Chapter 26

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"I can't believe this. They gave that demon steroids too!"

"Zekke shut up! We have to find a way out of here."

"This place is a maze, there's too much!"

"Then we blend in with the bodies on the floor as we sneak out the way we came in."

"We smell pretty fresh and alive to me, I'm just sayin maybe a fucking DEMON ANIMAL can smell that someone is being sneaky!"

"Pipe down! Look, one way or another, its one of him and two of us. I may be human but I can shield us while we run-"

"Jez, I appreciate your efforts but you don't know that demon like I know him, he's gonna find a way to kill us so fast it won't be funny-"

"Against my shield?!"

"You can't keep that up forever, and he will wait until you can't protect anymore." 

"Then what do you think we should do?!" Zekke looked up and around, squinting through the pitch black darkness of the tiny, broken down elevator they hid in. "Ypolous' power literally killed everything in this building, even the wires are fried."

"Look, the sun is going down. Maybe if we stay here your father will come back for us."

"I wish, but you know what he's dealing with. Let's just try the shielding idea."

"Alright, we have to go the same way we came..." Zekke forced open the elevator doors, praying they would stop making so much noise as they moved. Immediately, Jeznee wrapped her force field around the two, but it flickered, and dropped. "What...!?" She gasped. Zekke looked back at her and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" He asked, but before she could answer, their bodies jolted hard as the elevator failed to hold them up, and began to fall. "Shit!" Zekke exclaimed, and let go of the doors. Jeznee quickly looked up, and without a word, Zekke boosted her to the roof of the elevator and held her up. She stood on his hands and pushed one of the panels off the roof, opening up an exit. "Go, hurry up!" Zekke yelled, pushing her forcefully up and on top of the elevator. When she got up, the elevator jerked again, another one of it's cords snapping. It was now slipping from the floor they were on. Jeznee looked up and panic shot through her spine. "Zekke..." she called. He looked up through the open panel, and watched as Sebastian jumped from wall to wall like they were trees down the elevator shaft. "JUMP!" He yelled, shooting weak and small balls of his power up at him. As the last cord holding the elevator snapped, Jeznee jumped through the elevator door opening and rolled on the floor before the elevator fell to the floor. Roaring, Sebastian quickly and last minutely jumped through the opening to that floor, using his claws he pulled himself inside. Jeznee rolled up to her feet and backed away from him slowly, her eyes locked with his. "You just had  to go for me didn't you..." She mumbled, and quickly glanced around at her surroundings. He followed her slowly as she backed up the long hallway, full of closed cages, growling and snarling. His eyes followed as her hand grabbed a piece of pipe off the ground, and she smashed it into another pipe sending smoke to exhaust from it and fog up the hall. The smoke was hot, and irritated Sebastian's eyes, and as he backed up and rubbed his paw against them, Jeznee ran. She held onto the pipe, and picked up another broken, sharp piece, then turned sharply and continued her path of the way they came. "Zekke... how far did that elevator go down...?!" She whispered to herself, and ran down the flights of steps she found. Sebastian's ears perked, pinpointing the sound of her foot steps, and he turned to run further down the elevator shaft. "Zekke?!" Jeznee yelled, running onto one of the floors. The hall of that floor she entered led her to the arena, where she jumped down into, ripped a long piece of clothing from one of the corpses, and tied the the small sharp piece to the top of the longer piece, and looked up and around. Sebastian had jumped into the arena shortly after and growled, his fur matted on his face from the steam. She aimed the pipe at him and backed up, trying to keep herself calm. "Look, I don't want to hurt you, your master is pregnant and I know if I hurt you I could hurt the baby as well... just snap out of it!" Sebastian wasted no time in charging at her, and leaped a far distance to pounce, but she dodged it. He turned sharply, and pounced again. She used the pole to block his fangs, and pushed against him, forcing the pole against his mouth, and threw him down to the side. He rolled back up and ran at her again, dodging and ducking under her attacks with the swinging sharp part. As he went to pounce again, she dodged to the side, but stumbled over her ankle and tripped back. Seeing the opportunity, Sebastian relentlessly attacked again, leaping on top of her. She again used the pole to block his fangs, set her feet underneath his stomach, and launched him over top of her. He fell on his back hard, knocking the wind from his lungs and hesitating him from getting up. Jeznee got up fast, and looked at Zekke who called her name. His hand reached out for her to grab over the arena. "Let's go, I found our way out!" Without a word, she grabbed it and allowed him to pull her out. He looked down at Sebastian, who had gotten up and glared at them with hollow, black eyes. "C'mon, we gotta get out of here."

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