Chapter 1

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His long hair swayed with his aching body. After 76 long years, you could easily tell he was aging. They tried celebrating his 1,786th birthday, but he had caught a sickly bug, and fell extremely ill. "Sir, you must stop this. Eat at once. You will fall down ill again in days if you dont!" Lord Acreboah did not look up from his plate. His body was still as he let out a shaky sigh. His servant tried again.
"My lord-"
"My child..." Lord Acreboah's voice trembled, but held a firm, strong tone. "You cannot push me... I have been pushed to do the things I never wished to do these past not make me suffer in memory..."
"I mean no harm my lord, forgive me. But we do need you. We need your strength and wisdom. We cannot allow you to fall down."
"My dear child... I have already taken my fall...leave me..." The servant started to worry and stared at him. He wanted to say something, but what could a scrawny young child such as himself do against the all most powerful leader of the Amolic kingdom? Little. It wasn't even worth trying. He put down his items and left the king's bedroom. Lord Acreboah laid in his bed and rested his weak bones. He listened to the punctured silence outside his door. "Did he even listen to you?" A snooty guard teased. His friend laughed. "You're a pathetic waste of time kid. I don't even know why Lord Acreboah puts up with you." He taunted. "Siopi..." murmured the Lord.

"I wish they would all just shut up..." Siopi mumbled, trying to hold back tears. He walked through nothing but teasing and taunting guards, some threw their trash from lunch at him and laughed.
"Weak!" one yelled, "Poor!"
"Utter disappointment." Tears slid down his cheek before he knew it. "Shut up...!" He croaked, and wiped the tears away as more fell faster than the other. Guards laughed at the sight of his red face. "I SAID SHUT UP." Siopi screamed at them. He raised his hand at a guard, and his powers sent everything flying in all different ways. A crack was heard as a guard flew against the wall, and the guard dropped to the floor, his skull open. "S-son of satan....hes gonna kill us all...k-kill him...KILL HIM!" A terrified guard announced. Immediately, everyone cocked their guns and unsheathed their swords, and charged towards Siopi, but he sent all the tables and chairs flying back, knocking them all off their feet. His eyes were glowing white with his power. "You wanna kill me...? Huh?" He began. "What would your all most powerful lord think of you then? Pigs. Killing a child. A child who you yourselves are told to show the up most respect to. I am second in command to Lord Acreboah! If I was his son I would be the prince! All you see me as is a peasant to wash your feet. You're wrong." He lowered his hand and left out the building to home, and wiped the last painful tear from his cheek.

Slap. One after another. Siopi yelped at every one of them and tried not to cry. "HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING?!" Another slap. "HAVE I NOT RAISED YOU WITH ANY MORE SENSE THAN YOU HAVE NOW?!" Another slap. "YOU'RE PURE DISGRACE TO THIS FAMILY. I SHOULD HAVE THROWN YOU OUT WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!" Siopi's mother sent his head smashing into the floor with one last strike across his cheek. He yelped and cried underneath her legs. "M-mom please...j-just listen-...!" He wiped the blood from his nose. She began ranting to him on how he will never be anything good. "WHY CANT YOU BE ANYTHING LIKE YOUR BROTHERS." She yelled, and decided to slap him again. He said nothing, and hung his head. This was everyday. His mother was a heavy abuser on him, and caused bruises and cuts and scrapes everyday. "You're just like dad..." He mumbled. His mom stopped and looked at him. "What...did you just say...?" 

"You're always hitting me...when I do nothing're just like dad...he did the same to you everyday."


"You told me you hated why are you like him...?"

"Stop this right now."

"I hope you will end up just like him too."


"You'll end up DEAD." What he received was not a slap, it was a punch. A punch that nearly broke his jaw. "GO TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW." She yelled. He spat out the blood on the ground and ran upstairs into the house crying, into his room and slammed the door. His two brothers who had watched the whole thing from the kitchen, finished their dinner and went upstairs, laughing, in their rooms. "He's really done it this time," the oldest one said, "can't wait to see what mom does to him now."

"She will probably kill him sooner or later. Its only a matter of time until she beats the life out of him." The other replied. Siopi heard them through the thin walls, and curled up tighter on his bed in the corner of the wall it was pressed against. He listened to his brothers mock him and laugh, and cried. It was going to be a long night.

