Chapter 28

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It was no secret that Niall had always wanted to introduce Zayn to his mother when they first got ‘real’ together. He’d always wanted for the most important people in his life to meet each other, had even imagined the scenario; his mother would love him almost as much as Niall loved him, she would be embarrassing, telling Zayn about him and Niall would sigh and groan in protest, Zayn would smile, pretty pearly-white teeth and cast him an amused glance.

This wasn’t the scenario he’d had in mind.

Sitting at the table with his ex – the label left an unpleasant churn in Niall’s stomach – his best friend who he’d shamelessly tried to crawl on top off a few minutes ago and his mother; smiling widely to Zayn, pleased to meet a new ‘friend’ of Niall’s.

Definitely never what he’d had in mind or what he’d imagined would ever happen.

It was no surprise that he was a mess of nerves, fidgeting and squirming at his seat, casting glances towards Harry – who looked too impassive for comfort (Niall’s mother had insisted Harry ate with them even though the boy looked anything but willing to) – and Zayn, who looked too calm and was all polite smiles and nods towards his mother; Niall was just waiting for something to crash and burn.

He knew it was coming.

“I assume you go to school together,” Maura said looking towards Zayn who in turn nodded.

“Yeah, we are in the same year, though we only have one temporary class together,” Zayn replied and smiled at Maura; Niall was already unnerved with how much he seemed to do that.

“I see, then how did you become friends?”

Niall’s breath hitched and his eyes snapped towards Zayn, wide and apprehensive. Zayn didn’t look too put out as he shrugged a little and glanced towards Niall, and he could see in Zayn’s eyes, he wasn’t sure how to reply.

“I don’t really remember,” Zayn finally replied, nonchalantly. “I guess we just started talking and then...we became friends.”

Niall’s breath of relief was cut short when Harry snorted.

All eyes snapped towards the youngest at the table, and Niall stared at Harry in shock and with a look that clearly said “What the fuck, Harry.”

Harry rolled his eyes and huffed, looking away and picking at his food with a deep frown. Niall forced the food down his throat and turned to his mother with a sheepish smile.

A few minutes passed by, Niall’s mother making conversation mostly with Zayn, Niall was quiet as the grave and Harry even worse. Niall could feel the tension shimmering under the surface and when Harry finally snapped, Niall saw it coming.

Niall’s mother was in the middle of asking Zayn out about his family, and Niall had actually been curious of what Zayn would say when Harry had loudly pushed himself away from the table and on his feet.

“Harry?” Niall’s mother looked at the younger boy worried. “I forgot my mother wanted me home early. Thanks for the dinner,” Harry mumbled, his eyes downcast before walking out with fast steps.

Niall stomach churned and he quickly got to his feet. “I’ll walk him out,” he said to his mother, a little nervous about leaving her and Zayn alone, but now he had to do something about the catastrophe unfolding.

“Harry, Harry, Harry,” Niall fruitlessly tried to catch Harry’s attention as the younger boy threw on his jacket with quick, frantic movements before flinging open the door and walking out in the late spring evening.

Niall grabbed his coat and followed the younger boy. Niall had to run a little to catch up to Harry’s long strides. “Hey, Harry, Harry!” Niall called anxiously when he caught up to Harry, but Harry didn’t even spare him a glance, just stared stiffly ahead picking up pace.

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