Chapter 14 Luke

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Bella smiled as we sat on her bed

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Bella smiled as we sat on her bed.

"Lauren where are you!" She yelled while standing up to go to the door.

There was no answer. She yelled again. Still no answer.

We both went downstairs to see if she was down there, but she wasn't.

Bella ran around her while house yelling for Lauren. Lauren never yelled back.

"Lauren this isn't funn..." I started before I looked at the door. Somehow it stopped all of my thoughts.

Say something.

"Luke are you...'' she said before she also looked at the door with a blank face.

I wanted to help her, but my movements wouldn't obey anything I said.

Lauren please move. Now I fell guilty. BELLA.

My thoughts never made it to mouth. The words disappeared into dust, thin air, or just nothing.

I can't believe a door has me under a trance. How. Why.

Then it dawned on me.

Either Lauren did this or this happened to her.

Bella's face looked like she was about to cry. A tear suddenly rolled down her face and she breathed.

Her feet stumbled back a few steps as she broke the trance.

How did she do it?

I didn't care that I was still in a trance as long as Bella was safe I was okay.

"Don't worry Luke I'll help you." She said while guarding her face from the hallway door.

I wanted to tell her no but my lips never obeyed. I tried again and again, but still i just looked straight out at the door.

She slapped me.
I didn't move.
She shook me like a hurricane.
I didn't move.

She hurt me so badly, but my actions to move just sat still looking out straight.

Once she was done hurting me another tear rolled down her cheek and she kissed me. I wanted to smile but my blank face looked out like a dumb person.

A portal opened. It was blue and purple. As it suddenly popped my legs moved. walking toward it. Bella jumped on me like a piggyback ride and I walked through.

My head swirled into a million different directions. I saw Bella upside down curled up in a little ball.

My actions started letting me control them again and I pushed through the air to get to Bella.

I put one hand on her back as she looked up at me. Her blue eyes twinkled as a smile formed on her face. My arms spread out to hug her as she leaned in to hug me.

"Where are we?" She asked while we were still hugging.

"I think we are in some type of portal." I tried to explain while backing off of Bella.

"Do you know were it leads too?" She asked while holding my hand. I shook my head no and looked around.

Finally the portal opened. Me and Bella pushed with all of our might to get to the opening.

At the other side was Lauren. Her head popped out making Bella smile and me confused. Questions ran through my head like a marathon.

As we got out Lauren introduced us to Crystal and she told us everything. After hearing it all I turned pale.

Spirit Animals.

The words jammed my brain with axes. Bella looked at Lauren with a worried face and ran to the bathroom. Lauren followed her into there while me and Crystal watched.

"How could you do this to teenagers?" I yelled.
"It's not my choice. Do you really think I enjoy watching young kids die against their own will?"
"Then why are you doing this?"
"I'm not it's your powers. Once the powers combine in one place after a certain amount of time it will bring you to the arena without you having a say in it."
"It's me don't care just make it stop!"
"I had to do it too you know. And I can't make it stop or I would've."

I frowned and looked at her. She was looking at the ground as her brown hair covered her ears.

"Can you please show me my room?" I asked while standing up.

"Sure." She said as she started walking out of the room.

I followed her into a big golden room which looked like a ballroom. We walked through it into a small hallway which had many rooms on each side. Our feet echoed as we walked down to the 4th door on the right.

"This is your room I hope you enjoy." She said sarcasticly and walked off.

I rolled my eyes and put the key she gave me into the handle. As my door opened I saw blue walls that almost looked like water. Crystal did say something about me having the power of water, like Bella. I turned around to see a bed. It was a king size bed with a teal bedspread on it.

On the right of the room was a closet and a bathroom. They were fairly close together. The doors were white with paintings of bubbles and the sea on them.

It wasn't the room I expected it to be, but I wanted sleep and that was it. The best part about this place is I get to marry Bella.


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