Chapter 24

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"Your Majesty, something's wrong!"  Siopi's stomach turned inside out. He felt like throwing up as those words, they were the words that flipped his life around in seconds. "Something's wrong!" The words repeated in his head. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!" He heard Chameron yell. Everything was wrong. Siopi watched as Chameron pulled at his hair and screamed. He watched as Ezekkeyius shouted orders and commands to his men. He watched C.J. cling onto Zekke's shirt, begging him not to go, and him kissing and calming her down the best he could, but he couldn't move. Siopi was frozen. "This isn't real..." He mumbled to himself. The voices faded into mumbled yelling and battle cries. Everything just seemed...wrong. He felt as if he was living someone else's life, as if everything was in slow motion. Nothing was real. His eyes flickered a bit as the muffled yelling of his name rang in his ears. "SIOPI!" Santiago screamed. He grabbed Sio by the front of his shirt and shook him. "YOU NEED TO PULL IT TOGETHER AMIGO, YOU STAY LIKE THIS AND YOU WIND UP DEAD." Siopi gently blinked, failing to grab onto reality. "SIOPI!" Jeznee screamed. She ducked as bombs exploded around her, and held out her arms. "I CANT KEEP THIS FORCE FIELD UP FOREVER!" She yelped as another bomb went off, knocking her down and sending the force field down too. It was war. Sio looked around at the dead bodies on the ground. He looked up at the smoke filled sky. He watched as Queen Nadzieja and Ashanti struggled against their ropes, screaming to be freed, their faithful warrior cats that carried them onto the battle field die right in front of them. He watched as Jeznee struggled to keep everyone within her barrier safe, Santiago fight off the ones who attacked, but he couldn't move. His vision clouded his reality. "Ypolous..." He mumbled, as him and Clelia played around in the grass. "Clelia..." He mumbled, watching her smile and laugh with Ypolous, but it faded. His vision cleared, his eyes jet black. "Jez...pohü.......quoí..." The ground began to tremble. Everyone paused and tried to stand in the earthquake that rocked the battle field grounds, a empty, gaping black hole forming straight in the center. As it sucked more people, land, trees, animals in, it grew bigger and bigger. Siopi stood up slowly, as if he was zombie-fied, and walked up. Santiago and Jeznee said nothing as they watched for the first time Sio's true power revealed itself. Ezperansa's last words echoed in Sio's ear. He thrived off of them, letting the power of them show. "Tiago...this isn't good...!" Jeznee yelled. She pointed up to a distant hill, where Hataki aimed his bow and arrow directly to Sio's right eyeball, and shot it. Her eyes widened as the arrow made it's way at the speed of light, down to Sio, straight into Santiago's shoulder. He had jumped in front of him at the last second, the arrow nearly piercing through his bone. He yelped loudly, but quickly pulled it out, and darted towards that hill coming straight for him. Sio's nose began to drip black blood, and he stumbled down to his knees. "SHIT." Jeznee yelled as she rushed to him. The black hole opened wider and wider, he grew weaker and weaker. She held him in her arms and shook him. "Come on Sio you're loosing it, I'm fucking human and i'm fighting through this trauma! Please, your wife and adopted SON need you!" She yelled in his ear. His eyes flickered once more, and the hole began to shrink. "You have to stay with us, you are king now, a father figure, a role model! Get your ass up, and lets go get your family back, OUR family back!" Sio slowly looked up at her and began to gag. Confused, she turned him over from his back and he coughed up blood into his hand, and on the ground. "S-Sio?!" Jeznee called.

"I'm fine..." He replied, his voice raspy. "I need to son..." 

"Are you going to be alright?!"

" will help me... right?" He collapsed, and didn't get back up.

That day was a fine day for the enemy. All in one day, the Siek split into groups, robbing and raiding the Ecoli from their crystal power ball after following Sio's men there, welding it into their weapons and supplies, and attacking all at once. Hero tapped his fingers in rhythm on the desk in front of him, and swayed gently in his chair, watching as his most trustworthy servants giddily drag in bags. "Mission accomplished, your majesty!" They both said, playfully bowing. Hero smiled at Hataki, who sat up on one of the window ledges. "Your turn."

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