The house was old. Paper thin walls, low ceilings, heavy doors, wooden floors, and paint that began peeling off. The whole house creaked in the wind and the roofs sunk lower in the rain, and the doors were quite dumb, locking from the outside of the room instead of the inside. The night shimmered with stars. Even in hell you could see some of Earth's beauties, which was quite nice. Siopi slowly stepped down the creaking and unsteady stairs, and snuck outside into the shed, gathering everything he desired: gloves, a machete and gasoline, and looking twice at that shovel. He put on the gloves and headed back inside, but stopped as he was greeted by his mother, who had awoken and heard him sneak out. "I thought I told you-..." Her eyes widened in fear as soon as she saw her son. Siopi's eyes were glowing white with power, and before she could say anything he slashed the machete across her skinny neck. She groped at her neck and fell to her knees, and locked eyes with her son as blood squirted everywhere. Her last gasping breath turned into a faded whisper. Siopi stabbed the knife through the middle of her skull, then kicked her off of it. Her blood squirted on his face, and with a pleasured smile he licked it off his lips. Her growing cold body fell with a loud thud,  scaring his two brothers awake. They looked at each other. "Go down there!" The oldest whispered. The other brother shook his head. "What if its the Zepulo?!"

"You're dumb if you think they would waste their time raiding our house. Go!"

"Dude why can't you do it?!"

"Chas, stop being a pussy and get down there, I will be right behind you-... Take the bat!"

"Sam, please don't make me go down there."

"Go now or I will hit you." Out of fear, the younger brother got up and went to go check the house. Grabbing the baseball bat from the side of the wall, he slowly crept to the steps in the dark. Siopi froze when he heard his brother. The brother stopped halfway down the steps and stopped. If he had turned on the lights, he would see Siopi, covered in blood. He would see the blood drenched machete in his hands, and the skinny lifeless body of his mother. But he didn't. He turned back around and went back up the stairs. "It's nothing but an animal that snuck its way in probably. Mom will get it in the morning-" Two cold hands shoved with all their might on the young brothers shoulders, sending him tumbling down all 12 steps, and breaking his neck on the 7th. He landed right next to his mother.

The other brother who had stayed in his room had tensed at the all too familiar sound of a body tumbling down the steps, because the younger, and now dead brother, had just recently pushed Siopi down them last week. He quickly got up and ran to his door. After he shut it he stepped back and looked around in the dark for something sharp. Siopi, hearing him, turned and walked to the door, murder still exciting him. He grabbed the baseball bat from the floor, and grabbed the handle of the door to open it, but thought better, and locked it from the outside. His brother panicked more hearing the lock click and raced to the door. He struggled and pulled on it but the lock stood strong. Siopi  hopped back down the steps, stepping over the two dead bodies, and grabbed the gasoline. "These wasted years of abuse... you never even thought about changing..." he flipped over the bottle of gasoline and started down the steps slowly. He made his way in the kitchen, and poured it everywhere while looking for a lighter, then walked it outside. The poor helpless brother stumbled over himself in the dark to his window and tried pulling it open, but like the door, it was locked too. The window was tall and wide with three hard locks, and all three were turned. Frantically looking around in the dark, he found a chair and pulled it over. As he hopped on, something caught his attention. His brother. His eyes widened as they locked stares with each other, and the lighter flicked it's flame in the soft wind. " no no no no NO NO!" He screamed. His chubby fingers fumbled with the locks. Click. One opened. "C'MON!" He screamed at the second as he fumbled more. "I just wanted to be good to someone..." Sio began to cry. Click. Two opened. Siopi sniffled and looked at the flame dance around. It created a soft, faint smile on his face, as he watched the happy little flame perform a duet with the wind. "I just want to make people happy..." He forced his words through his pain and tears. His brother screamed as he drew back from the third lock that had broke and cut his hand. "But all things come to an end...even you...too..."
"NOOOO!" His brother screamed. Click. Game over. Siopi stared at the burning house, his tears dragging all the blood off his face. The house had exploded. It was all over. "I promise I will be someone someday."

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