First Date pt 1

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Author's Note: Thank you all for following along. I apologize that it took me this long to update. And you're probably going to hate where I ended this. I know, I always find the worst places to end my chapters, but if I would have continued on, the chapter would have been extremely long and you would have had to wait even longer for the update. And sorry I got carried with the pictures lol ☺️

I want to thank Rouhn for looking it over and for her encouragement and kind words.

"So, what do you think, Emma?"

As sleepy as she was, Emma laughed at the shower invitation in her hands. She and Mary Margaret were sitting at the kitchen table at 5:30 in the morning drinking coffee and looking at the invites that Mary Margaret had ordered. The cards were in the shape of a onesie and they were blue with a white bib that held the information for the shower. "It's cute." She was normally not one for parties but she was looking forward to this one. Mary Margaret had suggested a gender reveal party but that was too much for Emma. She didn't even know people threw parties for that and besides, between her birthday and the baby shower, there were just too many parties being thrown for her as it was.

Mary Margaret eyed her suspiciously. "Do you really like them or are you just saying that? I won't be offended if you don't. This shower is for you after all."

"No, I really like the cards," Emma conveyed sincerely. "Really. And I appreciate the trouble you've gone through, especially after I ditched my own birthday party."

"Hey, don't worry about that. You got sick. James told us how bad you felt for leaving."

Guilt flared up inside of her as she set the card on the table. Emma didn't know if her friend would be so understanding if she knew the real reason she left.

"Speaking of my brother-in-law..." Mary Margaret started, a hint of distaste in her voice. "I've noticed that he's taken a liking to you. I don't know exactly what you did to him, but we never get complaints about him anymore at the B&B. He's been polite and considerate to all of the guests."

Emma shrugged. "I don't know, I think he takes a liking to every girl. And as far as the change in his behavior, I really don't think I had anything to do with it. I think he just needed a friend and someone who understands him."

"Well, I'm glad you are up for the task because I've never understood him. But that's probably because when David and I started dating, James pretended to be him and stole a kiss from me."

Emma laughed and Mary Margaret seemed not amused but a small smirk plagued the corner of her lips. "That does not surprise me one bit." It was definitely something James would do.

"Well, I should get going. I will be sending out your invitations tomorrow. And don't forget, we're going crib shopping on Saturday," the brunette reminded Emma as she stood from her wooden chair.

Emma smiled as she rolled her eyes. "I know. You've only reminded me about a dozen times." She could have kicked herself for agreeing to that. The Nolans have done enough for her already and she felt incredibly guilty about it. She would have to do something really nice for them, she just didn't know what yet. Their birthdays and anniversary were in the late winter and springtime, so those things were out of the question considering it was almost October.

Mary Margaret started to walk across the kitchen before Emma stopped her. "Oh, wait..." She turned and looked at Emma with a curious brow. "I almost forgot to tell you..." Emma swiped stray locks of hair behind her ear as she looked nervously into the coffee mug in front of her, her other hand gripping it tightly. "I won't be home for dinner. I'm going to..." Crap, she should have thought of a good excuse beforehand. "...the bookstore. I was going to look at some more pregnancy books and probably just stay there in the adjacent cafe to read them."

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