Chapter 13

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Niall looked down at Zayn who was quirking a brow at him curiously, and he smirked as he leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips; teasingly. Zayn tried to deepen it, but Niall drew back; Zayn growled a little impatiently, and Niall smirked down at him.

There was something different about having Zayn in his own bed, and Niall couldn't wait to take advantage of the fact that his mother was out. He was currently straddling the raven and as he lay underneath bim, he felt in control.

He kissed him this time harder and pushed his tongue past his parted lips. His fingers crawled under Zayn's shirt and brought it up as he went. Zayn sat a little up so Niall could get the shirt off. Once the shirt was discarded, Niall pushed Zayn back down. Zayn looking amused and curiously up at him as the blonde let his eyes roam over his chest.

Niall brought his lips to Zayn's jaw and covered it in feather kisses trailing down to his neck. He kissed the juncture of Zayn's shoulder and neck softly at first but they turned into more insistent kisses, and Niall could feel Zayn breathe in heavily. He sucked hard on the skin and was pleased by the low groan he recieved. He drew back and smiled satisfied when he saw the skin redden slowly. He looked up at Zayn only to see his eyes darkening, and fuck did he have to give him that look? Not that he was complaining.

He continued down, showering Zayn's collarbone to his chest with wet open-mouthed kisses until he reached his intended target; Zayn's recent tattoo. He closed his mouth around the dragon, and Zayn's fingers were threading through his hair as he groaned when Niall bit gently down. A wonderful thing Niall had discovered was that this was a very sensitive spot of Zayn.

”I am beginning to think you have an obsession with that tattoo,” Zayn breathed, and Niall chuckled breathlessly as he stopped kissing he tattoo. ”I am not,” He objected as he raised his head, and Zayn wass giving him a look. Niall rolled his eyes. ”Okay, maybe a little.”

Zayn smirked and Niall really had to wipe that smug smirk off his face. He brought their lips together in a none too gently kiss and boldly grabbed the slowly developing bulge in Zayn's pants. He suppressed a laugh when Zayn took a sharp intake of air in surprise.


Niall's eyes widened because he was suddenly underneath Zayn as the boy switched their position. He gulped a little when he saw how predatory and even a little evil Zayn looked. ”As much as I like you above me, I like you underneath me a lot more,” He said, his voice taken that sultry tone that made Niall's heart grow crazy.

Zayn went down and smashed their lips in a teeth-clashing kiss, his hands roaming up Niall's thigh. His fingers teasingly grazed his growing erection, before taking off his shirt; Niall sat up and raised his arms to help him.

Once they were both shirtless, Zayn pressed down on him, and Niall moaned at the feeling of skin against skin. ”I might be obsessesed with your tattoo,” Zayn admitted as his eyes zoomed into the silhouttes of three small birds across Niall's ribcage; the blank ink a strong contrast against the pale skin. ”I knew that already,” Niall said smugly, but he gasped when Zayn bit harshly down on the sensitive skin. ”It's cute, just like you.”

Niall grinded up against him; a little desperate for friction. Zayn caught on and rolled his hips against Niall's, making their crothes collide and the boys groaned at the delicious friction.

”Niall sweety! I am back home.”

Niall's eyes grew huge, his heart stopping beating for a moment as they both froze. Their ears perked at the sound of light footsteps coming down the hall towards his room. ”Shit,” Niall hissed as he bolted upright and grunted painfully when he knocked noses with Zayn. ”Quick! Hide!” He whispered frantically as he struggled to get his shirt on.

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