Chapter 16

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“Zayn, from now on you can’t put marks where it’s visible,” Niall looked into the mirror as he tried to hide the big, purple bruises with his collar; seriously, Zayn had gone overboard this time and it had taken him ages to reduce them just the slightest.

“Why not?” Zayn said from where he was lazily sprawled on the bed, smoking a cigarette. “Isn’t that the whole point of being together?” Zayn waved his hand a little in the air in a gesture.

Niall bit down his lip to stop the ear-splitting grin threatening to take over his face.

“Yeah,” He said and smiled at Zayn’s reflection in the mirror. “But my mom will see it, and she doesn’t know we’re together…” Niall studied Zayn’s expression. “yet.”

Zayn didn’t say anything, and his expression didn’t change either as he continued to blow out smoke.”Are you going to show me around?” Niall asked as he turned to face Zayn, his blue eyes flickering over the boy’s room for the nth time. Niall had been surprised when he’d finally calmed down enough to take a shower and look around the boy’s room. The blonde didn’t know what he’d expected but the room was pretty normal and very neat and clean in comparison to Niall’s; he wasn’t sure if Zayn actually tidied it up or the maids did.

“Aren’t we going back to school?”

“Yeah, but there’s no point showing up in the middle of first period, so we might as well make it back for second module,” Niall said as he walked up to the large shelf covered half in books, half in movies and games. He ran his fingers across the books first, curious to see what Zayn read – he was skeptic that the boy read at all – and was surprised to see it was all business and management books. Did that mean..

“Are you planning on taking over your family’s company, Zayn?” Niall asked; Zayn had briefly told him about his family’s business cooperation, but he hadn’t mentioned wanting to take over. With his back to Zayn, the blonde didn’t see how Zayn’s brow twitched the slightest and his eyes narrowed for a second.

“Not if I can help it.”

Niall frowned as he randomly selected a book to flip through.

“Then why do you have all these books here?”

“My father’s doing,” Zayn finished the cigarette and snubbed it out on the ashtray resting on the nightstand next to his bed. Niall was half-listening as his interest was claimed by the long line of games Zayn owned. He squealed like a little girl when his eyes fell on a particular one, startling Zayn a little.

“Zayn oh my god, shit!” Niall’s fingers were literally shaking, his eyes wide and his mouth watering. “Shit, this can’t be… it is!” He turned around to face Zayn clutching a game to his chest, and Zayn was just looking amused at him.

“Where did you get this from!? It hasn’t been released yet!!!” Niall exclaimed as he pointed frantically at the game, not caring if he looked like a freaking retard and judging by Zayn’s laughter, he was entertaining him.

“I got my connections,” Zayn smirked as he gracefully climbed to his feet and strolled over to Niall. “This is amazing!!”Niall was seconds away from jumping up and down like a crazed fangirl. “I know, but you’re crushing it,” Zayn realized it was a bad idea to try and take the game out of Niall’s clutching grip when the boy slapped his hand away.

“I don’t care what you say, but you’re lending this to me!” Niall raised the game a little over his head, his eyes sparkling, and he reminded Zayn of a Disney character; so irresistibly cute. Zayn chuckled as he circled his arms around the smaller boy’s waist and kissed his earlobe; he was disappointed when Niall was too lost in fanboying over the game to react. “Wait till Harry hears this, he’s going to be so excited!”

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