Chapter 2

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"Sir, news from the port."


"The crew found the Omorfian species outside the base of Mt. Alidine. There were 4 groups that where eliminated at once-"

"Get to the point Luiz."

"!! ... It appears that the one left is invincible, and has not died during the attack on the rest. It also appears that he is the most dangerous out of any Omorfian recorded. Lab 03 has him and wishes for your ideas on what to do with him."

"Impossible. Kill the rat and leave my sight."

"But sir it is highly requested that-"

"Now we disobey orders? If it isn't that kid and slash or his family I don't care what you bring me! GO."

"Lord Samil." A husky, broad and tall man stepped in. His voice was deep and held a serious tone. Lord Samil looked up. "What do you want." He began shuffling the papers on his desk shredding files of different people and creatures, and organizing the strange ones with the red stamps. The man cleared his throat. "Im sure if-"

"You're considered as a trespasser and I can have you taken away easily."

"Easy Mr. O'Connell. You're one quick to speak without facts. Count Hirghreim sent me. Watch what you say to me." A loud, shrill scream pierced the tension between them. Lord Samil quickly stood from his chair. "As you can see, I'm very busy. Therefor I don't have time for your bullshit." He excused himself, and headed towards the area of the scream. The man growled. "The day you die will be the day I rejoice."

The Michondria building was huge, tightly secured, 24/7 guarded and very hidden from the outside world. It resided in the purgatory lands, between hell and the human realm. It held many torturous lab experiments and other creatures, enemies and plants. It held many enemy species imprisoned, some for all their long lives. Lord Samil's manly heels clicked against the marble floors, causing irritation in the ears of wild, rabid creatures. Some who heard it cower in fear in the back or their glass or bar cages. Down the long hallway of the 8th floor was the biggest laboratory in the building, used specially for tests and experiments. There were sounds of struggle, grunts, screams and yells of pain. At a point of time there was a small but loud bang, and a nurse went flying out the room and into a cage, cracking the supposedly non-breakable glass. Lord Samil walked in with his two strongest guards and looked in the room. Seven doctors and nurses were struggling horribly to hold down one small child. Samil stepped back and his brows furrowed. The child fought against the doctors and nurses hard and non-stop. He kicked, bit, squirmed, growled, scratched, hit and pushed so that no one could get a full grasp of him. "HOLD HIM STILL! GET THE GUN!" A nursed yelled instructions. " IF WE LET GO HE WILL BREAK FREE. AGAIN." Another yelled. The boy growled loudly and struggled. He scratched that nurse's face and left four bloody open wounds. Another had bruises all over his arms and chest, another with bloody bite wounds all over. "What the hell...!" Lord Samil murmured. His guards filled their faces with terror of what they were seeing. The extra nurse who got flung back into the cage hurried back and grabbed the tranquilizer gun, and inserted the needle. She stepped back and tried aiming. The boy flashed his eyes white and let out a horrid, piercing screaming, shattering the needle's glass and jamming the gun. Samil tensed seeing this one boy's power. The boy screamed again and two of the nurses flew back. In one good jerk movement, he broke loose, and everyone froze. The child turned his back to Samil and hissed at all the nurses, flicking his tail and threatening to attack anyone who moved. Everyone stepped back and Samil tried to quietly unsheathe his sword, but it scraped against the side, and the child snapped his neck towards the sound. Both their eyes widened, and the boy wasted no time and pounced at Samil, but dropped at his feet after a loud pop sounded. A tranquilizer gun shot a needle perfectly in the side of his neck, and was shot by Count Aegire, the husky, broad man. "You owe me." He said, turning towards Samil. Lord Samil collected himself, scoffed and laughed walking away. "I don't owe you shit." He cleared his throat. Count Aegire growled under his breath. "Pig." 

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