Chapter 21

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”It’s nothing serious.”

That’s what they all told Niall, but they’d all be lying; Harry and Zayn. He felt betrayed, because what he saw looked a ‘little’ more than nothing serious.

Nathan and Harry sharing saliva couldn’t be defined as ‘nothing serious’ last he checked.

Nathan was sitting at the edge of Harry’s bed and Harry was sitting, still having his covers pooled around his waist. Nathan’s hand was resting on Harry’s waist, Harry’s navy boxers were peeking out the top of the boy’s pants; Niall stared at Nathan’s thumb that was stroking an uncovered patch of skin.

He didn’t intend on staring on for as long as he did, but he simply couldn’t move. First when Nathan’s hand slipped under Harry’s shirt, did he realize he had to stop this before it went to places he couldn’t stand thinking about.

He loudly pushed open the door and watched as Harry and Nathan released each other, turning wide eyes on him. When Niall met Harry’s eyes, the younger boy paled his eyes wide in something akin to horror; Niall returned it with a blank gaze. His eyes flickered over to Nathan who’d gotten to his feet and looked eerily composed.

“Oh, Niall,” He said and smiled. “We didn’t hear you come in.”

Niall stared at Nathan; really stared at him, and he found himself considering to hit him, because what the fuck did he think he was doing?!

“I know,” Niall said, surprised by his own cold tone, but how was he supposed to react? He stared at Nathan not caring that he was being rude, and Nathan just looked back at him, amusement dancing in his eyes. Out of the corner of his eye, Niall could see Harry’s eyes flickering between them nervously.

“Niall,” The younger boy said hoarsely and was about to climb off the bed, but then suddenly winced, his hand flying up and clutching his head; his face scrunching up in pain. Niall’s eyes widened in worry and he quickly moved up to Harry’s other, unoccupied side.

“Harry?” He said, tentatively touching the younger boy’s shoulder.

“Don’t make sudden movements,” Nathan said and then his hand was on Harry’s other shoulder. Niall found himself glaring at it.

“You should leave,” Harry said softly, and Niall wasn’t sure who he meant; if he meant him, then there was no way he was leaving him alone with Nathan. He was very pleased when Harry cracked a weary green eye open and looked directly at Nathan.

Nathan straightened up and smiled jovially, confusing Niall.

“Of course,” He said. “I hope you get better. See you, Harry.” He said, and Niall’s eyes immediately scrutinized the younger boy. Close up, Niall noticed that Harry looked smaller and paler than usual, his eyes a little bloodshot. The blonde immediately knew that Harry was suffering from his annually migraine attacks. Niall even remember the first time Harry got a severe headache back in 5th grade, and he’d collapsed on their way home from school, scaring Niall witless. The thought that Nathan was taking advantage of Harry in such a vulnerable state made his blood boil; granted he had no way of telling if that was the actual case.

“Nice to see you again, Niall,” Nathan nodded towards him warmly, and Niall just stared at him.

“I’ll walk you out,” He forced a stiff smile and was about to follow Nathan when Harry grabbed his arm. He looked down at the younger boy; he frowned upon seeing how tired he looked.

“Niall-“Harry begun, but Niall cut him off.

“It’s fine. I’ll be right back,” Niall smiled and tugged his arm out of Harry’s grasp before following Nathan out.

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