Chapter 7

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"Yes! That would be amazing! I would love too!"

"Oi, Jeznee!" Ypolous tugged on her sleeve, but she snatched away from him and walked off, switching the phone to her other ear. "OK great! Call me when you're on your way." She smiled at her phone a bit. "Jez!" Ypolous cried. 

"Jesus-! Ypolous," The called ended and she threw it down on the couch, "do you not understand that I was on the phone?! Sit down somewhere!" Ypolous looked up at her, his ears slowly lowered. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "For Christ sake man, why of all people me. Why did you choose to come to me." His eyes began to tear up, and he sniffled. 

"Tout ce que je voulais, c'était votre attention... Je veux Siopi..." (All I wanted was your attention...I want Siopi...) He mumbled through his tears.  Jeznee looked at him, and sighed. 

"Look kid, you need to learn English, but as far as... attention...? What do you want to do today? Anything you want we can do."

"Mais enfin!?" (really!?)

"Yes... I think...?" Her phone rang again, and she quickly answered it. "Hello? Oh Eric hi yes um, are you outside?" Ypolous watched her as she quickly ran back and forth through the house, grabbing her purse, glossing her lips, looking outside, combing her hair, and shoving things she needs in the purse. He looked outside to see Eric out front, waiting on her. He too, was frantically playing with his face. "Are you serious?!" He thought to himself. Jeznee hurried outside, and shut the door. "Behave yourself!" She yelled, and hopped in the car. Eric looked at her and smiled. "You look amazing." 

"What? Are you crazy?!"

"No, but I am a cop, and we are under the law, so lying isn't the best option."

"I'm not the only good looking one here, ya' know." His smile grew and he turned away. "Lying for you isn't the best choice either, Miss Steele." He teased. 

"No seriously, officer. I'd allow you to put me in handcuffs any time.~"

"Keep talking like that and you will be in more than just handcuffs.~"

"Mmm, I like the sound of that Mr. Grey.~" He laughed a little bit and pulled off. Ypolous watched the car drive off out of sight, then teleported himself out of the house. He looked around a bit, then slowly walked along the shadows of the side walk, his tail hanging low. "I need to find Siopi, fast... I can be back when Jeznee gets back so she wont know." He mumbled to himself. The air filled his little nose with scents from days back, to the second up to the very time. He searched for any signs or scents that could lead him in the right direction but found nothing. The streets were filled with plenty of different people, but none saw him. They couldn't. "Siopi!" He called out, and looked around. "Siiooopiiii!" He tried once more. Nothing. Many thoughts ran through his head, and he looked for something high to jump up on. "He could be anywhere!" A small tin can fell from a trash can, catching his attention. It scared big rats out and into the alley, where Ypolous, curious, followed. "Siopi..?" He mumbled into the dark path. Even whispering, you could still hear echoes. More noises drew him further and further in, until he found himself facing a brick wall. "Well how pointless was that. I hate wasting my time-" grabbed by the back of his shirt collar, and yanked up, he then was pushed into the brick wall, a hand over his mouth. He tried to scream, but it was muffled. His little legs thrashed everywhere, but it was pointless. Blank, narrow eyes stared into his large, inverted ones. Ypolous stared into them, looking for something to lock onto. They squinted, then closed and turned away with a sigh. It was a tall, muscular man, with thick, wavy black shoulder length hair, long dark eyelashes, short broken horns and a slight beard, a little more than stubble, but not much hair. He was quiet, and sniffed Ypolous' face. "H-Hey!" He giggled, for it tickled him a bit, but stiffened when he looked down and saw the large sword held tightly in his right hand. The man put Ypolous down, and began to walk off. "H-Hey..! Wait a minute!" He yelled, and chased after him. "Can you help me? I'm looking for someone important." He looked up at him, but the man was scanning the area, and looked to the left. "His name is Siopi and he's-" He quickly grabbed Ypolous and jumped back, dodging a harshly thrown sword that slammed it's point into the ground where Ypolous was. "Oh, I see! Protecting the little boy huh? What is he to you?" A woman in a dark cloak swiftly jumped down, and smiled. Her eyes were hidden behind the cloak, and she chuckled gently. "Give him to me, and live, or try to run from me, and die!" Her hand outstretched, and the sword wiggled out of the ground, and flew into her hands. She grabbed it, and outstretched her other for Ypolous. He gripped tightly on the shirt of the man, and he swung his sword around his hand, then gripped it tightly. "Oh? So it's like that, huh? Fine, I will have it MY way!" Pushing off from her foot, she charged at him, pointing her sword and using her demon speed to her advantage. He swiftly dodged it, but she sharply turned, and swung her sword with her body. He blocked the aimed hit to his arm holding Ypolous, and forced her sword back. Their swords clashed against each other for a while, moving extremely fast, but she forced too much power into another aimed hit, which threw her off balance as he again dodged it. He tripped her, kicked her down, and held his blade at her neck, the point blocked by her blade. His eyes narrowed, and he pushed more might into his sword, forcing it to slide to the side, which tilted her blade into her neck. Her blood red eyes widened in fear, and she tried her hardest to avoid the blade. "Damn you!" She growled through her teeth, and kicked him off. He slid back on his knees, and scoffed. "Round two, shall we?" She giggled, and before he could get back up, she charged him again. He tucked Ypolous into his arms, and rolled to the side, then pushed off his foot and charged at her. The blade went straight through her stomach, and a violet tint of color shot through the sword, shooting her soul out of her mouth, making her scream it out. Her lifeless body dropped to the ground. He looked at it, breathing hard, and grabbed his shoulder. Ypolous looked at it. His shirt slipped down a bit, revealing a big bandage, blood seeping through. He slipped out the man's grasp, climbed up his chest grabbing the bottom of his shirt, and flipped off his back, stripping the man of his shirt. The man, taken by surprise, looked down at his torso, then at Ypolous who was staring immensely at his back. Symbols, shapes and many curved lines formed a tattoo that covered nearly his whole back, and stretched up to his neck, shoulders and sides. Snakes coiled around his arms, the heads places on his wrists. He turned slowly, and knelt down in front of Ypolous, then gently ruffled his hair. "Do you have a name?" Ypolous asked. The man stayed silent and looked at the scratch on his cheek. "O-oh that will heal, I'm more worried about you. That wound seems a little old, let me help!" He began to take off the bandage. The man tried to move his hands, but Ypolous slapped them and placed the bandage next to him. His small, pale hands gently laid next to the large gash on his shoulder, and he sparked his blue powers into the mans skin. The man watched the wound quickly close and heal perfectly, then watched as the scratches faded into nothing on his cheeks. "Why are you staring at me like that? Is this not normal?" Ypolous asked. With his other hand, he traced over some of the tattoos. "These are amazing... Who did these?" The man shook his head and got up. After putting on his shirt, he picked up Ypolous and tossed him up on his neck. "Oh! Oh! Can you help me?" His excitement caused him to happily bounce up and down, and the man smiled and nodded. "His name is Sio, and Mr. Zekke too! I can't find them anywhere, and I really miss them." While scanning the area again, he raised his hand and his violet magic clouded around is his hand. It formed a small hand held map in the palm of his hand, and the little fly-aways of the magic swirled around it. "I can kind of teleport but only certain distances, and I don't think I can teleport people very well-" he gripped onto the man as hard as he could as he hopped even faster than any demon Ypolous has met onto building tops. The night approached fast, and the stars aligned to open a long night ahead.

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