Chapter 26

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“No…” Harry weakly raised his hand in a hopeless attempt to stop Zayn from leaving him, but the door closed and Nathan stood there, smirking at him. Harry wanted to sob in despair, but he kept on a straight face; glaring up at the man now approaching him with a predatory gleam in his eyes.

Nathan returned to his previous position of straddling his waist, and Harry’s jaw clenched as the older man leered down at him. Nathan swooped down and pressed his lips back against Harry’s much to the younger boy’s frustration. Long fingers trailed down Harry’s naked torso, and said boy swallowed in shame when his nipples perked up, hardening under Nathan’s touch.

In one swift movement his belt was unbuckled and at this, Harry took a sharp intake of air through his mouth. Nathan ruthlessly took advantage and pushed his tongue through Harry’s parted lips. “…Stop…” Harry gasped as soon as Nathan removed his mouth from his, proceeding to trail his jaw with open-mouthed kisses. He could feel Nathan smirk against the skin of his neck as his finger pulled down the zipper of his trunks, and Harry closed his eyes with a heart that threatened to burst out of his ribs.

“Don’t you remember a few nights back where you practically begged me to fuck you, Harry?” Nathan chuckled and peered up at Harry with dark eyes. Harry’s cheeks heated up and he looked away.

Harry had been falling-over-piss drunk one night at that seedy bar, he’d been sick and tired of feeling hopelessly in love with Niall and then Nathan had showed up. Harry had more or less crawled on top of him, and much to his surprise, Nathan had refused an of his advances.

“I am giving you what you wanted all along.”

“No,” Harry’s heart dropped from his ribs when Nathan felt him over the thin fabric of his boxers, and he closed his eyes; thinking this was it, this is where he lost all dignity and pride. His eyes stung, but he refused to give Nathan the satisfaction of seeing him cry. He felt his hope died along with another part of him.

Nathan smirked when he saw Harry’s dulled green eyes and he began tugging the boy’s tight jeans off him, but stopped up at the sound of the door opening. His eyes darkened with annoyance and he was about to turn around and give his stupid little brother a piece of his mind when something heavy hit him in the side of his head. Dazed, he began to fall, dark spots rapidly decorating his eyesight. “What-” He never finished his sentence as another blow to his head knocked him out and off the bed.

Zayn looked down at his brother’s unmoving form with a rather livid expression, and the urge to kick him in his pretty face was almost overwhelming. “Piece of shit,” Zayn muttered under his breath as he placed the antic, expensive ceramic pot he’s used to knock Nathan out on the nightstand.

His eyes flickered onto Harry on the bed, and the younger boy was looking at him with big, green eyes; some tears were glistening in the corners. Zayn swallowed a little when he saw his disheveled state and moved quickly over all the while cursing Nathan to hell and back.

“Hey, you okay?” Zayn knew it was a stupid question the second it left his mouth, and Harry’s snort certainly confirmed that.

“I am fantastic, if you don’t count in the fact that I am drugged and was about to get assaulted,” Harry huffed out sarcastically. “Then I am fucking fantastic.”

Zayn frowned as he uneasily zipped up Harry’s pants to give him a sense of regained dignity, before he began rummaging about the room.

“What are you doing?” Harry asked nervously, feeling incredibly uncomfortable just lying there helplessly and with a naked chest.

“Searching for antidote,” Zayn replied curtly as he flung open drawer after drawer, and Harry weakly tilted his head to watch him make a mess of what he assumed was Nathan’s room.

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