Unbreakable Habits

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Killian was going to hell.

There was no doubt in his mind that there was a special seat saved just for him. How in the world could he let himself fall for a patient? He was not that guy. Not even close. During the combined eight years of college and medical school and the four years of residency in gynecology, obstetrics, and benign gynecological surgery he endured, he had always worked hard, striving to be at the top of his peers. Dr. Lucas had seen his potential and took him under her wing.

He was extremely lucky to have gotten his own practice so soon after obtaining his medical license and becoming certified. He was also lucky to maintain the clientele as well. His patients looked up to him and trusted him. And normally they were right in doing so. He was the perfect image of what it meant to be professional. His patients weren't robots to him of course, but it was his duty and obligation to make sure that they were taken care of and treated with the utmost respect.

He would do anything to uphold the reputation of the clinic. He has done anything. Long days of prenatal appointments and cervical and breast exams at the clinic, followed by even longer nights at the hospital, delivering babies and performing surgeries. He donated to charities and woman's shelters and participated in breast cancer walks that the town held every year. He took his career and love for his specialty in woman's health very seriously. And somehow he was willing to risk all of that for one patient.

Emma wasn't just any patient though. She was strong and fiery and alluring. Waves of golden locks, forest green eyes, a smile that could set your heart on fire. From the first moment he had laid eyes on Emma, he was drawn to her as much as he tried to deny it. His heart broke when he first found about her situation and it brought back painful memories of when he found Milah in a similar situation back in Boston.

To him, Emma was like a painting, only to be looked at and polished. She was off limits to him other than that, but he admired her from afar... well actually he had admired up close and personal, but that was part of his job. Being an OBGYN, he had become desensitized to certain parts of the female anatomy but that didn't mean he didn't notice when a patient was attractive. He was a doctor, not a blind person. And Emma, well she was very attractive from head to toe.

The bruises that marred her legs had distracted and angered him when he was between her thighs but how could he not notice the pure beauty of her body? He's seen many things as a an OBGYN but has never seen anything like her. She was most certainly one of a kind.

He almost wished she would have chosen Tink as her doctor instead. But he was not a selfish bastard. He greatly admired Emma for her ability to trust him after she had just escaped an abusive relationship. He was shocked even, that she allowed him to put his hands on her after all she's been through. She had to possess some kind of bravery to be able to do that. And he would not do anything to jeopardize the kind of faith that she had in him. In fact, he felt like a complete arse when he was performing her exams. There she was, this bruised and broken woman and he was touching her most intimate places. Even though he was a licensed, certified physician and even though he did everything by the book, it just felt so wrong.

When she looked up at him during her breast exam, he hadn't failed to notice that her breasts fit perfectly in his hand, but the thought instantly escaped his mind when he could see the insecurities leaking from her eyes. He could feel the shallowness of her breathing and he almost stopped, not being able to bare having to put her in that position any longer. But it was his job to make sure she was healthy and able to deliver her wee one with as less complications as possible if he could help it. It was his responsibility and something he had done with hundreds of other patients, and yet, he was nervous. And she was just as nervous. But not because she didn't trust him. Clearly she did, for some fantastic reason that he could not comprehend.

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