Enough is Enough

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Okay folks, this chapter is the freaking monster of all chapters. It was probably the most difficult thing I've written thus far, so I'm sorry if it's a mess. There are still some questions that won't be answered by the end of the chapter but I promise everything will make more sense in the next one.

I have to give the biggest shout out to my best friend, Lydia, who has helped me out so much throughout my struggles, with her ideas and endless support, and points out my stupid mistakes. According to her, it's the best chapter of this story, so hopefully you will all agree.

All I can say is, you're either going to love me or hate me by the end of the chapter, probably both.

Thanks for reading!


The ticking of the wall clock was loud in the quiet room as he grabbed his bag, glancing around to make sure he didn't leave anything behind before heading for the door. The four walls were painted in a cheerful yellow that made his stomach churn, and the furniture was old and worn out, but he tolerated it because it was free. Besides, he didn't have anywhere else to go.

He was opening the door and walking out of his hotel room when he heard the familiar voices coming from the front desk.

"James, I'm gonna need the money you overcharged one of our guests back please."

The man's curiosity got the best of him as he quietly shut the door and made his way down the corridor.

Peering around the corner, he watched the interactions between the brothers from the short distance.

James certainly looked guilty as he pulled what appeared to be a bill from his wallet, handing it over to David. "I'm sorry, but you know it's hard to break habits."

David snatched the money from his hand, pointing a firm finger in James' face, displeasure written all over his features. "I'm well aware, but you can at least make an effort. The reason why I gave you this job was so you could turn your life around, not continue your conniving ways. I thought I made that perfectly clear after you stole from Emma her first night here. You're lucky I didn't can your ass right then. "

Sighing deeply in exasperation, James shook his head. "I already apologized to you both. What more do you want from me?"

With a long audible exhale, David planted his hands on his hips, glaring at his brother. "What I don't want is another apology. You need to prove to me that I didn't make a huge mistake by hiring an ex-con. Especially since Emma's now living with my wife and I. She's been through enough as it is and doesn't need the harassment; she came to this town to get away from that."

Narrowing his eyes, James furrowed his brows in confusion. "What do you mean? What exactly happened to her?"

Making his way around the desk, David opened the cash register, returning the money before shoving it closed. A heavy sigh fell past his lips as he turned to look at James again, crossing his arms. "Mary Margaret would kill me if I told you this, so you can't say anything to anyone, you got it?"

James nodded. "Yeah, of course, what is it?"

The man had to listen even more intently to hear what David was saying as he spoke more quietly.

"Emma ran away from Tallahassee to escape an abusive husband."

Well, this is an interesting development.

Guilt was flashing in James' eyes that could easily be seen from down the corridor. "I'm sorry... I didn't know."

Ideas were unraveling in his mind as the man took in the information the brothers were unknowingly supplying him with. He wondered how much a heartbroken man would pay to have his wife returned to him, or how much he would pay to find out her whereabouts.

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