Chapter 19

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One of the most terrifying things in school is to be called to the principle office in the middle of a class. When Niall was peacefully conducting an experiment with Liam in the chemistry lab, he hadn’t expected to be called out by the secretary.

“Niall Horan, you’re needed in the principle office,” The small lady said from the door into the class. Niall fought down a blush when the whole class turned worried eyes on him, and he sent Liam and Hannah a worried look.

“It’s probably nothing serious,” Liam muttered to him and Niall forced a smile as he ignored the whispers and followed the secretary to the principle’s office.

Niall could feel his palms become clammy as he trailed after the secretary down the hall, her heels clicking loudly against the floor, and he wondered what he had done to be called in; he never got called in.

“You can walk in,” She said as she waved him towards the door with the looming sign saying “Principle’s office.” Niall took a shaky breath and nodded towards the secretary, before opening the door with slightly trembling hands.

Niall nearly got a heart attack when he walked into the semi-dark room (the curtains were drawn over the window making it hard for the sun to enlighten the room) and his eyes immediately felt on the woman sitting across the desk from his principle; his mother.

He was screwed; no doubt.

“Mr. Fitcher… mom,” He squeaked nervously as he walked further into the office, and glanced at his mother and the man sitting behind the desk whom were both looking at him.

“Niall, please, take a seat next to your mother,” Mr. Fitcher waved towards the uncomfortable looking chair next to his mother, and Niall swallowed as he slowly sank down in it. He fiddled with his fingers and peeked at the principle under his eyelashes; Mr. Ficther was a big man with ever-present stubbles, cropped hair in a suit that looked like he’d slept in it. Niall glanced at his mother who had a stiff smile on her lips; he was sure he wasn’t going to see the light ever again.

“Niall,” Mr.Fitcher said and Niall’s lifted his eyes to meet his weary ones. “Do you have an idea of why you’ve been called in?”

Niall glanced at his mother.

“No, Mr. Fitcher.”

“Very well, you’ve been called in, because of your absence which has reached an unacceptable level,” Mr. Fitcher was glancing at a paper over his thick-rimmed glasses, before he stared at Niall. “It has also come to my attention that you’re halting behind in most of your classes.”

Niall was stiff and rigid; this was just what he needed in his messed up life. He could feel his mother frown at him, and he didn’t look forward to going home later today.

“If you continue like this, then I am afraid you won’t pass this year,” Mr. Fitcher said his expression dead-serious, and Niall blanched at the thought of not making it to his senior class.

“But what we can we do to avoid that?” His mother said next to him, her knuckles white around her purse.

“Well,” Mr. Fitcher interlaced his hands over the papers he’d been looking through. “Niall will need to put great effort into his studies in order to avoid failing and if he stop missing classes then his absence level will decrease.”

His mother nodded.

“I would advise he gets a tutor and we have a study center here at the school in the evening; it would benefit him a lot if he stayed after school and took advantage of that,” Mr. Fitcher drawled, and he really didn’t sound like he could care less about Niall’s future.

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