Chapter 17

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Dropping to her knees gently, she reached into the river and let it flow into her hands. Chameron watched her suspiciously. She lifted the water to her mouth and drank, and as she drank, her hair curled tightly and it's reddish color gleamed in the sun, her skin replenished it's softness and gentle tan color, dirt fell from her body, her inverted eyes regained a new intensity of black, and her long, feathered tail fluffed the fur and long feathered-like hair at the end. Chameron watched as her whole body seemed to come back to life. She dropped the rest of the water and glanced at him, but looked away again, and reached her hand back into the water. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked. Noticing his action, he quickly looked away and crossed his arms. She rolled her eyes and ran her hand through the water, but screamed as she was yanked in and taken under. Chameron, now shook, expanded his demonic shadow into the water and grabber her quick, pulling her from the hungry monster that grabbed her, and throwing her back onto land. She coughed and flipped over to her stomach, then pushed herself up on her knees and hands. "What the fuck!" She coughed more. He peered into the water and saw the monster demon pacing under the surface, and shot it a death glare, scaring the shit out of it, and sending it back to the bottom. "Thank you." She muttered as she stood up. His shadows waved on the ground like tentacles as they shrunk and disappeared into his normal shadow. "The hell are those things?!" The girl cried, stepping back from him. "My god, you're like Lucifer's son aren't you?"

"If that's what you want to call it, then go ahead." She was taken by surprise by his sudden response. His voice seemed cold but warm at the same time, but his stance was nothing friendly. "So you can speak." She uttered, studying him. "Do you realize how out in the open we are? At any moment we could be spotted, and all your unnecessary and annoying hard work will be for nothing."

"It wouldn't be so hard if you weren't so damn stubborn."

"My duty is not concerning you."

"But I was given a task and I was going to follow through with it. You should be thanking me, Lucifer Jr."

"My condolences do not follow orders-"

"Listen, I broke you out. None of this had anything to do with you or anyone else. I just want to go home, find my memories and live happily."

"What do you mean 'memories'?"

"I can't seem to remember anything. My name, where I came from, nothing. I'm surprised I remember how to speak."

"How do you have a plan to escape but no memory? Do you even know where you're going?"

"I will find out on the way-" Chameron grabbed and rolled her up in his shadow arms, and disappeared into nearby shadows. She squirmed hard and screamed at him. "LET GO OF ME YOU HEATHEN-" He wrapped another shadow arm around her mouth, silencing her. "There are plenty things wrong with you, but staying in this area right now isn't the best choice. If you want to make noise, find a more secret place, unless you want to be fed to the dogs out there?" His intense gaze shifted to patrolling Siek and Zepulo officers, with mutant guard dogs rabidly barking and snarling. "In case you forgot, I'm the one with the stronger powers, I can easily leave you dangling like a piece of steak meat to them, and if it's life you choose, choose wisely of your actions, Omorfian." Her ears lowered as she looked at him, now fearing his presence. "If it wasn't for that waste of energy you made me put out, all of you would be dead right now. I can't do much of anything thanks to you. Consider yourself lucky, you wont get this chance again." As he unwrapped her slowly, she softly dropped to her knees and looked up at him. He had secretly swam through different shadows, away from the town and people. "Help me get home." She demanded. Chameron didn't look at her, but furrowed his brows. "What makes you think I will do that?"

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