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33 Weeks into Emma's Pregnancy...

"Hi Mum, how are you and Papa?"

"We're fine. Just wondering if you and Liam are coming home for Thanksgiving."

"Ah, well I don't think I'll be able to, but I know Liam and Cordelia are planning to visit for Thanksgiving," Killian replied over the phone as he walked into his clinic after lunch, waving at the receptionist as he passed. He had met Liam for breakfast that morning and his brother mentioned that he and Cordelia planned on sharing the news of her pregnancy with their parents on Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, it was not the best time for Killian to leave.

"And what about you, Killian?"

He ran his hand through his hair, trying to summon an excuse as he continued to his office, shutting the door behind him and grabbing his lab coat from the door hook. "I'm sorry, mother, but I won't be able to. I have conferences and surgeries coming up," Killian explained as he put on his lab coat, transferring his phone to his shoulder to put his other arm through the sleeve. Once it was on, he sat down and propped his feet up on the desk, leaning back in his office chair. "And I don't know if I'll be able to visit for Christmas either. One of my patients is expecting on December fourteenth, but if the baby's late I'll have to stick around," he lied. It was true that Emma was scheduled to have her baby that day, but even though she wouldn't be his patient, he still wanted to be in the room with her. He and Emma have not discussed this yet but he planned on bringing it up to her soon. There were many discussions about the baby and the baby's future that needed to take place, and Killian wanted to tell Emma that he wanted to be included, but how would he possibly go about doing that with everything going on? Besides the fact that he hasn't even told Emma that he loved her yet.

"You won't be here for Christmas? Can't you just find her another doctor?" He could hear the disappointment in his mother's voice.

"No, I can't. She's expecting me to deliver her baby and you know I don't like to let my patients down."

His mother sighed understandingly. There were many times she was forced to be in that situation, of having to chose between being at her clinic or spending time with her family. "Fine, but we will be expecting you to come and visit after New Years at least."

"Of course."

"How are Liam and Cordelia? Are they there with you?"

"They're not. I'm at the clinic right now. I'll have them call you, though."

"Okay, I'll leave you to it. Would you like to say 'hi' to your father first?"

"Aye, if he's there."

Killian could hear his mother speaking to her husband in the background before Brennan took the phone. "Killian, my boy. How are you?"

"I'm good, and I'm not a boy anymore," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Of course, you're a man now but you'll always be my boy. Now, I overheard that you won't be visiting us for Christmas?"

"No, I'm sorry I won't be able to," Killian replied reluctantly, expecting a lecture from his father.

"It's alright, son. I understand you have other obligations."

"You do?" he asked, surprised.

"Of course I understand, Killian. I just have one question."

Killian smiled in relief. "Sure, what's that?"

"What's her name?"

Killian's throat became dry and his smile started to fade. "How did you- Liam told you didn't he? Bloody hell, I'm going to kick that wanker's arse-"

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