We didn't?!

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🌱 Ivy's p.o.v 🌱

My ears were ringing and my head was banging, when I was awoken by the person beside me growning. My memory of last night was missing something, I remember the drinking, the games, the ridiculous answers, I remember Olivia, lots more drinking and retreating upstairs... Harley!

I ripped my eyes open, wincing at the lights affect on my already ragging headache. Sitting up and looking at the bed I gasped... Phoebe? Selina? Olivia? No Harley.

"Nonononono. This can't be happening." I clutched the sheets to my... Bare chest, I don't remember getting completely undressed last night. I looked over seeing Selina start to shift, turning and wrapping her arms around Phoebe. "Please. Please. Please! Don't let this be happening, please. I won't ever drink again."

"Was it that bad?" Looking up I noticed Olivia with a strangely seductive smile engraved on her face.

"We didn't ? Right?!" Oh pleaseeee tell me I didn't just do that with a complete stranger... oh god what is Harley going to think ?!

"Me and you? Nonono surprising not." Olivia started to laugh, waking up Selina and Phoebe. As Phoebe sat up and peeled her eyes open, following the trend and wincing at the light. "You and her." Phoebe looked at the finger pointed at her face and scowled. Nononononono!

"What's going on ? ... Why are the curtains open?! ... Why are you pointing at me?"

"Oh and a hell of a lot of you and her." Olivia turned and pointed at Selina. Selina was rubbing her eyes and growling.

My eyes started to tear up, I shook my head and sighed. Olivia got off the bed and bent down to grab something, standing up with her back to me she started to get dressed. Why couldn't I remember... I can't believe this. Phoebe turned to me, her eyes growing wide as she did so. She put her hand to her mouth and turned to see Selina, who had turned over so her face was in her pillow. I slept with both of them ?! Before I even knew anything had happened Olivia was in front of me, her lips were on mine. As quickly as it happened her lips were gone and she was walking out of the door. I turned to look at Phoebe, mouth slightly open. Not caring anymore, I got up and grabbed my clothes that were scattered all over the floor. I grabbed Harley's jumper from the night before last and quickly threw it on. I jumped down the stairs and towards the door, it's open ...

"OLIVIA!!!" I ran outside, nothing on my feet. I searched around and found nothing. She's gone! Nonono she's the only person who knows what happened, why can't I remember? I collapsed to the ground in the middle of the alley way.

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, too dainty to be a henchman. I wished it was a henchman, anyone's henchman... Joker's, Penguin's even 2face's. I can't keep living like this, my mother always told me that suicide was a sign of weakness, maybe if I just didn't fight back.

Looking up I saw Selina... not a henchman in sight, only in my dreams I guess. She had a frown engraved in her face, her eyes had darkened. She had my silky green kimono robe tied around her, cutting of just before her knees revealing a dark reddish purple bruise. My eyes widened and started to water.

"D-did I do that to you?" She looked down to see the bruise, inhaling sharply and looking back at me.

"Looks like I gotcha back pretty good." She gave me a sad smile and pointed to my neck. As I turned to look at her finger, I felt burning pain in my neck. "Come on Pam, your gonna freeze out here." Selina held a hand out for me.

"Maybe I want to." I let my eyes fall to the ground, shame flooded my body.

"Don't you dare say that. We were all totally out of it Pam. O-once we started you downed a bottle."

"That bottle... I-it was the one Olivia brought? I- I remember... it it had a note."

Standing up I watched Selina's confusion bubble around in her head until I saw it, her eyes widened and we both ran towards my door. We barged in threw the door and headed towards my bedroom, throwing the door open. I looked at Phoebe who stared at me with guilty eyes for a split second, she quickly looked down to her now clothed body. Wasting no time I grabbed the bottle off the floor next to my bed, bow and note still attached. I ripped the note of and opened it, my eyes instantly watering my hands started to shake.

This one is payed to stay.
I requested she take it easy on you for me.
It's hard to forget your FIRST, isn't it?
P.s  Sorry I couldn't find a blonde, I know you like them dumb.

The paper fell out of my hands. Unshed tears wouldn't fall. I stood up. Legs shaking. I looked at Selina, dark brown eyes searching my green. I searched her body for more damage. Her lips looked slightly bruised, three purple bruises two on her arms one on her leg, she also had a singular harsh dark red... handprint? On her wrist. A burn? Phoebe... this is all my fault. I turned to look at Phoebe, she was just staring at her hands. The only thing I could see on Phoebe was. A thin. Light. Reddish purple. bruise. Traveling the width of her neck. I did that... I made my babies. She could have died.

I ran out the door and towards the bathroom. I could hear them following. I ran inside and shut the door behind me. I commanded my babies to cover the inside of the door, to stop anyone from coming in... but they stay on this side of the door, I won't risk hurting them again.

"PAMELA?! Open the door! Please. Pleaseeee open the door." Neither Selina's voice or her furious knocking on the door fade away as I walked over to the mirror, looking right into green eyes that were so much darker than I remembered them. "Pam! Pleease. Just open the door." Every new mark on my body merged with the old, I couldn't care less.

"Look at yourself Pamela... she wouldn't even be able to tell if you did it. I know I'm weak. I need you... Harley. I need you. You're my-"

"O-open the door . P-please Pamela." The banging on the door slowed. I started walking towards the bathtub.

"You are my Sun. My source of energy. My muse. Ever since I saw you, I knew I had to reach you." I stood in front of the tub, just looking at it. "You gave me a purpose. You gave me a goal. I towered above all the rest in sight. I felt your heat. Welcoming, empowering." Finally standing in the tub and sitting." I grew against the pain. Growing and pain increased together. I can shield you from the force when I reach you, the pain will be mine and you can have peace. I finally reached you. You fit into my leaves so perfectly. You made the pain bearable." I placed my head on the rim of the tub and closed my eyes. "Just like that you were gone. Darkness took over. You went where I could no longer see, letting a building push you higher. He increased your pain and pinned you there. He fell. He did not die. He rebuilt himself. He had no pain, but he also had you. Now here I am. Leaves wilting. Branches crumbling. Still standing tall, but decay slowly climbing my body. Slow. Painful. Lonely. Why wait for the decay when I could keep growing. Pain increasing. Falling quicker."

"Pamela! Open th.....

Thanks for reading I really hope you enjoyed. I know its took a while for me to update but when does it not take me forever 😂 this is the earliest I think I've ever updated... unlike most times I'm updating at 1:25pm uk time instead of 3 in the morning .  The last paragraph took me foreverrrrr! When I was writing it I was imagining that my old English teachers where reading it, analysing every line had a meaning in English 😂 shout out to my game of thrones loving teacher🍰 and my criminal minds loving teacher couldn't of passed English without you's. Hopefully I will update again shortly. Comment vote and share if u feel like it's greatly appreciated I love hearing feedback. Love you guys💜~Jw

2017 better be a good year 😂💜

Q~ has my story made you cry?
Weird Q but I'm dead inside so nothing affects me  and it shocks me when people say there literally crying... it's weird to me 😂

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