The Brothers Jones

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"Congratulations again, to both of you," Killian said cheerfully, pulling Liam into a hug and giving him a friendly pat on the back as he and Cordelia entered his home.

Killian pulled away and gave Cordelia a hug as well. "Thanks, Killian. We're pretty excited about it."

"Yes, absolutely." They broke apart and Cordelia was smiling, excited as she looked at her husband, taking his hand.

"Have you set up your first appointment yet?" Killian inquired as he walked to the closet.

"Yes, for Monday. Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Killian grabbed his jacket and put it on, approaching them again, flashing them a look of confusion. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, because you're my brother-in-law and I'm seeing a different doctor."

"I told you, I think it's better this way after what happened last time." He could see that his words brought pain in his brother's eyes and immediately regretted them as he opened the door to the garage. "I shouldn't see family members as patients anyway. My emotions get in the way."

"Well still, we wouldn't want to hurt your feelings," she assured him.

"No worries, love." Killian flashed her a weak smile. He didn't know what he would do if he had to go through that again; if she ever lost the baby and he had to be the one to tell her. Besides the fact that Cordelia was his sister-in-law, he hated when patients did everything right, but still ran into unexplained complications. He could engage in research until he was numb in the face and yet there were still things in the medical field that baffled him. "So, where would you like to eat?" He asked them as they entered the garage. Killian had taken the rest of the day off. He was still on call of course but he wanted to celebrate by taking them out to dinner.

Cordelia looked at Liam questionably.

"Wherever you want, babe," Liam assured her as the three of them piled into Killian's car, Kilian and Cordelia in the front seats and Liam in the back.

"I'm fine with anything," Cordelia replied.

Killian shook his head. "Uh-uh, you're the pregnant one who will be carrying around a baby for nine months. You get to chose." Killian pressed the garage door remote to open it and started backing out. As soon as the door was fully opened, he saw the familiar vehicle parked in the driveway. Killian stopped and swallowed thickly as he looked to Cordelia and Liam.

"What is it, Killian?" Liam asked, worry washing over both of their faces.

As he looked in the rearview mirror watching Emma stepping out of her car, Killian tried to think of a reply; something that would be believable. He didn't like lying or keeping things from his brother, but this was not the ideal situation for telling him about Emma. He quickly gave a response. "I'm not sure, but Emma's here. I think something must be wrong."

"But I thought she wasn't your patient anymore," Cordelia said, confused.

"Aye, she's not, which concerns me even more."

"Killian, what's going on? How does she even know where you live?" Liam asked, irritation falling over his features.

Killian sighed. "I'm not sure. Look, can I meet you two at the restaurant?"

"Sure, Killian," Cordelia replied understandably. She was always much more nicer than her husband. "We'll text you which one when we decide on where to go." She opened the door, getting out of the car.

Liam shook his head stubbornly. "I'm not getting out of this car until you tell me what's going on."

"I'll explain later, brother. Right now is not the time." With that, Killian opened his door and stepped out, shutting it behind him.

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