Chapter 10

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When Niall woke up the next morning he wasn’t sure where he was, what time it was or for that matter what day it was. The gentle sunrays danced over his naked chest and he glanced to his right only to be met with Zayn’s sleeping features. His eyes widened and he shot upright in the bed. The action caused a wave of dizziness and black spots before his eyes and he groaned.

He stared down at Zayn with wide eyes, because this was the first time he’d seen him asleep; and for the first time the raven looked innocent and vulnerable. It was kind of mind-blowing seeing this side of Zayn, and he was – as always – breathtakingly beautiful. His features were soft, his long eyelashes tickling his cheekbones and his red lips slightly parted, even breaths leaving them. Niall used a little more time than he should just staring at Zayn like he was in a trance, and first looked away when he realized he was being creepy. However, he couldn’t help but lift the blanket and peek under it; he blushed madly before dropping it and looked around to distract himself.

After looking around the different colored walls that were covered with plasters of various bands, last night’s events slowly came back to him. His eyes drifted back to Zayn and he smiled fondly; he actually looked harmless and cute. He leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips, before climbing to his feet. He tugged on his boxers and pants, before pulling out his phone. Upon unlocking it, his eyes widened.


He’d forgotten that it was a school night and to go home, and judging from the 100 or so phone calls from his mother she had noticed his absence. “Shit…” he cursed as he sighed deeply as his gaze found the clock and his cursing increased; they were late for school.

He looked towards Zayn who was still slumbering peacefully, and Niall decided to wake him up; after emptying his bladder. He walked out of the room and looked nervously around. The apartment was deadly quiet and it was a little scary. He tip-toed down the hall and his gaze surveyed the living room as he passed it. Cassandra, Chad and Jerry were all in there sprawled on the couches and floor, also deeply asleep; was no one in this place thinking about going to school? Niall shook his head and continued down until he found the bathroom.

After finishing his business in the bathroom and improvising a toothbrush with towel and toothpaste, he emerged. He had only taken one step down the hall when he stiffened. Jerry was standing in the doorway of the living room with bloodshot eyes and morning hair. Niall was about to return into the bathroom; he’d rather be in there until people woke up than having to walk past this guy.

Jerry caught sight of him and Niall shivered when his eyes raked over his body; he became very self-conscious. “Good morning, Bambi,” He drawled with a smirk, and Niall shot his gaze down. He told himself if he ignored him maybe he would leave him alone. He stiffly walked past Jerry, but froze when he suddenly grabbed his wrist and pulled him close.

“W-What are you doing,” Niall hissed and was a little more intimidated than he would admit. He tried to yank his wrist out, but Jerry was having a death grip on him; hard enough to bruise. Niall’s eyes widened when the boy pressed a hand against the small of his back and pulled him closer until Niall could feel his breath on his face. “Let.go,” He glared into Jerry’s grey eyes as he pressed a hand against his chest to keep distance between them.

“Thought I’d just let you know that,” Jerry said quietly. “I jerked off to your cute little cries and moans last night.” Niall blushed in embarrassment as Jerry smirked at him, and he wrinkled his nose in horror and disgust; the mental image made him shudder.

Just as Niall contemplated to shout for help did Jerry let him go, and the blonde wasted no time scurrying back into Cassandra’s room where Zayn was still sleeping obliviously. Niall stalked over and shook him gently until he cracked a sleepy eye open.

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