Letting go of the Past

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Author's notes: The previous chapter and the next couple will be laying out the groundwork for what's to come. There is alot of things that I want to cover and I plan on writing at least ten more chapters of this story.

Just a forewarning, Killian will definitely be diving into the realm of unprofessional-ism in this chapter. With that being said, I want to remind all of you again that if a romantic/physical relationship between an OBGYN and (former) patient, especially in a healthcare facility, offends you or makes you uncomfortable, please don't read.


The knock on Emma's bedroom door abruptly pulled her from a heavenly sleep. She had dreams about how last night would have ended if she hadn't been so pregnant and tired. The previous day had wiped her out, but the wonderful evening was left on a fine note and the soft kiss was still lingering on her lips when she had fallen asleep. She didn't regret where they had left things. He was everything she knew he was; a gentleman and perfectly sweet, kind and tender. The way he kissed her and touched her and held her made her feel beautiful and wanted. It made her want to be better and do better. No one has ever given her that kind of care and attention without wanting something in return. And she was thankful that Killian was different. Although, she wished she didn't have to wait a whole week to see him again.

"Emma, are you in here?"

The knocking had ceased but now she could hear the door open as she slowly opened her eyes. She could only make out a figure with blonde hair and blue eyes through her blurred vision, but she found it difficult to care right now. It felt like she was on a fluffy cloud and it would take something catastrophic to pull her down. She closed her eyes again and turned on her side away from the door, curling into a cozy position under her sheet and blanket.

"So, you are here. Your car wasn't out front so I thought you were gone."

A smile blossomed across her lips, her voice sleepy as she replied. "Well, maybe you should take that as a sign that you shouldn't go breaking into people's homes when nobody's there." Sarcasm was laced in her words as she heard footsteps across the hardwood floor and then felt the bed dip on the empty side, apart from her body pillow as he moved it aside. She blinked her eyes open and looked up at James as he leaned his back on the headboard with his hands crossed behind his head and his feet propped up on the bed.

He wagged his head down to look at her, flashing her a guilty smile. "But then I wouldn't get to steal my brother's food, so what fun would that be?" 

"Yeah, because that would be a shame." Emma rolled her eyes as she pushed herself up, letting the blanket fall from her (t-shirt and pajama pants) clad body and leaned into his side, resting her head on his shoulder. "Don't you have a place of your own and another girl to pester?"

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pressed a featherlight kiss to her head through her disheveled locks. "I live in a dingy, studio apartment with no Emma, so no, I don't have another girl to pester." he jested with a smirk.

She sighed casually and closed her eyes again, not in any hurry to get out of bed.

"So, should I even ask what happened to your car?"

She hesitated for a moment as she opened her eyes. She never told him about her date with Killian. "It's um..." she paused and chewed on her bottom lip, unsure of what information she should divulge. James already knew of her affections toward Killian but he was still unaware that there was anything going on between them.

"It's at your doctor's house isn't it?" He asked with a smirk, although she could tell he already knew the answer. Guilt was embedded in her features, giving herself away as she lifted her head.

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