Chapter 12

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Niall couldn’t believe this was happening. He wouldn’t have thought Jerry would take it this far. If he’d known they boy would molest him in a filthy stall in a club, he would’ve told Zayn about him long ago.

But now it seemed it was a little too late.

“I couldn’t help myself, Niall,” Jerry smirked and Niall gasped when his body was sandwiched between Jerry’s firm body and the wall. His eyes widened when the boy’s fingers were roaming and touching up his thigh. “Stop!” He exclaimed and swatted Jerry’s hand away.

“Don’t make this difficult,” He hissed and Niall found his wrists pinned above his head by one of Jerry’s hands. He was about to knee him in the crotch, but Jerry read his mind and slid a thigh between his legs. “I have to see what Zayn sees in you.”

“Get off of me!” Niall spat and shuddered when Jerry’s breath ghosted over the skin of his neck. The slap across his cheek was as unexpected as this whole predicament, and the tears welled up in Niall’s eyes at the stinging pain.

“Be quiet,” Jerry growled, and Niall gasped when he placed sloppy kisses down the length of his neck. He whimpered when Jerry’s thigh rutted against his crotch. Niall tried to struggle against his hold.

“Stop it!” He shouted loudly. “Help! Zayn!” The rest of his shouts were muffled by a mouth against his, and his eyes grew wide, the tears escaping; hot against his skin. Jerry’s mouth felt so wrong, cold and disgusting and sonotZayn. Niall clenched his eyes shut, wishing this was a nightmare as he felt Jerry’s fingers curl roughly around his hip.

“Why scream for someone who doesn't gives a rat's ass about you?” Jerry said against his lips, and Niall 's heart sank. “For him you're just a good fuck; a very good fuck judging by how long he's kept your pretty little ass around.”

The tears were trickling down Niall's cheeks, and he couldn't believe how much Jerry's words were hurting him. He whimpered when Jerry pressed his mouth back against his roughly and shuddered when Jerry’s wet tongue pressed against his bottom lip, demanding entrance, but Niall kept his mouth firmly closed in a thin line. In his mind was the words; onlyZayn replaying. But then there was that voice in his head telling him that Zayn didn't care.

“You know, it would be so much better for yourself if you cooperated,” Jerry growled impatiently. “Why don't you live up to your slutty image and give me what I want?” Niall clenched his eyes tightly shut, trying to ignore his tight chest. Jerry didn't give up and kept kissing him.

Niall hadn't expected his hand to roughly grab his butt, and he gasped in surprise. Jerry relentlessly took advantage of his open mouth, and his tongue plunged into the depths of Niall's mouth. Niall felt sick to the core as Jerry's tongue ravished his mouth as it pleased him.

Niall's struggles decreased and his offensive crumbled to a pleading defense when Jerry's hand were fumbling with his belt, and he fully realized where this was heading.

“Please,” Niall whimpered against the boy’s semi-cold lips, letting go of his pride. “Stop, I beg you.” Just the thought of where this might end sent Niall's heart hurtling down.

Jerry released his mouth and the cruel smile he sent him made Niall's blood ran cold, and he knew he wasn't going to stop. A shaky sob escaped his abused lips as Jerry nibbled his neck, and he gasped in pain when he bit down. His hand had by now unbuckled his belt and Niall heard the sound of the zipper being pulled down.



Niall's diminishing hope sparked again as his ears perked at the familiar voice.

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