Doctor's Orders

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Emma tested the water with her foot before carefully stepping into the warm shower. Killian had told her that warm showers were perfectly fine, just as long as the water wasn't hot enough to turn her skin red and significantly raise her blood pessure or heart rate. Although, if anything were making her heart race these days, it certainly wouldn't be a hot shower, but more likely what she'd be doing in said shower.

As appealing as it was to touch herself while thinking about her OBGYN, she was able to resist the temptation. Other than the fact that it would be highly inappropriate to do so, she did not want to encourage any feelings she had. That would be a very dangerous path to wander down and she knew that. He was her doctor and she respected and trusted him too much to do anything to risk that.

It was very tempting, though.

Despite the physical nature of the act itself, it might actually help her relax and calm her nerves; take the edge off, so to speak. She could use a few moments of bliss, not thinking about her situation or how she ended up here. Not to mention, she had a pent-up desire welled up inside of her that was dying to burst from the surface.

It had been a while since she actually felt the urge to touch herself and make herself come undone in her own hand but still, she resisted. She took a rather short shower, enough to clean herself and then regretfully stepped out, grabbing a towel from the rack.

Drying herself and getting dressed into underwear and a long t-shirt, she slipped under the covers of her bed. The shower was actually relaxing and helped her drift off to sleep.


Her shift at the diner the next day started off slowly. By now, she was confident with her waitressing skills, and though she didn't make as much money as she did as a cocktail waitress, the customers at the diner tipped really well.

As she waited on tables, she was trying not to wonder if her doctor would show up today. The anticipation was very unsettling and as much as she wanted to see him, she was also hoping that he didn't show.

Her heart was telling her otherwise when he finally did walk through the door. Her baby must have felt the change in her body as well because she could feel him kicking inside of her. She paused for a moment and put her hands on her belly to feel the movement inside of her. "I know how you feel, baby," she whispered softly before she grabbed the coffee pot and walked over to him with a polite smile. She too wanted to kick herself for being affected by her doctor and also for asking him what she did the day before. Although, she wasn't nervous about him saying anything about it. She knew he wouldn't.

However, when he flashed her a smoldering smirk, she almost dropped the coffee pot.

"Morning Emma."

"Good morning, Dr. Jones. No Liam today?" She asked, trying to avoid his gaze as she poured his coffee into the mug in front of him.

"No, he went into work early this morning and I was able to sleep in a bit after my overnight shift and a long jog."

She nodded as she set the pot down. This time his lack of sleep wasn't the least bit visible like it was yesterday. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't curious as to why. And the fact that he was able to jog after such a long shift at the hospital; the guy must have had some kind of stamina to be able to do that. The thought made her shudder in a way that it shouldn't have.

"So you must have liked the pie to come back for more so quickly."

Her doctor held his stomach with a pleasing look in his features. "The pie was bloody amazing, but a lad can only eat so much of it in one sitting," he chuckled. "And just between you and I... he looked around and then gestured her closer with two fingers. She bent down over him and he whispered in her ear. "Yours is better than Mary Margaret's, but don't tell her that."

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