Chapter 19

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"So what exactly did you two talk about?"

"Ah nothing much. Just... shared a few things and you know...that sort of stuff."

"Sioooo you're not fooling anyone."

"I believe it is 'Your majesty" now?"

"Shut uppp, its really good to have you back."

"How are you holding up? I know up against a demon by yourself was hard."

"Yeah, she was one of those disappointments that her parents gave up on so it wasn't too hard. So, this is your kingdom, huh?"

"Yes, It is actually pretty nice. The castle was rebuilt when I got here, it is just the same as when Lord Acreboah reigned."

"Your father?"

"Yes, my father. Hopefully I will be just as good of a leader as him, he led our kingdom to many victories over the Zepulo, and raised our ranking to the second most powerful kingdom over all seven."

"Really? Thats pretty amazing, that means we must have high expectations for you."

"Mmm, indeed. Over the many centuries, this land has been the wealthiest, making it the most powerful. This war isn't new, in fact it has been quiet for a while. The past three leaders before my brother somehow got a hold of it stayed quiet and undercover, obviously planning something, but who knows."

"So there is still many secrets out there. Are you going to do anything about it?"

"First I'm going to make allies with the other kingdoms. We visit one today, the Ecoli is no where to be found, of course the Zepulo and Siek are out of the question."

"What about the others?"

"Jespi is destroyed, and long gone. That was one of the first of the kingdoms that were attacked and sucessfully defeated. Ezperansa rules over the Omorfian or Omorical land, which ever you want to call it. I have her support, but her attention is own fixing what the enemy has destroyed."

"There is no one left but you. You need to look for survivors of the Jespi at least, and we need to search for the Ecoli as soon as possible, they could be of help too. We need all the resources we can get because no matter how strong you are, two against one with crazy and loyal death children."



"Do you want to go back to the human world?"

"....I'm honestly not sure...I don't have a life up there anymore. It's just full of bad memories, and I've gottem too used to seeing blood and death for anything to ever be normal again."

"Why don't you work for me as Lead Detective? You're a pretty smart girl."

"Ahh I don't know, I don't think that fits me." Both Jez and Sio gazed down from the Castle's top floor banister outside of the room of the throne. They watched as what seemed like birds fly into the blood red sky and bright yellow lowering moon. "Hell is weird. It is equally beautiful as it is scary."

"At least our air is better down here."

"Shut up. Anyways."

"Come with me." Siopi turned slowly and went back inside the castle, and Jeznee followed. He led her down to the first floor of the elegantly decorated and designed castle, then outside of it to some soldiers that stood and guarded the front entrance. "Grab some of your men and birds for Jeznee and I. We are going into the towers." He ordered. His men nodded and followed his orders, then came back with more men and the Istriotches who pulled against their reigns. "Oh nooooo no no no no no I am NOT getting on that thing." Jeznee said backing up. Sio looked at her as he grabbed the reigns of his own, the biggest, scariest, but calmest one there. It's horns stretched back 3ft, it's beak about 4ft. It paced back and forth, and moved it's head around bird-like. "You are fine, you need to get over your fear of them or they will eat you."

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