Chapter 8

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"Yeesh, that was harder then I expected! Too bad, the thrill was exciting."

"We failed the mission, Hero."

"Not completely! We received something he will enjoy torturing!" A large cart covered with a cloth sheet rolled harshly inside the room. Hero threw himself sloppily in the chair, Hataki stood next to him. "Heroshine, you know how he is." 

"And I know that a blood thirsty man is always hungry for revenge." The heavy twin doors opened by guards were shut after the highest ranking walked in and sat in front of the two at his desk. He looked at the cart, and raised an eyebrow. "Explain this." He commanded lowly. Hero smirked and looked at it. "Good afternoon sir-"

"Get off my chair like that. I don't care if your dead mother didn't know what house training was, you will learn it in here. My dead mother would have surely smacked the shit out of you."

"Sir, we brought you something we feel you will enjoy, but we have failed your mission." Hataki met his eyes with a sincere look. Hero stood up and walked over to the cage. "Sir Samil, we present to you," he ripped the sheet off the cage, and Samil smiled widely, "the prince of the Amolic's!"

"Ezekkeyiel!" Samil burst out in hard laughter. "You didn't fail at all! You brought me even closer to my revenge plan than I ever thought I would get!" Zekke's hands were tied extremely tight behind his back, his torso bounded by heavy ropes, and his mouth covered with tape and stuffed with cloth. He had bruises all over and dried blood down his forehead. He looked up at Samil and froze. "Your 'friend' will come to me now looking for your ass. That's even if he notices you're missing." Samil whispered to him. He then stood up and walked to the door. "Lock him in the 2nd stationary, 24 hour guard, under the animals." He commanded the two guards at the door. Zekke began to breathe heavy and tried to free himself as they escorted him to where he was commanded to be taken, and Samil watched happily. "How did you find him?" He asked. Hero looked at him and sighed. "We tracked Siopi for days, noticing he had that guy and that little kid around him all the time. Then when you were talking about the kid and Siopi, we noticed that the kid got lost when he came up to the human world, but as soon as we were close to grabbing him he kept finding people that protected him. That human girl and then Santiago and then this whole mess-"


"Yeah, he traded sides."

"Santiago was part of the Siek kingdom... that spoiled brat had everything he ever asked for and he trades us? This just shows you the true colors of people. Siopi will get his fair-play in karma as well, can't wait 'till I see his pathetic skinny face."

"Hey, while we are on this subject, what exactly did Siopi do to you?"

"A lot."


"Let's just say we go waaaayyy back. I want you two to find Santiago again and bring him to me, we have things to discuss."


"Pretty hysterical watching a so called 'prince' act such a way. No wonder your family left you." The guards laughed at Zekke. "My parents were killed by you pigs I know it! Keep my family name out your GODDAMN MOUTH."

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