Chapter 27

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The next morning, Niall woke to the gentle rays of the early morning sun peeking through the curtains, a warm arm tightly closed around his middle and Harry’s scent and body heat infiltrating all his senses. Somehow, during the night, he and Harry had ended up in a spooning position with Harry pressed to his back, his arm tightly closed around Niall’s middle , Harry’s legs between his and the younger boy’s nose buried in the crook of his neck, his curls tickling the skin there.

It took a second for Niall to feel something hard poking his butt and another second realizing what it was. Once he did, the blush spread across his neck all the way to the tip of his hair roots; an inaudible, horrified sound escaping the back of his throat.

Niall knew he had to get out of Harry’s arms before said boy woke up and he found himself in the most awkward situation of his short life. His heartbeat seemed to race faster than ever and he could feel his body heating up. He swallowed as he slowly tried to remove Harry’s arm around him. Much to his horror, this only resulting in Harry muttering something under his breath and tightening his hold on him; and Niall really wanted to just cry. Why did he always end in troubling situations?

The worst part of it all was probably that Niall could feel himself growing hotter by the second, and he really just liked to blame it on his boy hormones; how the fuck was he supposed to react with a raging hard-on pressing against his rear?

Niall tried again to move out of Harry’s vice-like grip, but much to his horror he ended up moving back against Harry’s morning wood. A barely audible gasp escaped Niall’s lips and it didn’t get better when Harry let out and almost blissful sigh against his ear, and Niall thought he might just die.

Harry began stirring awake which in turn resulted in a lot of shifting; in other words, a lot of awkward rubbing against a flushed red Niall. Niall decided that it would be safest to feign sleep to slip from the inevitable awkwardness when Harry realized their situation.

Niall laid still as he felt Harry waking up next to him, and he heard his breath hitch. Niall had to use some serious self-control not to turn around and face the burning gaze he could feel on him; he hoped Harry didn’t take too much notice of his red face. He heard Harry shuffle next to him and then him muttering a soft “shit” under his breath – Niall assumed he’d noticed his ‘small’ problem – before he climbed off the bed and padded out of the room, presumably to the bathroom and Niall could finally exhale heavily in relief.

Only the relief was short-lived when Niall realized the quite uncomfortable tent in his pants. He groaned in embarrassment, burying his heated face in his pillow and cursing into the soft fabric. He couldn’t believe he’d gotten a boner from Harry rubbing against him; how could the situation get worse? He had to get rid of his problem before Harry decided to return, and this lead to Niall wondering how Harry got rid of his problem; the thought of his younger friend jerking off in his bathroom didn’t help on Niall’s current problem.

He really needed to control himself.

When Harry finally emerged from the bathroom, Niall had luckily enough gotten control of himself and went into the bathroom, walking past Harry with his eyes glued to the floor in front of him with a quiet meek “good morning”; missing the arched eyebrow Harry shot after him.

It was Saturday morning, fortunately enough, so they didn’t have to worry about going to school. Niall’s mother seemed a little surprise to see Harry had stayed the night, but she seemed more than happy to include him in the breakfast; a little too happy, Niall couldn’t help but notice.

Niall knew it was going to be an awkward and embarrassing breakfast the minute he sat down at the table and noticed how his mother’s gaze flickered between him and Harry giddily. True enough, his mother immediately went into interrogating Harry about his love life after warming up with small, mindless chatter, and both he and Harry almost choked on their eggs. They shot each other a look, making them look more suspicious in Niall’s mother’s eyes, and once Niall realized that, he found his plate very interesting. Harry laughed nervously, explaining that he didn’t have anything going on currently, and Niall might just have imagined he looked a little pale; the blonde knew they had to talk the Nathan issue out, Harry might hid it well but Niall knew he was hurt.

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