phoebe took the bucket out of the room and emptied it out, keeping it in the kitchen just incase. I bent down to heave Pamela onto the sofa, because she's basically naked there wasn't much clothing that the stench of death could weave it's way into so, Pam was just as clean as before... So not that clean, but at least she wasn't covered in sick. I scooped her up and put her across the whole of the couch.

I ended up just watching, waiting for her to wake. I looked over all of her injures. She looked so broken on the outside, but just looking at her I guessed she was a whole lot more beaten on the inside. What was Harley thinking? They looked so happy yesterday. She probably thinks leaving will give Pam a better life, looking at her passed out half naked body I would have to say she was wrong. Pam started to stir, I picked up a glass of water that I poured earlier.

"H-harl? I-i lav you." Tears started to gather in my eyes, listening to Pam drunk sleep talking. "I- if you lo-lov meh... Why are you leavin?! Harl. Harley no plz." I put the water back down and knelt down besides the couch, grabbing Pamela's hand and holding it tight... Realising, she's not having a cute dream about them running away together and being happy. She was having a nightmare.

"Give the girl a break already..." Not realising I spoke out loud, Pam's eyes ripped open.

Adjusting to the light she instantly closed her eye's, and throwing her free hand upto her temples. Great she has a hangover, she going to want more ... I dropped her hand and lifted up the glass of water in attempt to get her sobered up.

"Phoebe Is making you something to eat. After that you can take some paracetamol." I smiled sympatheticly, she squinted at me then the glass of water. She let her arm roll over the side of the couch, grabbing at thin air she frowned at me.

"Come on Pam, you gotta sober up."

"No. Sss... Ya dont gat et. I need it. Pleas. Youu don't understood... Pleasee. Im fine. Im en control. Ican stop wheneverrr I want, I just don't want ta yettt. Please."

"I'm not helping you do this to yourself again. If you want it so bad go get it. It's in the kitchen."

As quickly as she could, she stumbled into the kitchen. She's not fine. She's drowning her sorrows like always, and just like last time I will be here to stop her from doing anything really stupid. Drunk Ivy is usually just a whole lot of anything that will distract her from the thought of Harley, thankfully drunk Pam is usually a whole lot nicer to me than sober Pam... Before everything that has been going on of course, when we were frenemie rivals I guess.

"I gots ya a presentttt. Close yer eyeballs." I signed and let my eyelids flutter closed.

I smelt alcohol then... My mouth was covered. I opened my eyes and gasped, warm liquid rushed into my mouth. Wine?! I pushed Ivy away from my lips. I could taste it. The sweet taste of red wine.

"Hereeee drink up." Pam passed me the root of this sweet taste in my mouth... I can't.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed. Vote ⭐️ comment 📝 share 📤 if you want to. It took me foreverrrr to update, I've been looking after my baby sis, going college, doing my assignments and most importantly sleeping a whole lot 😂 I will update soon promise.

Q: how does everyone feel about everything going on (Pregnant Harley with Mr J, drunk Ivy and just people's feelings on Selina and Phoebe in general)

⬆️ Big question because I really like to know how everyone feels about the over the top constant drama 😂 I love all you guys and I really hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I'm writing it~ Jw💜

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