Chapter 4

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Niall really needed to get a grip of himself if he didn’t want to be discovered before it really began. Ever since Zayn had given him his first blow-job, the dark-haired boy had dominated his thoughts 24/7. It was frustrating, really, and it was no good that he would blush while he was with his friends.

Harry hadn’t stopped teasing him with stupid in-the-closet jokes, and he had very cheekily informed Niall that if he was ever in doubt, then Harry gladly volunteered to experiment with him.

Currently, they were sitting in the cafeteria just having their usual lunch in between classes. Louis was telling or more like complaining about some other girl and nobody was really listening. Niall let his eyes wander about the cafeteria until it ended on a table at the far end.

Zayn and his friends’ table.

Even the way Zayn ate did Niall find weirdly attractive. He must have felt Niall’s eyes on him, because suddenly, he was looking directly at him. He smirked at him, and then he did this thing with his eyes; he fluttered them half-mast and sent Niall a sexy look. Niall could feel himself blush to the tip of his hair roots, but it did get no better when Zayn suddenly had a carrot in his hand. He slowly put it in his mouth, keeping eye-contact with Niall all the while before he hallowed his cheeks and bobbed his head once. Niall choked on the sandwich he’d been eating as his body-temperature jumped, and he gained everyone’s attention as he coughed violently.

Harry clapped him worriedly on the back and asked if he was alright. Of course he was alright, if you didn’t count the rising problem in his jeans and the not so innocent thoughts triggered by Zayn’s little show.

When Niall looked back, Zayn wasn’t looking at him and was talking to one of his friends.

Friday night arrived and it was boy’s night at Harry’s home. Harry’s parents were out, so they had the place all to themselves

They were in the middle of Iron man 2, which they were watching for nth time thanks to Louis. Every time it was the oldest boy’s turn to pick the movie, he would always pick Iron man, because ““Robert Downey Jr, guys.” It was quite obvious he had a man crush on the celebrity.

Liam and Louis was sitting on one of the couches and Harry and Niall were cuddled up on another. Niall had been a little more than surprised when Harry had beat Liam to his usual spot next to the blonde and promptly cuddled up to him. Usually Harry and Louis would cuddle since they were the closest between them, and Louis had certainly not covered his disappointment when Harry had went in for a cuddle with Niall. “You don’t love me anymore, Haz!” He’d cried and dramatically placed a hand over his “wounded” heart. Harry had just laughed and ignored him.

Under the movie, Niall didn’t know if it was just him, but Harry was very touchy-feely. He would play with Niall’s hair, run a thumb down his arm and now and then bury his nose in Niall’s hair. Niall wasn’t sure but he felt that this was a little over the line of their boundaries, but he couldn’t deny it all felt nice. Harry was warm and smelled fresh and of new-washed clothes, so Niall didn’t protest and just took it, letting Harry cuddle close up to him.

Half-way through the movie, Niall’s thought drifted off to Zayn, and he wondered what he was up to. Was he also spending time with his weird-looking friends? Or was he trudging around doing whatever bad boys did nowadays. Now that Niall thought about it, he still didn’t know a thing about Zayn, and he’d done more with him than he’d ever done with anyone. Their little closet experience still lingered in Niall’s mind and was enough to make him blush like Hannah.

Like he was doing right now.

He glanced around at his friends who were deeply engrossed in the movie, and he knew he couldn’t afford to lose them. The thought alone made his heart ache a little. He’d known them since middle-school, and they were all great lads. The girls also; Hannah and Danielle were an exception in a sea of dolled up, bitchy and plastic fake gossip-girls. He loved them all dearly and losing them over whatever he and Zayn had going on would be foolish.

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