Coffee and Apple Pie

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The morning went quite like any other one at the diner. That's how it started out anyway. It was pretty much the same crowd of people, including her blue-eyed doctor. Although, Liam wasn't always with him. Killian, however, was there without fail and always sat in the exact same booth in the back corner. It wasn't always the same time and occasionally he had to leave for an unexpected delivery, but somehow he always found time to stop in and get his apple pie. Today was not any different.

Emma took in a deep breath when she saw him come in. The last time she saw him was in his clinic when his head was between her legs and the circumstances were anything but romantic. Although, she should be used to non-romantic gestures between her legs. At least with her doctor, she actually trusted and liked him, professionally speaking of course. And after she left, she knew it would feel awkward seeing him in public. She wasn't wrong.

With hestitance, she approached his table, coffee pot in hand. They had their usual formal greetings as she desperately tried to shove the images from her appointment with him from her mind. Of course, he was ever the calm and collected gentleman as usual and if he was in anyway phased by their previous encounter, he did a very fine job hiding it. Emma, however, could feel her cheeks burning with red.

"How are you and the little lad today?"

"We're fine, all things considered." She steadied her breathing as she poured his coffee, but she couldn't seem to keep her fingers from shaking. God, what the hell was wrong with her? "How are you?" She asked, looking up at him. As she did, she didn't notice that her hand moved slightly, allowing coffee to spill outside the mug and onto the table.

She looked down and saw the coffee starting to drip off of the table and into his lap, eliciting a hiss from his lips as he jumped up.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." She quickly grabbed some napkins and started spotting the wet spot from his jeans.

"It's okay, Emma," he said with a chuckle.

"I'm so so sorry... I will never let it happen again," she apologized profusely.

"Emma..." When she continued her ministrations, he placed a gentle hand on her arm to stop her as he offered a reassuring smile. "Its okay, no harm done." His tone was soft and soothing as she tried to gather her nerves. "I'll just clean it off in the restroom."

"Right. I'm sorry-"

"It's alright. I'll be right back."

After he left to use the restroom, she let out a frustrated sigh as she wiped down the table. She had to keep telling herself that she was not back in Tallahassee where she was chastised or harassed for spilling drinks, especially by Neal.

Killian came back and sat at the table as she looked at him with pleading eyes. "I really am sorry," she said in a quiet voice, her eyes full of guilt.

"Emma, its fine, really." His eyes met hers and she knew he must have been able to see the pain in them as he swallowed thickly.

"I take people weren't as kind where you're from?"

She didn't say anything as she looked down, avoiding his gaze.

"Listen, Emma... I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday after I found out about your bruises. It was unprofessional and I'm sorry. As a doctor, it's my job not to let my emotions get the best of me and I failed you and I'm sorry," he apologized in almost a whisper to keep out prying ears.

"It's okay. I'm just not used to people caring so much. It was actually kind of refreshing," she confessed.

"Well, I just want you to know that if I ever make you feel uncomfortable in any way, please let me know. I want you to be able to trust me as your doctor."

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